If Nintendo never interfered, this would have made it to Evo 2017, maybe even Evo 2016, replacing Melee...

If Nintendo never interfered, this would have made it to Evo 2017, maybe even Evo 2016, replacing Melee. Sm4sh would have never been on the lineup.

Prove me wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop shilling your fucking mod.

but Melee in general is garbage

The mod is fucking dead, nobody plays it competitively anymore. Nintendo killed it. Who would I be shilling it for?

>Nintendo cause Twitch and Gimr to blacklist it
>grows and grows
>knuckles and lyn are released, drawing in lots of players
It would have probably surpassed Melee by 2018.

I wish this was a shill, then that'd mean they're trying to revive it.

*nintendo DOESN'T cause the blacklist

people still play it.

A tiny amount of people still play it, but it's clearly an unfinished and unbalanced mess.

Sure, the roster is 100% balanced in that everyone can win and everyone is equally powerful, but some characters are significantly easier to learn than others. Game and Watch is braindead, while Fox is still hyper complex and requires fast reflexes. Not to mention the lack of all the promised features and how the mod doesn't exactly feel "complete" without all the planned alt costumes, characters, or stages.

Hello there.

>He doesn't main Buff Waluigi or Bass

>Playing what is literally the equivalent of a 5yo's fanmade game in game maker studio.

Say what you want about Project M, but atleast it was consistent and polished. This is just a bunch of kids characters made in 2-5 days put together.

Still significantly better than melee.

Maybe in five years they'll all get sick of it and rebel against their esport masters to play some PM.

PM would need to ban quite a few characters in order to be better than melee. Atleast a fucking 13 year old can't win at grand finals by playing a broken and easy character.

You can make fucking Broly the Hedgehog fight Michael Jackson Deadpool on Wario's Bike.

Fuck you. I can beat up the Minions whenever I want.

You can't even type, man. Why are you trying to play a party game seriously?

Why are you justifying something being shit based on its genre? Do you think good party games, or "better" party games don't exist?

You're being elitist about fucking Brawl, user.

Just go play melee.

Why are you justifying something being bad by attacking my character and telling me to play something I don't want to play?

Smash wasn't meant to be taken seriously.

I don't think I've ever seen a vidya community half as divided as Smash's.

I'm not justifying something being bad. Someone posted another mod and you got assblasted because it was more like MUGEN than Melee.

You're being an asshole.

Oh, so because of Smash's intentions, it shouldn't be judged on the same standard as other games, and is it neither better nor worse than literally any other party game, ever? I don't think anyone judges anything based off intent, because most peoples intentions are often morally righteous, even if they result in bad things.

Project M was poorly balanced and the fanbase is obnoxious.

>You got assblasted because it was more like a shit game than melee.
>You're an asshole for calling shit shit even though you weren't the one who asked for it.

It's supposed to be for fun. You shouldn't attack others for not playing a game your way when it's not the intended way.

I cant you're right.
PM has a bigger community than some anime fighters that are at EVO this year nigger.
Not every character can win your argument of harder to play but still good is only real for the top half of the cast which is the national viable set of characters.

>It's supposed to be for fun.
So are many games, both bad and good. Should bad games not be judged on the same standard as good games because they're intended to be fun? Should bad and good games both be considered the same because they're both intended to be fun?

Games are for enjoyment, user. If you wanted to play children's games competitively and drain all the fun out of them then maybe you should take up speedrunning

The problem is that you're literally forcing your worldview down another person's throat. Worry about yourself and stop being so anal about your beliefs.


get out of our fucking tournament smashbabby

Why are you criticizing me for calling some games unenjoyable that others find enjoyable by arguing that all the games I like are unenjoyable to me? Wouldn't I like the game that I'm calling bad, in that case?

go moan about port priority or something, nerd

I'm arguing that the way you enjoy games isn't the way I enjoy games. You liking something doesn't mean I should.

I'm posting on a public messageboard, anonymously, where anyone can express any opinion they like. Aren't they at fault for coming here in the first place if they didn't want to hear different opinions? They could have just as easily went somewhere where you're not allowed to dislike different things, like /r/smashbros.

I agree completely, and because your opinion isn't backed by a majority nor is it backed by a powerful corporation/government, I can respect that. Thanks user, sorry I called the thing you like shit.

