What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
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I'd still hit it.
That bayonetta is already has a penis.
He's /our/ guy.
id fuck natalie mars and im straight.
nothing gay about getting your dick wet.
He meant that it's a feminine penis, so it's okay.
Probably that you have crippling autism if you couldn't fucking figure it out.
How embarrassing.
He's into traps like any respectable straight man
fetishizing shemales is one of the marks of a collapsing civilization
>not liking traps
>Not wanting to fuck a qt trap with a feminine penis
What are you a cuck?
>google her
>oh she has a porn page
>first vid is her getting barebacked by a huge black cock
Natasha is a horrible trap. She looks like man (because she is a man).
>Not wanting to fuck a qt trap with a feminine penis
>What are you a cuck?
This is a VERY shitty bait, right?
She's got a funky dong like funky kong
truly traps are the patrician's choice
Dunno, she passes very well
who's on the left?
Certainly alot better once she stopped being a vrossdresser for years and started taking mones and everything
I need to fuck a trap so badly
no, the left. not the right. please, i must know
sue lightning > natalie mars
what the fuck, I won't deny when a trap is passable but this looks like a dude so much.
Still looks like a dude, but at least you can tell "she's" putting in a considerably more amount of effort into it, unlike the guys who simply put on a wig/lipstick and a dress, and are still branding a 5 o'clock shadow like its a gang tattoo
Some cosplayer out of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Forgot her name though.
Based Kamiya.
she would not be able to shit right for two weeks
>people here would rather stick in a mentally ill "woman's" shitter than fuck an actual woman
Sex isn't even the best Jing in the world. As soon as you get your dick wet you'll stop being so fucking retarded.
is she a trap?
good taste friendo