What does Sup Forums think of the molded in RE7?

What does Sup Forums think of the molded in RE7?

I would have preferred more variety in them

they didn't do much for me. I want another siren game, shibito are goat horror enemies

The more I play it the less I like it. It just doesn't feel like an RE game to me when even 6 did.


While Resident Evil 7 is a very good and scary game which recapture's the original's feel of claustrophobia and mystery, it lacks equivilents of Crimson Heads, Lickers, and other various animal-based BOWs.

I like the idea of "biological weapon cleanup" type stuff, and maybe we could get something in the next game that's equivilent of cleaning up landmines in some recently war ravaged country.

Have to investigate a house complex (love the fact that finally 'Resident Evil' makes sense again) that's been under siege from old BOWs for years. Maybe the place was like, the hideout of some old rebel leader and so the government used the latest and greatest BOWs to go after him. The house is full of traps, puzzles, and other shit to keep the BOWs from getting in; but as your character goes deeper into the house the BOWs get more and more bizarre and more intelligent. Final boss is the BOW you're sent in to kill.

Resident Evil 7 did everything right save for variety.

Why did it survive like 10 pistol shots in the demo but the same gun in the full game kills them in 2?

Because you played it on easy.

I think it's 4 but 2 if you use enhanced rounds. Some of them in the main game seem to have more health.

Too visually similar to the Regenerators from RE4. I would have enjoyed a varied selection of enemies with mold elements to them. The Bayou is a dangerous place to start with, imagine some fucking monstrosities they could have came up with.

depends on the gun you're using also

Where are they in the demo? I'm super late to the party.

>no mold infected crocodiles
>no sudden appearance of a swamp ape to really just fuck with people

There literally are though? Unless you meant more variety in other kinds of enemies. There are at least 5 different kinds of molded.

>crimson heads
>in the original

i can count like three
the classic
the big armed
the slim ones that jumps

There's these 3 plus the fat guys.

oh yeah the fat ones i forgot them but that only makes 4

>regular ones
>regular w/ mutated arm
>crawling ones
>small fat ones
>large fat ones

>The Bayou is a dangerous place to start with, imagine some fucking monstrosities they could have came up with.
this is probably the most disappointing part of the game for me

small/ large fat one can easily count as one though

Just another thing that's cooler in VR. You can feel how tall they are in it and it's creepier.

Zombies probably would have been cooler though.

yeah i was waiting for a giant snake or alligator

The lack of enemy variety seems more a function of the focus being on fighting the Bakers. The molded seem like they are only there to fill in the gaps between Baker fights.

yeah but there is so much ammo everywhere i expected much more enemies

The molded are very boring and uninspired enemies. One of the few criticisms to levy at an otherwise excellent game.

they were much more "fun" and eerie than the Bakers themselves. Their appearance made the game FINALLY feel a bit more like RE game: killable, creepy foes, roaming possibly every room.

there's at least 2 variants of the "normal" type: the early ones that die out of 3 normal handgun shots, and more meaty ones that take twice more beating to go down.

Oh man I loved the Bakers. Genuine panic when hearing Jack start roaming the halls.

Unfortunately that's an experience I'll never have again. After playing the game through once I know their habits, paths, and behaviors.

Still a great game that I'll remember for a long time though.

>Oh man I loved the Bakers. Genuine
they were very fucking meh. Doesn't help that there's only 1 of them lurking around at all times, and only two of them actually roam and hunt you at all. The bossfights were all from ass.

All around, shit game that only modern Xbot generation would praise, for its "graphix". LP watchers will cream their pants "experiencing" this shit.

What if, what if the Resident Evil 2 remake is in first person?

If it has VR support I'm all over that shit.

it'll be insta-shit.

Also, I heard Capcom set up a vote, asking fans if they'd want more REmake or RE4 style gameplay. REmake one won by a huge margin, apparently.

That'd be fine I guess. Resident Evil 2 is a fucking great game. They nailed it the first time.

If they feel they have to remake it, then get fucking crazy with it I say.

Could've been just infected humans that got more and more fucked up as you progressed, eventually being full-on molded at the ship.

It's annoying how you can see similarities to the old games at a glance but on closer inspection you realize it's very superficial. Once you reach the main hall it looks like the level design has finally returned to the old style. But as you go on you realize that the game is a lot more linear than the old ones. I remember RE1 and the remake offered a lot more pathways for the player to get around the mansion and evade the monsters.

