>OP repeatedly states the hardware was wiped when he got it
Why are you reposting this repeatedly
You couldn't get Xbox emulation because windows is such trash it could never support older dx. Dx12 is more mantle than anything close to dx9
I don't use reddit, but why does it say Satire/joke in the top left of the OP?
literally damage control, he edited his post when he realized how badly he dun goofed
is someone else reposting this a lot? that's not me
it's a flair, people can flair posts on reddit as a sort of "tag" i guess
he probably changed it as damage control
It had "20 GB of nothing", so OP decided to format it.
e.g. an empty 20GB drive
>"20 GB of nothing"
Funny to see pcmr crying about missing out on the ability to play console games
e.g. 20 GB of data a windows OS cant read. it read that 20GBs was utilized for something, but didnt show any files for obvious fucking reasons
>he didn't buy an Xbox because he thought all the real japaense hidden gems were on the PS2
I still have an old Hueg but it'd be a hell of a lot more practical to emulate 6th gen and prior on one machine.
yeah lemme emulate original xbox games on uh
>e.g. an empty 20GB drive
It was XFAT, the fact he didn't pop that into Xplorer360 highlights how stupid this kid is, as if turning a dev kit into a tower wasn't already a signal
Why are dev kits so important to getting emulation working? Isn't just a plain Xbox good enough?
Fuck off retarded redditors. Don't fucking post a reddit link ever again.
This is literally the perfect bait. He probably crushed so many people with that thread.
Besides him actually doing it because he is retarded.
Are stupid people gods bait?
Devkits sometimes are software only, so if someone were to find a devkit like that, emulation would become easy as that.
potential code for the OS or game alpha code, any insight into how xboxs work is better than what they have now, which is practically nothing. a regular xbox would have to be reverse engineered which i guess is really difficult considering people havent developed an emulator, though Im sure theyve tried
This dev kit in particular was an actual PC more or less, the hardware inside appeared to be a custom Nvidia card of some kind, alongside a proprietary-looking sound card and a standard Celeron. The biggest problem is that there's been no documentation or dev drivers for any of this shit, and that alone would've been a major breakthrough if he did research on how to read Xbox file systems
name three (3) original xbox games that would be worth emulating if a working emulator happened
Why do you think trolls pretend to be retarded
You know how people on here later post how they were "pretending" to be retarded? Same thing.
You can just look up games just Sega developed for the Xbox and get more than 3
This is low quality bait
>Recommend me games to play on my OG Xbox
Gun Valkyrie
Fusion Frenzy
Jet Set Radio Future
Also: Literally every multiplat from that gen that wasn't on PC
Way more than 360/and one combined. I mean sega saved their ass ie Dreamcast/saturn360 controller and Japan support
Crimson Skies
Jet Set Radio Future
Metal Wolf Chaos
Ninja Gaiden Black
Kingdom Under Fire
Metal Wolf Chaos
you people dont understand it was internal use only it made Xbox software not games. If you guys wanted it so bad my father came on Reddit a couple years ago and got no takers and now you suffer the consequences. you act like you own it and are chewing me out for breaking your stuff, well news flash i own it i do what i feel is best and in my humble and according to you guys shitty opinion i chose an upgrade. To your point about Xbox emulators they exist. if you really want one find someone who owns one and wants to let go of it, im not that person.
I lock all the games at 30 fps to give me the cinematic console feel lol
Ask me anything about the Alpha kit
No I'm not the dumbfuck that ruined it, but i know 4 people with an an Alpha kit that wont kill them (2 of them are killed HDD wise but hardware is fine, 1 has current restoration/documentation happening, 1 is in collector hands)
These things are by far rad as fuck but nowhere near as rad as the original Xbox prototype, which was literally laptop parts shoved in an steel X box (of which 3 were made, each well over 10k to manufacture)
It's a shame M$'s taint can't be wiped from the annals of history forever. Maybe every console wouldn't be shoving jew online down everyone's throats.
How do you feel about the idea of a teenager coming into possession of one, then ripping it apart to use as a gaming PC case and wiping the hard drive?
