>Weebs have good games made by weebs for weebs. >They play bad Weeb games.
>Nintendo have good games made by Nintendo for Nintendo fans. >Nintendo fans play bad Nintendo games instead.
I literally don't understand this, at all. How can a weeaboo be given games by god himself, such as SMT Strange Journey, Sengoku Rance, Guilty Gear, but instead dedicate their time to Persona, Senran Kagura, and Blazblue? Why do Nintendo fans love shit like Smash 4, Colour Splash, Starfox Zero, when Nintendo made Melee, TTYD/LotSS, and Starfox 64, games that are infinitely superior?
Luke Wilson
please respond.
Mason Walker
It's generally just assumed that people own those games. Moreover, there's a general for each of the games you mentioned because the conversation is constant. There'd likely be no point in posting stuff like that on Sup Forums.
Jose Price
Run over the five fags
Oliver Peterson
Lower one is still 31% for all isn't it?
Logan Nelson
>oh its 5.
23 for lower one
Easton Nelson
You'd still have to weight it by the % chance that more than one would die, too.
Joseph Gomez
SMT is trash now though, while Persona 5 is fantastic
Ryan Bennett
Trouble with the Trolley, eh?
Justin Morales
Jeremiah Wright
Persona > Strange Journey
I haven't played any of those other games
I agree about Nintendo, except smash 4 is still fun
Adrian Mitchell
Hudson Garcia
Statistically there's no reason to pick the bottom, so it's basically a "do you intervene or not" meme again
Lucas Taylor
Sebastian Phillips
>friends >family Just pull the fucking lever senpai
Sebastian Bell
Nathaniel Jones
>higher chance that nobody dies if you pick the bottom one >but by doing so you introduce the possibility that more than 1 person dies, which is actually quite high
Caleb Ross
Oliver Harris
Aaron Nguyen
How is there no ethical dilemma game yet?
Luke Stewart
Chase Reyes
Jaxon Garcia
John Jackson
I'll take the shame
Jayden Hughes
Robert Baker
where is the All Star one?
Dominic White
I'd probably stay away from the levers altogether, since if I lead the trolleys to C3, the police would have definite proof that my actions caused the death of 20 people, while I might not be able to prove that I only did it so I could save 50 people.
Nicholas Wood
I play good weebshit.
Sebastian Perez
Who bitch this is?
Easton Russell
Dana Eclusia, from Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana.
Cooper Richardson
If I understand this problem correctly (fully aware that may not be the case), choosing the bottom track there'd be a 99.90234% chance of negating all damage.
Chase Rodriguez
It's 75% for each person not to die
Alexander Ramirez
You're doing it backwards, that's a 75% chance to negate all damage to each individual person.
Juan Hill
I can't think of any reason for pulling the lever.
Asher Garcia
Angel Lopez
I've played enough fucking shit that has percentages to know that 75% ain't shit and this is gonna end badly
Kevin Martin
I thought this referred to some vidya type shield that negates damage. No clue why the fuck I would think that. So it's what, 23.7% probability that noone dies on the bottom track?
Kevin Mitchell
This one's easy, just say the track was already set to kill all those people and you didn't touch the lever because you needed to get your dick unstuck. The hard part is: what is your excuse for having your dick stuck on the track?
Camden Hughes
Blazblue is fine. It's not quite as good as guilty gear and the character designs and story are garbage but it's just as fun to play.
except for garbage mechanics like overdrive and exceed accel and every top tier character's shitty gimmick gameplan
Henry Hall
Sengoku Rance is mediocre gameplay with porn, GG and BB are in the same tier. Don't know what to say about Persona at the moment.
Don't push your shit taste as fact.
Carson Turner
>He isn't turned on by transit infrastructure What are you, some sort of heavy freight pervert?
Leo King
>GG and BB are in the same tier.
Hunter Allen
That crew should get their priorities straight.
Alexander Ward
Id smash bubbie
Liam Powell
i act in self interest and pull the lever. but i do not wave
Josiah Ross
five high fives are better than one obviously.
Afterwards I call the other dude a faggot and get the other people to join in on mocking him.
Jonathan Watson
I'm having trouble figuring this out. The first statement eliminates A, B, 5, and 6. The second statement eliminates number 1. But I can't figure out how to eliminate more options.
Jordan Flores
>there's no reason to pick the bottom wat
Tyler Flores
Post more morally challengng vdeogames
Jose Brooks
Camden Howard
>Why do Nintendo fans love (a shitty game) like Smash 4, when Nintendo made Melee, (which is) infinitely superior? Geez! Why would anyone prefer to play new game with an active community over old game with an inactive community? I wonder...
