Are you concerned about Breath of the Wilds empty world?

Are you concerned about Breath of the Wilds empty world?

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Nah. It seems they took the approach of making the world, then filling it with things to help that. Also, Aonuma has said that they've used playtesters to make sure the world is interesting, see what grabs people's attention, etc.

Never played any Zelda game and not planning to play this one, but SOTC world was also empty and yet great and screenshots from BotW look kind of similar, so I wouldn't be necessarily concerned.

By the way is this series even worth getting into if you haven't played it as a kid. How is the gameplay and atmosphere like? Playerbase for Zelda games is practically non existent in my country, so I know nothing about them except for recognising Link.

Every video I've seen of it looks barren and empty

It looks like Shadow of the Colossus (intentionally an empty, soulful experience)

Never played any, will play this one

only retards want a game set in natural environment to have a campt with 10 quest and a cinematic every 20 second of walk. you can't raelly call yourself a gamer if your concept of game is "must be like wow".
It's called "breath of the wild", not "theme park".

Every time you post a badly compressed anti-cherry-picked youtube screenshot of BotW, Moot kills a kitten.

yeah im a little bit worried about the open world
open world means nothing if there's nothing in it, especially if rewards are rupees.
like there's a chance its just filler from point A to point B, but they might have focused too much on it and point A and point B suck.
like how are the towns and dungeons?

>call yourself a gamer
Point out the self proclaimed gamers to me so I know who to stay away from.

I just hate how spaced out everything is. I bet 50% of the game will just be walking/ climbing

The world design seems like a nice balance of wandering around, killing shit and solving puzzle shrines at your leisure, not too worried about it. At worst I expect "same thing but recolored and stronger" enemies to crop up a little too often.

I'm more concerned about the sidequests. Hopefully there's some Majora's Mask-type stuff to do with a variety of characters and mission types.

grass fields are empty user

but how much field is too much field? there's a point where its just padding and turns a game into a walking simulator like arma 2

>a complete fantasy game should copy real life landscapes just for the sake of it instead of creating gorgeous enviroments full of colors and details

well knowing that you can burn and cut every blade of grass and every tree, climb every wall
i would not expect stuff on fields. the cool shit will be hiden under caves, under trees, over walls, on top of mountains

It won't come down to too much not enough, it will come down to how well the things you have to do will FIT into that

They're great games, basically all our worthwhile to check out, but Ocarina of Time, WInd Waker, Majora's Mask, and a link to the past are must plays in my opinion.

Okami perfected the Zelda formula imho


Getting the game anyways. Hope they sgow me that open world isn't always a shitty meme.

I have some confidence because Xenoblade's areas were fucking AMAZING and all fun to explore, but I also hear Xenovlade X was bland and empty in comparison so I dunno.

I wish Okami had a hard mode. It was beautiful and immersive, but I never felt challenged. Not by the puzzles or the combat.

cutting grass and trees doesn't make a good game

not realy

See that tree?

There's a dungeon entrance hidden under it. Find the dungeon that has the Wood Choppan Axe and you'll be able to access that dungeon.

No, but I am concerned about the big memories tab in the menu. Makes it seem like all the story will take place in unlocked memories. You probably never even see zelda.

"Emptyness" isn't a problem if you can move fast enough. Consider the Great Sea. BotW has sprinting, gliding, shieldboarding, fast travel and horses. It should be fine.

I'm not concerned, if it's good, great if it's not, whatever. It's not like Zelda hasn't declined after the N64 or anything

>No, but I am concerned about the big memories tab in the menu
Quest reminders. Aonuma made a point of saying they never wanted the player to forget what he was doing in-game.

No. it also isnt empty.

SotC was empty. This is just a really friggin gigantic zelda game.

I'm pretty sure that as beloved as Wind Waker is, the Great Sea is generally seen as bullshit


looks empty to me

I'm talking about this

Twilight princess was pretty empty too desu

Oh. That's probably where the shots in the trailer of Guardians overrunning the kingdom are from, then.

its because your souls is empty and you are desperatly trying to fill it.

why do the enemies just stand around waiting to be attacked?

