OK Sup Forums I'm really starting to like this game; but the airship Leviathan is fucking bullshit...

OK Sup Forums I'm really starting to like this game; but the airship Leviathan is fucking bullshit. Why is it suddenly pitting me in grouped up matches that lead to Game Over? I've switched the gambits/paradigms and shit but I still keep dying irrevocably.

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Come on Sup Forums surely someone has played the most innovative RPG of the 2000's?

it has been years since I beat it, remind me what is killing you.


>using gambits
except against hunts that take forever to beat

In particular, there's a room with two judges and at least 3 imperial soldiers per judge (so like 8 imperials) that always murders my party with or without protect/shell. Is this intended to be a big difficulty jump or am I playing wrong?

Yes I use gambits, I'm not micromanaging to such an autistic extent lmao

Come on Sup Forums am I underleveled? I'm just baffled if I am because the mines went fine.

The only advice I remember from that game is..

>those overdrives stack. if you give one guy 2 overdrives, he has a level two overdrive.
I remember giving one to each person, but apparently it is better to give two to three because that's how many you are using in a battle or something
>green magic works, use it.
Blind, bubble, fuck make it happen
git gud

Sigh I guess blind may help a lot? I figured out green magic was uber good already so maybe I'll just manually cast protect/shell and set Blind to a gambit.

Reverse+Decoy faggot.

Literally any fight in the game can be beat by this (except for one in IZJS)

You can't get either of those spells at this point in the game.

>tfw no qt moogle gf.