I can't be the only one who remembers Pikachu had a black tip on its tail. But now everything shows it as pure yellow, even the old media where I first saw it. Is this the Mandela effect? Have we fallen into a new timeline with only the memory of the black tip remaining? I'm alarmed.
Mandela Effect? Conspiracy?
No you're fucked
I am in 100% good mental health and am 100% sure Pikachu once had a black edge on its tail.
>100% good mental health
>posting on Sup Forums
pick fucking one
look whos talkin bub
>OP must be retarded, it was definitely like that in the first season or so
>Look up screenshots
>It's pure yellow
The fuck?
Thank god I wasn't the only one who thought like this. If you asked me to draw him without reference, he would have the black tip on his tail and no brown on the base.
It's weird how often you can see something and completely ignore designs.
Why is it the tail tip that gets all the meme threads? You'd have more luck at a legitimate bait thread if you tried to say the BASE of Pikachu's tail was black instead of brown.
Did you by chance have cheap chinese pokemon figures as a kid? I think one of my pikachu had a black tip.