Other urls found in this thread:
>Giant Cuck
Wasn't Jeff's fiance engaged to Ryan? Sloppy seconds and whatnot.
let's see 'em
What? No.
Giant Bomb is garbage, and just as bad for videogames as Pitchfork is for music.
that bianca?
No it's Jeffs uggo wife. Bianca sounds like a cutie, but she also sounds retarded. I think she may be in a video involving Dan's dad but I can't tell between her and Dan's sisters.
>neogaf shitposters immediately making new thread when previous one is deleted
the fact that something that represents everything you hate in this world is elected your world leader means, you're whats in the world that everyone hate.
thats jeffs wife?!?
damn dudes punching above his weight
My man Jeff likes spicy latinas...nice. What's her name / screen name?
>When Jeff goes full cuckold while Jontron full goes real American
Dude's got cash.
>neogaf cuck needs to post the picture further down the thread in hopes it doesnt get thread immediately deleted by mods again
TFW when you know Brad easily clears 80k a year.
I want Dan Ryckert to do his Stone Cold Steve Austin impression while he tit fucks me.
Jeff spits truths, poltards.
I don't understand Austin's tweet. Is he appreciating the immigration ban? For a filthy African-Canadian I wouldn't expect this opinion from him.
>Jeff Lives in a rich area.
>Jeff Lives in an almost all white area
>Jeff has always stayed in a little tech safespace
>Jeff's "Compound" was filled with White Gaming/Music geeks
>Likes plain Hamburgers.
He's a cuck.
if that was true he wouldnt still be talking about still using a non upgraded PC and a shitty 11 year old monitor
He works for CBS and lives in the middle of SF. I wouldn't be shocked if he makes 100k after bonuses.
no hes thanking jeff for saying he hates the ban
hes an SJW cuck that latches onto anything that confirms his twisted worldview
You're a cuck
Whatever, Jeff. Go cry about it under the earthshaker machine.
Your mom cries under an earthshaker machine
>Paid Subscription website
Someone always gets triggered when I bring up how much these guys get paid. You think they make 30k a year?
What do they make? When do bonuses kick in?
Can't reveal too much, but as someone who works in the same building as them, I wanted to see what those lazy fucks got paid considering they barely make any content.
>paying 9-12 people with a subscription model website
literally no
Have you heard how fucked San Francisco is these days?
are you implying they make only 30k or 30k is a complete undershoot?
If I had to guess his salary, I'd say he puts on about a pound every time he makes around a thousand dollars.
Hes obviously talking out of his ass.
Undershoot. I've seen the numbers for Brad myself. Considering the lack of shit he does on and off screen I had to know. They just fuck around all day, and people keep buying subscriptions. They make bank. Remember, SF is one of the most expensive places to live in the US.
What did he mean by this?
This is Jeff's wife
Why all internet personalities get married to awful looking hogs?
>_1.- James Rolfe
>_2.- TGWTG
Reminder, James' wife made him rewrite the movie so the black guy got the girl, but the entire movie had him and her building chemistry. TGWG even picked up on it during the review.
they most certainly do not make 100k+
alexis left and said on stream they were paying him minimum wage
if you want an idea of how much they make go back to the CBS deal and look at drew's post where he bragged about buying a new car, after they all signed their contract
>_3.- Randy Picthford
Austin is a full-blown commie.
And Alex apparently is, too, as I just discovered tonight.
>James' wife made him rewrite the movie so the black guy got the girl
Do we actually have proof of that?
Outside of taking a picture of the payroll dept computer at work (which I'm not going to do) you'll have to take my word on it. Think about how small their team is. They bring in paid subscriptions and ad revenue. Brad is also a founder. They live and are based in SF. Put 2 + 2 together.
>_4.- Jim Sterling
Like your cock between his man tits?
>they live in SF therefor that must make a fortune!
thats not proof in anyway. the fuck you talking about?
you have said nothing of value
No, it's just Sup Forums wants to turn everything into an interracial sex thing.
80k in SF is not a fortune, son. But hey, keep thinking these guys sublet a broom closet in their mid 30's.
i said 100k+ you idiot
jesus fucking christ
you're off in your own little world im done here
>Triggered by Brad making more than him
>Drew says he's saving money because flight school is expensive
>pays a service to deliver his truck to him before and after work
>took a "day trip" vacation to Japan in December
>spent over a week in Japan in January
>handed out $30/pc cricket candy bars like candy during a podcast for fun
>has a $7000/mo apartment
>spent at least $400 upgrading his HOTAS setup that he doesn't even use often
All this nigga does is press the "Record" button and plug in wires.
Nice video games, Reddit.
Hardest worker there. All around best duder.
This is worse than Sup Forums pretends to know about technology
Jeff bought a brand new Lexis a few years ago. He has lived in the same house for years, way before Giant Bomb started. He's been renovating the home since getting married.
I think they got paid well for the CBS sale but I don't think they're on more than 60k a year to be honest.
lol please look into California taxes and being employed as an entertainer by CBS. 60k and they'd be looking into Patreon.
Dan threw away a 55" Tv then bought a brand new $1300 Tv when he got to New York. The guy spends $400 a week on Taco Bell alone.
He easily makes 6 figures