What am I in for?

What am I in for?

Any advice for a total beginner?

I guess I'll just kill myself instead then.

Goodbye Sup Forums.

I was going to post something but if you're just going to attention whore then the world will probably be better off without you.

you don't need any advice, just play the game nigga

Nah user. I was jesting. Post away, I'll be grateful.

Use an experience reducing cheat code if you want to do all the sidequests, otherwise you'll be incredibly overleveled to the point where boss monsters won't even be able to touch you

Basically this , you can get through the entire game without trouble just using the initial three characters(they form the generic tank-dps-healer trinity). The only advice is to give later characters a chance if you don't normally(a lot of JRPGs don't go out of their way to encourage experimentation but it can be immensely rewarding in this game).

Also you may want to use a guide to find which quests are actually important/useful, because there's a shitton of them and most are just boring fetch/kill X of X quests, but some of them unlock entire skill trees, etc.

Are you already aware of spoilers? If not, avoid message boards and wikias for the game. Man, enjoy it, do whatever it is that lets you immerse yourself and fall into a video game, avoid your phone and this place, fuck the outside world off, turn the music up, absorb the script, do not hesitate to sidetrack, you should enjoy it so much. Maybe the greatest RPG in the last 10 years.

I don't get why so many people had a problem with this. If you do everything possible at the earliest moment in any RPG, you should be able to steamroll the rest of the game. Isn't that how it's always worked?

Also the post-game is still a challenge because even if you do everything, there's a pretty big level disparity as soon as all the optional areas open up.

Finally go away before someone spoils everything.

Don't expect to be doing much at first other than BACKSLASH

Other than that, enjoy the ride.