Why does the post have 273 upvotes if everyone is so triggered by it? The entire comment section is a circlejerk about how retarded the OP is.
Don't care.
look at the total votes and votes percentage on the right.
it's slowly decreasing in upvotes.
The DX version on the computer wouldn't make a difference when emulating.
>he puts it on the goddamned carpet
makes me mad as fuck but we also have had adults do the same thing, granted not gut the fucking thing but overwrite the HDD still.
it kills us every day seeing dev hardware abused so much
in fact, DVT systems were popping up often and many people modded them and destroyed them, disregarding whatever they did/could do. Even 360s had this happen and you're LUCKY to see a working XeDK now since they were abused so much
Now the Alpha 360 kits were even weirder, not even using some standard case, but using fucking Apple cases. These certainly didn't show up as often and I bet that the next one that's found will have the same shit happen.
I'll bite.
Everyone is saying that if he didn't fuck the xbox up, it would make Xbox emulation so much easier / doable. Why aren't your friends helping the emulation community?
i don't believe the word "friends" was used in that post
It's just spergs getting angry over nothing.
>Literally nobody cared about emulating the Xbox until this shit appeared on ribbit
well he knows them
it's called Blinx the Time Sweeper you knave.
>literally laptop parts shoved in an steel X box
>look it up
>its real
What were they thinking?
Get a job and pay for something, thieves.
knows them =/= are basically friends
Eat shit and die
people have been waiting for xbox emulation for years
Don't most people on Sup Forums have 20GB of nothing on their hard drives?
Because the hardware changed from what that tower had.
Yes it would help in a sense but it wouldnt in a bigger picture as you'd be targeting the wrong hardware to emulate.
For example
>DVT3 used a CPU that was "half finished" per se
>these died
>DVT4 rolled around and fixed this issue with a different CPU
>Retail systems also had ram reduced and something with clock speed iirc (dont quote me, xbox isnt my strong side like sony is)
So instead of targetting an alpha kit hardware youd have to target a DVT 4/Debug kit (extra ram, basically same as retail)/Retail system, on top of dealing with less documented components.
The Alpha kit would be a start, but youd essentially rewrite everything anyway as a result since no games can run on an alpha kit even in functioning order unless it was developed for that target in mind
it was rad as fuck ill have you know
theres a magazine pic showing its guts
Yeah, I'm sure the Xbox community is outraged.
Otogi 1& 2
This wouldnt have helped emulation, at most it could have yielded an alpha of one of the early xbox game.
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge
Brute Force
America's Army: Rise of a Soldier
Ghost Recon 2: Summit Strike
Ghost Recon 2
Metal Wolf Chaos
Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes
Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders
Project Gotham Racing
Project Gotham Racing 2
Steel Battalion
Unreal Championship
Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict
>Blames others for not buying it when his dad was trying to sell it with a single post on a tiny subreddit 3 years ago. Didn't even know what it would sell for and didn't accept anyone's offers.
Mong was probably expecting a few grand
In all fairness, you'd need to rub the SHIT outta PCB hardware for minutes at a time to destroy things via ESD on what looks like a stainmaster carpet, but the fact he isn't handling a $50k treasure box with kit gloves only digs him deeper
I been waiting for xbox emulation since 2006
>Hurr if u emulate ur stealing!!!1
>Instead go and buy second hand games and consoles that won't give a single cent to the people who worked on it and all will be pocketed by the reseller:)
Well said,Retard.
What's so different about Unreal Championship 1 vs Unreal Tournament 2003 aside from a yellow rocket launcher?
i dont think you can buy an xbox from microsoft anymore. buying second hand doesnt help them in any way. I also already owned an xbox and bought a ton of games for it. eventually all xboxs will stop working and there isnt backwards compatibility for most games. without emulation that shit will be gone forever to no ones benefit
>Linking directly to Reddit is now acceptable on Sup Forums
an alpha tower would never have helped with emulation becauseunless the game also targeted alpha tower specs it would never work no matter how well you can build an emulator
>people unironically use the phrase gaming history in this thread
this is why i can't take reddit seriously
>specs are as follows: Intel® Core™ i3-7100T Processor (3M Cache, 3.40 GHz) MSI GTX 1050ti Gigabyte H110M-A 8 gb DDR4
>getting this triggered by a website
I guess screenshots are the only safe way for you to look at reddit?
