Friendly reminder that these are the types of people who say "Sonic was never good"

Friendly reminder that these are the types of people who say "Sonic was never good"

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>"Sonic was never good"

I can't think of a single aspect Mario is better over sonic.

3D games

For fuck's sake IGN get your shit together


Everything past 1994

I think you meant 30 games.


>Sonic has had a Homing Attack for longer than he hasn't

And I can't think of a single aspect Sonic is better over mario
They're both meh

I was talking about the 2D games. The 3D marios are nothing great and there are a lot of 3D platformers better, like Banjo-Kazooie.

why didn't they just hold right

> he presses the opposite direction as sonic makes the loop

this is triggering me so much holy shit

Sonic games ranked by an oldfag who played them all in order

Sonic 1 is the best
Sonic 2 is next best
Sonic and Knuckles is 3rd best
Sonic CD is 4th
Sonic 3 is 5th

Rest are complete shit, Adventure was only good at the time because it had the best graphics on a console.

Only the first 3 Sonic games were good.

Meanwhile in autism land.

>Sonic 1 is the best
Bait Zone Act 1


if you're character suddenly changes to moving to the left you should have to press left to keep him going

this is simple logic

mario 64 is one of the defining moments in gaming history, it's better than all the sonic games combined

it is though, actually has a degree of challenge and also has the best music

He was probably rolling the d-pad in the direction of the loop.

you wouldnt have liked micro machines very much

2d mario games are faster than 2d sonic games

Isn't the 3 bounce route quicker? Sure it comes in at like 16 seconds and is much easier.

If you were running through a loop in real life would you completely shift your momentum as soon as you got to the top of the loop? No because you would fall off. You should have paid attention in high school physics.

That's been true since around 2005. SA1 was released in 1998, 7 years after Sonic 1, and it's now 19 years since SA1 came out.

Is Chemical Plant zone the most catchy fucking song ever or what?

Don't remind me.

The homing attack was a necessity for the 3d games cause of slippery controls, shit camera and buggy enemy hitboxes, the adventure games would quite literally be unplayable without the homing attack.
But then they shoved it into the 2d games cause the majority of sonic players at this point were shitters who had never played the 2d games, and the devs never had to actually try with level design again since they could just solve every shitty level design problem with "lol just put an enemy there to homing attack over"

I'm so glad sonic mania doesn't have the homing attack.

That's just nostalgia, of course. Mario 64 is just entering in a level and walking to a star. Everything is too easy, linear and repetitive.

Deeper movement and better music

Never seen anything faster than 18 seconds.

No, Metropolis Zone is

Autism land looks like a fucking radical place

You obviously have not played it

>playing the DS Sonic Generations
>reach Sonic Adventure stage
>lol Classic Sonic learn how to Homing Attack now

>slow after green hill zone
>labyrinth zone and its boss
>unattackable enemies in starlight zone
> constant blindsides in scrap brain zone.

Is it hard to beat sonic 1? No.
Is it obnoxious/unfair? Yes.

>better music
>better graphics
>more speed
>better gameplay
>better cartoons
>face of Sega a respectable arcade company

>slow af
>gay power ups like a poop fetish dinosaur
>weird folk music nobody likes to listen to
>break brown bricks
>face of nintendo weird baby company 1 step above leapster

>and it's now 19 years since SA1 came out.
Fucking hell, I still remember waking up on Christmas Day to my Dreamcast and SA1, and being fucking mindblown by the water graphics of Chaos in the intro.

Feels bad man.

Either mystic cave or flying battery zone.

You forgot

>3D games aren't complete garbage


>a fucking

Everybody played that game. Banjo-Kazooie does everything better.

slow is better than "hold right to win"

spin dash was a mistake

Isn't banjo kazooie basically the same thing?

>Nick Arcade.webm

One thing I've learned is never take IGN's opinion on Sonic games seriously they never try and play like greenhorns when ever you watch a video of them playing a Sonic game That one video of Sonic Lost World where the player was waltzing along a path that falls as Sonic goes over it.