Brody Hernandez
I place two nets made of Dragonforce to catch the trolley and the car safely, avoiding all deaths
Joshua Gray
Save and then pick red
Gabriel Rodriguez
you mean some burzum?
Hudson Price
Isn't there a moba that does the "weapon destroyed if upgrade failed" thing?
Elijah Bell
What is...?
Just let me enjoy my old memes in peace. I have nowhere else to go.
David Russell
I mean mmo
Ryder Price
This one korean maplestory-like mmo called "LaTale" used to do that shit on rare drop boss items to make things worse you needed to have TWO of the same item to mix them together to make it slightly stronger, the game would use the lowest durability number of the two items and then mixed them into something that had less durability
Ethan Baker
[/spoiler]The first statement eliminates C5 and C6, because Bernard (numbers) does not know at this time. This eliminates 5 and 6 entirely, leaving B4 isolated along B. As Albert knows Bernard does not know, and he Albert still does not know, B4 must be eliminated as it is isolated along B. All of B is gone now. This leaves D4 isolated along 4, the only remaining trackpad isolated by number going into Bernard's statement. Bernard knows what the trackpad is at this point, only knowing trackpads by number. Thus, it must be D4, the only remaining trackpad isolated by number at this time, as Bernard knows. Albert's second statement is extraneous to solving this puzzle.[/spoiler]
Logan Scott
You just continue with the same kind of thinking. Albert knows that Bernard's track is either 2, 3 or 4. And knowing this, Albert knows which pad is correct. If his track was D, he wouldn't know, since there would be two potentially correct pads. Thus, he'd only know if his track is C.
Zachary Carter
>Be the first Sup Forumsirgin to solve it >Fuck up spoilers
Nicholas Thomas
Ctrl+S friendo, literally can't fuck it up
Asher Lee
Adam Nelson
It's been a staple of Korean MMO design for a while. I think they might be slowly abandoning it, but I don't know why they ever thought it could possibly be a good idea. It's like building a casino that strips you naked and kicks you out if you lose too much.
David White
Any other shortcuts you can use?
Jackson Torres
Thank you, I'm not sure why my mind wasn't putting together that final piece.
Benjamin King
Alt+F4 makes a triforce
Evan Ramirez
I'd pull the lever and then call the authorities a thousand miles away somebody's stuck to the track.
Thomas Russell
I don't know, I've probably been here shorter than you
Jack Lopez
Not that guy, but I think everyone who browses the internet should learn that ctrl+w closes your current tab and ctrl+shift+t opens your most recently closed tab.
Jayden Sullivan
Nobody likes Color Splash or Star Fox Zero. There is literally nothing wrong with Smash 4. Starfox has always been shit.
Adrian Campbell
Matthew Miller
There isn't anything wrong with smash 4 but I personally hate it I'll just stick to maylay
Cameron Morales
If it makes you feel any better, you fucked up the riddle too.
Jonathan Ramirez
B, then raise the 1 year old to be my sex slave.
Jason Gutierrez
B, wouldn't feel good killing the worlds largest one year old.
James Hall
Alt+S to downboat a thread. Fuck ctrl+W, I always managed to hit it by accident somehow when I'm writing a long post.
Aaron Ortiz
I never understood this one
Kevin Williams
Tyler Allen
Is god eater a good weeb game?
Ethan Rogers
Josiah Cooper
red no question
Aiden Moore
Daniel Morales
Red. There's a small chance the Samantha is a girl or at least successfull enough in life to have a gf.
Cameron Foster
I bet it all on the cyka blyat team
Connor Flores
hes wrong though
Julian Thomas
Jose King
Neither, because then it would be 7v6 and i'm not gonna be that guy
John Bennett
The odds of the train safely passing through is 15% on the top, and 23.7% on the bottom, but the top is still statistically better if two deaths are twice as bad as one death.
Robert Rogers
dragon nest
Jaxon Lewis
trolleys arent video games
Mason Murphy
I'm trying to figure this out as well, but I can't understand how statement 1 eliminates A. Spoonfeed please?
Carter Carter
It's C3, grow some brain cells.
William Harris
Stirner was a racist.
Matthew Lee
>75% chance to negate all damage? option B then carries a 99.902% chance of nothing happening
Joseph Stewart
I like all of those things. Like every single one you listed.
Carter Butler
>you're wrong >end argument Haha
Julian James
Alexander Smith
Albert knows that Bernard doesn't know what's the correct pad.
This means that the correct letter only has pads on numbers with more than one pad.
I hope that made sense.
Jack Lee
create save state then Red or 1 because the expected value of damage multiplier is 2 vs 1.5. a better dilemma would be 50% chance of quadrupling