Who is the most honest character in Smash 4?

Most characters in Smash 4 are very dishonest and win by safe aerial pokes and free down throw combos like it's a flowchart. But surely some characters in Smash 4 take skill and earn their wins right Sup Forums?



Correct answer?

I read that in his voice

This. Ganondorf is a straight forward, no bullshit, respectable fighter.

>no bullshit
he has a little bit of bull shit.


Low tier but viable. Everything you do with him is pure skill.

Donkey Kong

Low tier but viable. Everything you do with him the enemy can easily prevent.

Little mac

Pure footsies.

no bullshit, as in, all of his moves are to your face. no trickery or weird tactics. unless you're doing that side special suicide stuff, in which case you're not trying to play gdorf, youre just trying to piss people off

He's just a sociopathic penguin with a big mallet. He wants to hit you with it. He's slow but strong, no last minute feinting bullshit.