It's not empty. I can't fathom people even pretending it is. I'm VERY excited by the world.
• 120 shrines
• 900 Korok Seed puzzles
• Bokoblin tree forts with good loot scattered everywhere
• Horses I can tame with unique traits wondering in the Wild
• Things that I won't have enough stamina to climb that I'll have to come back to or scavenge for ingredients to make it up
• Ingedients and animals to hunt everywhere to cook
• Bosses are hidden in the overworld
• Roaming NPCs
• You can use your glider over gaps
• The game becomes a snowboarding game on slopes and you can do tricks
• The trees and natural resources can be chopped, cut, and burned
• Being Zelda -- there will be secrets hidden all over the world, just like in the first area
• Topography and landscapes that were actually intentionally designed vs. procedurally generatednand then altered
• Art style that makes it easy to see objects and isn't cluttered with harsh "realistic" shrubbery
• Fireflies come out in the forests at night
• You can be struck by lightning in the world and the weather system is incredible
• Survival elements like temperature actually being utilized well for once
• Gorgeous impressionist soundtrack inspired by Debussy and composed by the woman responsible for Animal Crossing New Leaf's music. The music changes based on your views and the state of the world

It does everything right from the perspective of creating an interesting world you would want to explore.

Not really as previous Zelda games were rather empty as well and it can be comfy sometimes.

But I'm afraid that dungeons are going to be too easy or boring, I think I only liked 1 dungeon from SS.

they did not see him. they were looking at the explosion.

there is a ? over their heads

that was some Splinter cell level of stealth.

>Game called breath of the wild
>Game is filled to the brim with wildlife
Go home OP.

What if it turns out to be really good, is saving face more important than humility?

Eh, I'm sure it won't make a difference for Zelda fags. After all, every Zelda game up too this point has been filled with empty space, and people still hail them as masterpieces.

>Never played any Zelda game and not planning to play this one, but
why should we care? Why did you care? there's no karma here, kiddo, spamming for score doesn't work.

And I forgot to mention that fucking METEORS crash from space and leave something behind that we don't know.

Guardians and other enemies leaving shot behind you use for crafting.

You're literally a hunter/gatherer/scavenger/explorer/craftsman/chef/warrior

Also you can use your shiekah slate abilities to further alter and interact with the world. Stasis in particular letting you launch holders for miles. Using two metal slabs and magnesis to fucking levitate.

I cannot wait for this game.

Thanks for the bullet list, marketing-san

I hope you're right and I'm wrong, but if all that shit is in a thousand same-y looking caves and alcoves just lyin' around it will be boring.

Will buy either way, Zelda's only ever let me down once.

>Point out the self proclaimed gamers to me
This is Sup Forums. You are de facto a gamer, or you simply don't belong. Of course, your angry, "better than you" reaction means you think "gamers" means what kotaku told you, instead of what playing with people would teach you, so it was expected.

it adds up to everything else.

>Shadow of the Colossus (intentionally an empty, soulful experience)
>soulful experience


I have faith in Monolith

It can't be boring if the simple act of moving and controlling your character is fun, and I really believe Nintendo have nailed that in this game. Link isn't sluggish, he's agile and adept. You have a lot of freedom in this game when it comes to control of your character and how you want to get from A to B. That more than the entire list above will make it a good game.

It's just about replaying the cinematics.
so you don't have to go on youtube whenever you want to see zelda bathing.

Big, wide-open maps never do anything beyond increase the time it takes for you to get from one key location to the next. Open world maps usually work in city settings because there are a lot of nooks and crannies to explore in a relatively tightly-packed space. In a wilderness though, you don't get that and most of your time is just spent traversing flat grasslands or deserts.

Is this game going to be the FF7 killer?

An open world game needs to have the 'open world' be far down on the list of the developer's priorities.
Making a game open world for the sake of being open world is immediately trash and that's what BotW is being marketted as.
music, characters, enemies, town, villages, boss fights, puzzles, labarynths, challenges and more should be done first with 'open world' coming way far behind.

> I bet 50% of the game will just be walking

so it's going to be Uncharted 3?

i dont want to do any of that

what the fuck is a korok seed puzzle? seriously, NINE HUNDRED OF THEM? even if it takes me a minute to do one each, thats 15 hours on your shitty filler puzzles

i dont have time for this game

I've never played that game but I would guess so. Have you?

Fuck off shills

>There are people whi are spending $500 on a switch to play this
>When the WiiU version is exactly the same in every aspect other than sounds(which probably will be hacked in)

Nintendo fans are braindead as usual.

