Sup Forumsidya draw thread

Previous Thread:
>Post character name/franchise and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>No bumping your requests
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:

Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!
NSFW Deliveries should also be posted in

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky

Other urls found in this thread:

Anchor Post

Requesting Yukiko Amagi from Persona 4 dressed as Queen's Knight from Yu-Gi-Oh! and using the Pursuer bow or wearing the meme sweater and holding the chakram shuriken.


Since its the year of the Rooster,

Post chicken related requests.

>fantastically done unique landscape half assedly covered up with anime girl fetish art

Sounds about right

Requesting Velvet in a black rooster mascot costume looking visibly annoyed

Anyone has Dakimura requests?

>that amateur level cropping

what did you expect from ryonafag?

Requesting Ape Escape's Spike, Pit and Klonoa nude, showing their butts to the viewer or anything else that is either lewd or cute with them

There's more detail in 2B's ass alone than in the entire background.

go for it, one sfw one nsfw

Its a pretty shitty OP.
Probably the cringiest one I've seen yet

It's perfect as OP for these drawthreads if you think about it

gimme an Airy throw pillow for my couch

Requesting a spearfight between Bandanna Dee and Odin where Bandanna Dee breaks Odin's "face" and it reveals Albert Wesker's face.

Requesting Barney Calhoun, from Half-Life, performing a crouching df+D sweep kick, similar to the one Kyo Kusanagi does, like the one shown in the reference. Barney should be wearing his security uniform from the first game.

Your waifu thinks you're a puny, insignificant worm. She wants to make you squirm for the rest of your life.

It's just an act. She really just wants to hug and kiss you. She's a "sun-dray" or whatever.

Requesting Cassandra, from Rage of the Dragons, eating doritos and drinking mountain dew

Annie (skullgirls) and Q (Street fighter) having tea together.

I miss Bison.

Hono, the character designer behind SUGURI and 100% Orange Juice, just made a new character! So, I'm doing my civic duty by requesting lewds of it.

She uses the end of her tail to slash and stab people.

Litcherally The Cringiest Op On The Planet

He was a good friend, and a worthy opponent. I mourn.

Saber and Caster fighting with weapons or wrestling or anything goes

Requesting Bandeiras (from KoF XIV) and Lucio (from Overwatch) having a dance-off.

Pretty sure it's pronounced soon-deer

Requesting Charlotte wearing only a towel.

I, too, am a mature and serious adult.

Requesting a rule 63 version of Sachi Usui from Love at First Sight

what's with the shittily edited pic though?

Requesting Dva (either her normal version or the gremlin, or even both) smirking when Overwatch is confirmed as the 9th spot for EVO

I thought it was the same way as Yandere. (Yan-dray)

Is that wrong?


taking simple/unsettling requests

Requesting Miss Fortune from League of Legends (on the left) wearing the outfit of Miss Fortune from Skullgirls (on the right)

draw OP

If you don't mind doing the sweater request as a daki, it will very appreciated.

draw a waifu thats at the bottom of the uncanny valley

You mean yawn-deary?

A nude Selendis, being lewd

A piranha plant eating Toadette

requesting color for adult 9S and the loli 2B

Draw Tharja eating Noire

Ivara hugging a daki with Nekros on it.

Requesting Yashiro and Shermie from KoF having intense, hardcore sex, with the purpose of creating the next host of the Orochi.

A vidya character suffering from sensory deprivation.

For instance, Mega Man's touch sensors failing to work.

whats up with these shitty vore requests?

there, now fuck right off samefag







Requesting Bomber Elite complaining online about trapfags

Draw Mina from pkemon drawing another user request.


Porygon Z eating himself

Requesting lewd nsfw of Ling Xiaoyu and Jin Kazama. It can be something tame like missionary and Jin finally loving Ling, or something hardcore like Jin going full devil mode on Ling.

Give me requests to vent my UNYIELDING RAGE

Robot god is dead.