>Oh man I loved the Bakers. Genuine panic when hearing Jack start roaming the halls.
They're a poor man's Xenomorph. The game honestly did a good job building up a creepy atmosphere with the constantly creaky buildings. But it doesn't take long until you can start predicting when the Bakers are scripted to show up and their constant hillbilly antics makes them hard to be frightened of. Compare that with Alien: Isolation where there were very few areas where the Xenomorph couldn't randomly patrol.

Yeah, nah. Fuck that. In a way they already did a first person remake with Darkside Chronicles.

As a turbonerd who has played the original and REMake probably 8 or 9 times through each, I'll say that I think the linearity is less obvious when you have load times at every door.

>Open door
>It's a bathroom (Dead end)
>search for goodies (get some bullets or herbs)
>Drain bathtub and find a key
>Exit room (another door loading screen)
>Pause (screen fades to black)
>Inventory comes up
>Select menu
>look at places you can now enter with your new key

All this takes like 5 seconds in RE7 b/c it's a modern game. Makes it feel a lot more like, "Go here do this, go there do that."

One effective thing they did I think was to hide items in obscure places. I know I spent a lot more time in each room because I was looking under couches and shit for herbs. Also let me enjoy the scenery and atmosphere longer.

>yfw if you fuck around too long in the first area the Xenomorph can show up before its first scripted appearance

>blood on screen option
>normal or less

Why the fuck can't I turn it off? You have a health indicator in the inventory menu. The blood on screen is unecessary, and is annoying as fuck.

Yeah I fucking hated that. Hopefully they'll patch it out.

Didn't really come into play too much though. I kept at full health most of the time.

>Unfortunately that's an experience I'll never have again.

Alien: Isolation, user.

this game is like 20+ hours long though :/

%100 with you

this game was pretty spooky for the first 2 hours but then you get a shotgun and it all goes downhill when you notice how fucking stupid the enemies are and even how many there are.

RE7 drones will defend this.

me and my friend laughed about this too

You could get objects in various orders almost all the time in REmake.

Here, its like you need 3 keys, and you have to get them in a certain scripted order.

the progression is the same though. the story won't move forward unless you do things in a certain order. I don't think the complaint is touching on elements of RE7's design that are as bad as you are trying to make it sound.

You know that room right at the start of the game that has the two dolls in it? In the demo it's in there, albeit that whole room looked different.

its red tape tho

bio-enhanced regenerative adhesive

So who exactly did you play in the demo and how does it tie in to the game?

do you think Leo could remove the tape by hand?

>this is somehow so ridiculous to warrant pointing out
>windows with 3 planks of wood haphazardly nailed on the outside being an impassable barrier isn't

They look and act nothing like regenerators

Regens put the fucking fear in my heart with their breathing, body proportions and creepy as fuck smile. Molded just look comical after you see the third one, the way they act, react and animate is not scary at all either.

Okay, here's two concrete examples.

1.) When you get the scorpion key from the cellar, you can immediately unlock the scorpion door to the main hall, go upstairs, unlock grandma's room, grab the broken shotgun, go downstairs, get the shotgun by replacing it. OR you can go immediately to the dissection room and get the last dog head and do all that (optional stuff).
2.) You get the raven key in the old house out back. You can proceed with the story and get into the second floor, or you can go back to the main house and get into the supply room and grab the grenade launcher first.

The two non-story detours listed above would take like, 10 minutes to do in an old school Resi game and it would give off the impression of less linearity.

YMMV of course.

just some random one out of the 20 missing i guess

Everyone who isn't a shill and says this game is RE is just in the buyers denial phase

Depends on the guy, depends on the variant(What little there is) depends on the ammo. The glock I was normally able to kill them in 3-5 headshots. With the 1911, it was like 3-4. The Walther took the most it seemed, like always 5. Both shotguns could decimate heads.

wait really? is there a video?

Dawg this is literally every Resident Evil game. Having to get a crank to drain shallow water in a fountain that you could easily wade through in RE1 comes to mind.

Clancy, pic related.
There might be some DLC stuff with or about him at some point.

You play as Clancy, the camera man who is then forced to play in Lucas' puzzle in the "Happy Birthday" video.

