What vidya did you play today?
What vidya did you play today?
South Park, Tor and Dota2
what about you my man?
The Wind Waker
Dead Space
I'm not a nerd, lol.
a number 9 extra large
I was at work and had some food with a friend.
he did nothing wrong!
none yet, i just woke up
Dragon Age Inquisition on the PS4
MightyNumber 9
rimworld and mario golf GBC
CS 1.6
Good to hear bro, it's always fun having some food with some friends
marvel puzzle quest but i had to stop after i got the email my stalker posted bail.
Did some gummi ship missions in KH Final Mix.
Tried to do a 100 combo in Downwell, failed miserably.
Now I have a migraine so I'm going to watch Basil the Great Mouse Detective and consider how to git gud at Downwell.
I work Friday nights but my manager needs me to take a holiday before March so I'm gonna take it soon. Got extra hours this week so it should be the week after. We were discussing plans since we saw each other and some other friends at the burger place when I got off work last week. It was cool.
Absolutely none.
Dragons Dogma, got it with humble monthly. I'm not sure if I like it enough to invest lots of time into it yet. Right now I'm downloading the Bully and I plan to beat it while I'm on vacation this week.
Overwatch and For Honor. I can't decide if I love or hate for honor, it feels like i love it when i win and hate it when I lose.
I played some Valkyrie Profile.
It's okay.
Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
just got back into ff14 no idea what im doing i forgot all my monk rotations
also played god hand for a bit
Did some daily bounties in Dusty Knee and got exotics from Xur. I'm just killing time until Nioh at this point.
Arma 3
Played on my sixth New Vegas run, I'm doing the companion quest the opposite way I usually do them. Veronica's leaving the Brotherhood and Cass will fuggen' die this time.
Didn't really like how the disciples she wants to join get killed by a handful of hard-to-kill edgelords, I really wanted Veronica to join the disciples, be happy with her new life and as a bonus, lose her retarded hood.
Played some Dissidia too.
None. From this day forward, I quit vidya. It's a waste of time. My life is wasted. Vidya was a mistake.