>that ridiculously short draw distance
>a rock doesn't materialize until Link is almost right next to it at 0:05

Its optional. If you don't want to do it, don't. The game isn't forcing you.

Zelda games have always had the long empty travel from one place to the next this is nothing new

That's one half of the "fun to do anything" sandwhich, the other half is making the world interestivg to move around in. Gravity Rush is fun as fuck just to move with, but it wouldn't be if all you had were some same-y rolling hills and shit

If they really took the time to handcraft and interesting world of that size it'll be GOTYAY. I just hope they really did.

>Fuck off shills

it seems you are actually the shill.
Or you have no clue what "eventually" means.

The reason I consider Red Dead Redemption as the greatest open world game is because it looks good, has good gameplay, good story/characters, but most important for an open world game it has a shitload of things to do. Bounty hunting, hunt game for skins, shootouts with bandit gangs, shootout with the law, poker/blackjack/liars dice, taming horses RDR always had something engaging to do. I haven't seen much of BOTW that it offers that kind of experience yet, most just seems to be running around an empty map with a few goblins scattered around or collectables.

No. Nintendo does their games with love and experience.

Never realised i wanted to beat this game with just swim shorts and a hueg two-hander.

No one's even hating on it in this thread you retard

so im just meant to pay full price for the game and not be able to enjoy all the content?

thats fucked


What this game will boil down to is sprinting around for 10 minutes, see a bokoblin camp, blow up one of the 10 explosive barrels and looting some crafting material from the chest. The shrines/ dungeons will all have the same "robotic" look to them with physics puzzles and recolored enemies. Once you've seen everything the world has to offer you won't ever want to replay it because you'll realize the whole game is a massive padded out experience.

Also: you must be really retarded.
So Microsoft is doing marketing for Nintendo?
wtf are you on. Are you a paid Nintendo shill or are you that stupid?

Nah I'm spending $300 on a switch to play Splatoon, and sonce I'll have one, I'll get BotW on it too.

your a fucking nigger shut up you dont know what your talking about

Switch + collectors edition of game

Some people are buying two collectors editions so they never open it and goes on display.
Fucking retards.

That way you are going to make just a big, empty Zelda.
You HAVE to consider the open world if want to make it good

So it's basically far cry 3?

Man I ain't that guy but this is a really simple problem to solve

If you don't think you want to play a large part of a game

Don't buy the fuckin' game. BAM, now you didn't pay full price for anything.

fuck off shill


But towns and cities do exist in real life. Zelda will probably have a few towns that have a grand total of 8 people in them.

Unopened collector's editions almost always appreciate in value m8

I ain't that guy though, regular edition for me

>I-it's gonna be full of content
>r-r-ight bros??

Shills who can't read detected.

Stop flooding Sup Forums with these threads and go viral elsewhere.


Its the truth retard. I've watched a bunch of videos and they all show the same boring shit.

Walk around in an barren field
>b-but you can cut grass user
Eventually see a bokoblin camp littered with explosive barrels. Blow it up, loot the useless item from the chest and then go for another 20 minute walk until you find another meme moment


That is the most obviously fake email I've ever seen in my life. Is this conspiracy shit what nintendrone cucks actually tell themselves?

Then don't buy it if you don't want to even play it.

>meme moment

>no returns

Pfft. Walmart will take back anything.

$0.99 have been deposited in your account pajeet

>trying this hard to not like something

Because the idea is to create a fun experience, not to realistically depict actual combat.

A meme moment is a thing in the game where the player does something and thinks "wow that would make a great webm". This whole game is designed to appeal to meme momenters

Dude it's like not collecting all the shit in AC games, you are probably not missing much

>you can't really call yourself a gamer if you like games like WoW
>This is Sup Forums, You are de facto a gamer

Nice back pedaling there. Would you mind explaining why people who think it should be like WoW can't "call themselves gamers" even though I wonder why would someone do this in a conversation ?

Because from my look of it, it's nothing but your opinion. You must be a shitty person to be around.

Pretty concerned yeah.

I wish the open world meme would die already

It won't be a problem when you unlock the Motorcycle

>58-79% of Sup Forums users will be getting a Switch despite Sup Forums being "Anti-Switch"

>meme momenters

haha omg im literally laughing at your pathetic ass

go shill somewhere else you fucking cuck

why are the only screenshots of this game on the internet so low quality?