What does Sup Forums think of the molded in RE7?
What does Sup Forums think of the molded in RE7?
I would have preferred more variety in them
they didn't do much for me. I want another siren game, shibito are goat horror enemies
The more I play it the less I like it. It just doesn't feel like an RE game to me when even 6 did.
While Resident Evil 7 is a very good and scary game which recapture's the original's feel of claustrophobia and mystery, it lacks equivilents of Crimson Heads, Lickers, and other various animal-based BOWs.
I like the idea of "biological weapon cleanup" type stuff, and maybe we could get something in the next game that's equivilent of cleaning up landmines in some recently war ravaged country.
Have to investigate a house complex (love the fact that finally 'Resident Evil' makes sense again) that's been under siege from old BOWs for years. Maybe the place was like, the hideout of some old rebel leader and so the government used the latest and greatest BOWs to go after him. The house is full of traps, puzzles, and other shit to keep the BOWs from getting in; but as your character goes deeper into the house the BOWs get more and more bizarre and more intelligent. Final boss is the BOW you're sent in to kill.
Resident Evil 7 did everything right save for variety.
Why did it survive like 10 pistol shots in the demo but the same gun in the full game kills them in 2?
Because you played it on easy.
I think it's 4 but 2 if you use enhanced rounds. Some of them in the main game seem to have more health.
Too visually similar to the Regenerators from RE4. I would have enjoyed a varied selection of enemies with mold elements to them. The Bayou is a dangerous place to start with, imagine some fucking monstrosities they could have came up with.
depends on the gun you're using also