>could have sold it and got at least triple the amount
PCfat here, kill yourself
Nothing really just unreal 2003 on xbox but called a new name.
Here's your (You)
Thanks for this, would never have read this kind of explanation on Reddit past all the upvoted bitching at the top. Fucking morons, what an echo chamber that place is.
and its a pccuck
Must be fun being a contrarian.
i posted on reddit a few times
in the end it desnt matter as the vote system is abused to no end
that and nobody reads
make a readme that nobody reads and they ask for answers in the readme, fucks sake
did you have any other questions? im mainly a sony guy but i know a little bit for everything else
..So we gonna dox this guy or what?
Maybe you should talk about it on Reddit, OP.
whats the matter you belong there your kind came out of there
>getting this triggered by a comment
Maybe you should stay on Reddit?
Since this'll be the only chance I'll get, how well documented are the PS2 and PS3 compared to this?
Nah I'm not one of those elitist faggots who think that consolefags are trash and don't have legitimate reasons why they prefer consoles over PC.
ok, goodbye forever
Consoles are objectively trash and bad for the industry as a whole. The only reason to have a console is for entirely arbitrary exclusive games.
In my opinion consoles are the best type of DRM ever created by the industry to get PCfags angry as fuck for eons
Who cares?
Add some others to the list.
Jet set radio future (poor BC on 360)
Phantom crash
tons more, and in much more easy to find/read/correct/concentrated places
interestingly, we still had issues understanding the PS2 MECHACON (proprietary thing sony has in the systems), but when the ps3 was blown open we learned the secrets it had, as for some reason sony just loaded that machine with everything. jailbreaking the ps3 in fact made the PS2 more understood in bot hardware and software
you can find wiki stuff bout all systems (for the most part), ps3/4/vita being on the psdevwiki. ps2 cant say much but generally all people need to know is out there. scattered but not hard to find.
xbox and xbox 360 however is much more scattered and fragmented at that. there are a few wikis that exist for the 360 but with so little information youd waste your time looking there. your bet chance is through word of mouth or other people that have answered a similar question
>what 360s can be modded
>how do i know what i have
these are 2 examples of the most common.
the answr is all, an method varies based on model/dash version (might not even matter anymore realisticlly)
Dev stuff however is a lot more well documented thanretail (in theory)
theres still very strange things like stress kits, internal dev boards, engineering samples, many other things like that for 360 as they rushed the fuck out of that system, but because theres so much, many with irrelevant changes because 90% of people dont care about documenting the 360 since it was so easy to fuck with in general, whereas ps3 you had a shitton to do to crack that fucker open, so you NEEDED to document it all
in short
ps1 - well documented, down to "i can tell you board and bios revision without even opening it up"
ps2 - well documented, still adding things since theres too many models but basically done
ps3 - for the most part complete, just missing model numbers, other info for IDing
ps4 - getting there
xbox - okay i guess
360 - good luck
xbone - youre funny
N64/GC/Wii/WiiU - easy as fuck, complete
oh well my bad
>Consoles are objectively trash and bad for the industry as a whole
>ywn wipe all redditfags off the face of the earth
Yeah, it's called For Honour
You're a true cuck if you think adding a 300$+ surcharge to certain games is a good thing for anyone. Especially if you think any publishers legitimately care about pirates and not just controlling consumers.
>being upset
id say cool it but the 360 never did
I hope this faggot gets doxxed, surprised even redditors are giving him major shit for this.
Boy, you sure showed him
no can do buddy
Okay, so, moving forward, where do we find a kit that Reddit children haven't absolutely ruined yet?
it's a fucking rule
if that fucking webm is posted i will find you and unleash unspeakable horrors upon you