How much are one way tickets?

Also, Sonic:

>huge and complex level design
>best color pallete ever seen in any game
>one of most original OST

>collectathon with too much dialog

nah, underage detected

>collectathon with too much dialog
thats Tooie and DK64

i wouldn't say "Sonic was never good" but even the best game in the series is low 8 at best,

that said, the oldschool sonic fanboys who say everything past s3k sucks, are a bunch of losers who can't get a job and still live with their parents. and probably suck up to journalists even if their sjwcucks

It has better level design, characters, better graphics and OST.

Are you the game "journalist" who claims sonic was only good when slowed down to the pal 50hz speed?

friendly reminder that sonic was never good, only less bad

>Player tries to spindash
>Player just ends up rolling instead
Yeah Sonic controls are garbage, you have 3 buttons on that controller so fucking use them

>flying battery zone.
Great taste.

Oh, ok.

>and OST.
Let's not go crazy.

nah the 3d mario games are shit, megaman legends > mario 64.

>those horrible tank controls

This is fast as fuck but I can tell that there's still plenty of time to react to oncoming obstacles. Especially to the spikes at 14 seconds.

I'll never understand the complaint about people running into things all the time. There's no way they're going faster than this guy.

the problem is that the camera is too close to the character for a platformer

No it isn't.

Damn I love these pictures

How much fucking time was there to react to the spring at 0:06?
I count 7 frames. That's fightan tier reactions.

Sonic didn't change to moving to the left
Not HIS left
The player's left, sure, but not Sonic's left

Do you think they held up as they were going up the loop too?

The only Sonic game I've ever played was Heroes.

>that said, the oldschool sonic fanboys who say everything past s3k sucks, are a bunch of losers who can't get a job and still live with their parents. and probably suck up to journalists even if their sjwcucks
Sounds like you're projecting a bit there mate

That's higher than fightan tier if that's what it is. Generaly human reactions are around 11-12, nobody reacts to a 7 frame move on sight, no way in hell.

This is not a statement about Sonic, I didn't even watch the video.

I'm so sorry.

Heroes is a good game.

I'm faaaalliiing


Don't forget bug filled too, sonic shills.

3D games.
Powerups are more creative and interesting.
More challenging when it wants to be.

That said, they are fundamentally different games and comparing the two is like comparing Pokemon to Final Fantasy. Same genre, sure, but completely different atmospheres, mechanics, and means of reaching your goal.


S3&K > S1 > CD> S2

Until this day people find bugs in SMB. Last year they found that bug with a shitton of lives. Let's not even talk about all the autism surrounding Mario 64.

There's a very good chance that a majority of players were either

A) Moving slow to jump across that gap with the floating platform so they don't even need reaction times. It's right fucking there.

B) If the player was moving at a decent pace, he's probably already in the air after reacting to the gap and the floating platform. He'll either land right on top of it or just barely go over it.

No first time player would be going that fast to come across something like that on their first try.


The problem is that playing normally in marios barely gives bugs, you play normally in sonic and pass through walls, get stuck, crashes and freezes.

>Press down while moving
>Always spin


Only the first 3 stages, and only with team rose. I love omega but fuck that stage length.

Not all Sonic games are 06.
Hell, Adventure games were buggy but you really had to try to clip out of bounds.
Yeah bug free

Heroes is by far the worst game in the main series that isn't broken. I would rather play Shadow.

I miscounted actually, this is a 30fps webm so this is somewhere around 14 frames.

That's still a pretty steep demand.


arguably the most comfy zone visually too

>Hell, Adventure games were buggy

stop shilling your youtube channel.

Wow, so hard to find bugs in mario.


every time without fail this nigga tried to run back on a loop kek

That's steep but very reasonable and within normal human capabilities

Dude I actually like the Legends games and I can say you're full of shit

How many of these do you encounter in casual playthroughs? Sonic Adventure is broken on a basic level.

And now here's a list from someone who's not a retard:

3&K>2=Taxman's CD>1>Original CD