Then it's a guaranteed failure

Had he played the gamecube version than they wouldve been in it

actually, on second thought, is probably correct cause whatever happens in that is irrelevant to any of the Sewer Gator guys' stories.

What does "L" mean? Lost?

If it is explained later in the game, don't tell me.

It doesn't help matters that it's not too hard for Ethan (a character meant to be an everyman hero) to kill them by slashing them with an officer's pocket knife. Even an over-the-top badass like Leon kept a distance between himself and the regenerators.

It's just the Ooze again. Except Ooze had some variety. And Rachael.

Could be: Living, Lost, Lucas, Loser, etc. Lots of L words it could mean.

>only gator in the game is a toy one

>they didn't even model a regular one

Oh wait, nevermind.
The "L" stands for Lucas, because Lucas killed him. See

It's explained later. L means something I'll tell you that.

i made the mistake of buying the game when i'd much rather be under a blanket watching someone play

Hunters for the original. Point still stands.

yr a punk

Rachel is single-handedly the worst thing that has ever been associated with Resident Evil. The design of this character belongs in no video game ever.

Baker Family > any of the molded fucks

Game went downhill when you go to the ship.

Haha, this jock kid invited me over in high school so he could watch me play Resident Evil since he was too scared to play. Lots of people like just watching I guess.

That guy and I became friends after that. Cool dude.

Nope, they just wanted a reason to introduce the knife. They could've at least made the tape took like it went all around it, and then it'd make more sense, but they didn't.

PC had like no loading times.

Molded are an absolute joke, all around. Even on Madhouse difficulty.

you are confused about what they're talking about

Haven't played that but it reminds me of the Regenerators from RE4.

It's not clancy (cause we know what happens to him) and it's not any of the missing people. Cause he was never missing, he escaped and is probably going to court for posession of LSD.


I agree that the ship onward is the weakest section but I like that they break it up. Sneak around the house and fight molded in the basement. Sneak around the greenhouse and fuck with bugs. Navigate lucas's traps. Finally an action fest in the boat and the salt mines.

I feel like changing up the pace like this is a lost art in video games.

It's like how Half Life rotated fighting the aliens with fighting the marines with fighting the special ops soliders. Some were more or less fun to fight but they mixed it up.

Payed full 60$ was disappointed the mansion was so small and jacks ai follows u in such a small area and let's not forget margaritas 5 minute part, but have to admit she had one of the scariest boss fight experiences

I don't think anyone will. It's one of those stupid games things like not being able to climb over a pile of rubble that blocks your path, or being unable to scale a wood/chainlink fence.

>Unfortunately that's an experience I'll never have again. After playing the game through once I know their habits, paths, and behaviors.
Have you tried madhouse mode? When Jack gon get you, he really gets you.

I'm confused about the Resident Evil universe?

In like RE6 and REvelations, the world had been liked apocolypsed by BOWs and shit. Why does everything outside of this house seem normal? Shouldn't the protag be hiding in a bomb shelter somewhere hoping BOWs don't kill him?

this is 6 years after RE6 but really there's not enough exposition to say why things seem normal. Umbrella acting as maybe ostensibly, the good guys, is a pretty big upset in the universe. Some shit went down for sure.

>the world had been liked apocolypsed
I thought it was just Hong Kong and areas of Africa.

>counting the small and large fat as 2 separate


they are technically different and rare enough that I'd count them as separate. It's not saying they're super unique or anything.

I'll try madhouse next, but my hyper-conservative play style left me never even having to use the magnum and with like, 30 shotgun shells.

Thems the breaks though. Par for the course every time I play a (classic) Resident Evil game.

I'm definitely replaying this one a few times.

U didn't read the 6 part manga series u pleb

shit, dodged a bullet.

I guess the idea behind them works. Mold is gross and you don't want to get near it, never mind touch it. It's not scary, but it kind of works with this primal "keep away from that shit" urge.

>6 part
>part 6
jojo reference?

Not scary and get boring after a while. Sure there are 4 types but they all look the same and really are no different. They are mostly just boring to look at and all samey. The game was good but lacked in enemy variety. It's not like the classics where you had dogs, zombies (and different sub types among zombies), spiders, crows, snakes, hunters, lickers, chimera, etc.