Fuck right off vorefag

Requesting a redraw of this with Wicke in Aether themed lingerie laying on a bed with bedroom scenery, please.

Requesting the MC of Persona 3 having sex with Yuko. An ideal setting would either be in her bedroom, as per the game event, or in the shower near the swimming pool.

If coloured, I'd appreciate it if the MC has the darker skin colour used here.

amy eating sonic

Posting anchor for the other beautiful user

I really want to see Gino and Totori enjoying themselves and in the company of each other, maybe getting a bit intimate in a home or out in a brook.

Requesting Ajna being trapped or stuck like in the first image wearing only her spats/bike shorts and asking for help.

>kfc button/patch

Owain with SMTIV and/or IVA Lucifer's tumor arm


Nanako Dojima punching teddy with a crowbar

>even when the artist asks for creepy shit the requests are still mostly jrpg girls
So that's what it is like having autism.

Payday's coming up soon and I've prepared $1000 for commissions.
Anyone wants a gift?

Nephenee Daki

On it.

Requesting anything with Mao Mao from Aero Fighters/Sonic Wings. I think she's cute and she deserves more art.

and vorefags too

You already know me from the drawthreads so you'll just have to ask privately. Good luck on your commissions.

Megaman murdering Mighty No. 9 crushing his head with a fire extinguisher like in this scene from Irreversible:

Requesting a chibi totem pole. Feel free to replace PH with Iris if having a trio of sadists pleases you.

The three-way fusion sounds pretty interesting too.

I commision you to fuck off

I hope everyone's having a wonderful day today! Your waifu loves you and your favorite video games are good!

Requesting Link from A Link to the Past with pink hair. You can pick whatever you want, but I'd like the hair true to the sprite.

If you can't think of anything, Link standing and holding a golden bee in the palm of the hand would suffice. Please don't make Link too cute; I'm aiming for a more serious Link in the style of Zeldas 1-3 rather than WW/MM Link.

Thank you in advance.

Free lewds are easier than doing cool things


Requesting Susano'o destroying something.

Requesting Celica on her knees being throatfucked or on her back with her legs up and together while she gets thighfucked.


I need a goddamn source man I cannot reverse-search webms fuck

Request Jill Valentine wearing a black bikini top with the rest of her stars outfit, mirrored glasses and holding a nightstick

>go to Sup Forums
>WWD requests are giant essays that require a literature phd to read entirely

>newfag doesn't know how to check webm file title
keep trying

>literature phd
IF you consider those giant essays, I think getting a PhD might be the least of your problems.

destroying pussy

>that image
>that filename
>that post

Man, RE3 Jill has the prettiest face.

In the Adventure of Link (Zelda 2) there is a spell that allows Link to turn himself into a fairy. He can use this power to reach platforms and fly over pits and what not, and even slip through doors without needing a key. That being said, he's not invincible while he's a fairy and is still prone to getting hurt.

Requesting that Link turns himself into a fairy, gets his item or gets through the door, and then finds himself in a NSFW, unusually lewd, fairy themed position. Like flying too close to those spiders, or getting captured by a monster and used as a good luck charm, or getting used in a lock that needs a fairy for a key then he gets stuck, waiting in vain to be rescued. and given that he is the only one in Hyrule that is a hero, he's there forever. and even if he did get rescued, it would be by an adventurer that would force him to heal his wounds

Note the fairy herself is wearing a strapless leotard and has a tiara/crown on, according to pixels

Your waifu loves you! You're an user worth fighting for!

What the hell happened?


Why aren't there more requests involving straight lewds with a focus on the male?

What do you mean?

because male requesters don't want the man to be the focus, and female requesters want the woman to be the focus so they can self insert

>WWD requests are giant essays that require a literature phd to read entirely
>Literally each line is one sentence with an idea and a ref
>This is somehow requires a literature phd
Did you fail 2nd grade?

A Doomguy themed Shyguy anyone?

Because like every skill-based field, art is dominated by males and sane males like female genitalia more than male's.