You're claiming your opinion is better than anyone else's, though. You say you're expressing your opinion, but you're also stating that yours is the only valid one. You're no better than those redditor boogeymen.

Well I thank you for that at least, even if you did throw in that kind of dickish comment about majorities and such.

I claimed I liked Project M because it was more focused and more polished. The MUGEN mod wasn't made by a group of people working together, but one or two people taking other peoples mods and then putting it together. I don't like it for that reason, but that doesn't mean you can't like it for other reasons or for that reason.

What happened to PM was fucking tragic. Not even talking about development ceasing, which as I understand it was developer panic. I mean the fucking shady treatment it got on Twitch and at tournaments, by GIMR and VGBootCamp as a whole (PM is the whole fucking reason VGBootCamp became popular). Regardless of how much you like it it was a labor of love and one of the most amazing mods I've ever seen of anything. If I could change one inconsequential thing about history I would save PM.

It's dead because nobody defended it.

In three years there will be no more competitive Smash

Keep your opinions to yourself until you can present them as subjective.

Someone postsing something you don't like is no excuse to sperg out. Use the hide tab.

Damn, PM Roy and Mewtwo are so much much fun and actually useable.

As a PM player id rather just make Smash not happen seeing how bad the community got and all.

>In three years there will be no more competitive Smash
What makes you think that?

>Until you can present them as subjective.
But user, the reasons I listed for disliking it ARE subjective.

I agree its just a fad and itll shrink down again with their top players leaving to go be stream monkeys.
A game that never changes will get stale to people.

I want an official fire emblem fighting game that plays exactly like smash bros and is developed by the PM dev team because PM Ike/Marth/Lyn/Roy are some of the most fun characters of all time.

PM is still alive and has top players doing it still. Hell, an invitational with Hbox and others was just a week or so ago. The problem is it lives in the shadows on Hitbox, so it gets no exposure.

Melee and PM are amazing games, I wouldn't want to remove them from the world. Smash is basically dead to me now but regardless of the state of the world, its popularity, the competitive scene, etc I still play PM with my friends and it's a great game. Nintendo, Twitch, etc can never take that from me or the (presumably thousands) of others who still play in their homes.

Really sounds like its dead

In 3 years its most likely smash 5 will come out and melee fans love melee more than life itself to the point of playing it for more than 15 years.
I still dont see how competitive smash will stop being a thing.
I dont see how competitive smash will stop.


if nobody did anything the game wouldve kept getting worse and worse as they added more ridiculous bullshit until it basically became brawl -
like its a cool mod and fuck nintendo for what they do but melodramatic pmfags are an embarrassment, it was literally less competitive than 64, its just that nobody good took it seriously enough for it to get to the point of current melee

PM Roy is fantastic, I'm still amazed how fun (and good) they made him while still having him feel like Roy

It's not though.

Yes, but you initially presented them as being objectively better to everyone rather than subjectively better to yourself.

Yeah I'd wager it's closer to the 100s, I mean I still play PM with friends but all the PM locals turned into Sm4sh locals and all the PM players turned into Melee players.

Nintendo's been strongarming a shitload of people lately for fan projects.

Twitch slowly stifling it and then banning did more damage than anything else.

A small set of autists continued to play it a super small set of people most of the current community isn't that invested they do it cuz it was the new cool growing thing and much like Yoyos and Pogs it will eventually die back down to a small subset of people not worth company support and it'll fade.

Obviously there's no way to quantify this but I think you're underestimating it. There's weekly PM on my college campus, I've met 10 or so people with PM set-ups, there's bi-weekly tournaments in my area. My friends who I introduced to it years ago still play it even though we've moved far apart now. Competitive PM has obviously taken a huge hit because of being banished to Hitbox but casual PM is alive and well IMO.

I dunno man every week tristate goes begging with gofundmes and they do well so there obviously some dumb motherfuckers out there.

Theres more id wager around 8-10K people who are invested and slowly growing which isnt massive but its enough to keep things moving along.Tristate goes begging every week for hundreds of dollars every week with gofundmes and they make the money so theres obviously some dumb motherfuckers.


Yeah, PM was the one I was most attached to but what happened to AM2R was egregious too. I really feel like I can't give Nintendo money any more in good conscience.

ive been playing project m and knuckles this whole time at my drug dealers house

Best smash game of all time. Thanks for keeping it alive my (smash) brothers.

Sami is close to feeling pretty intresting and looks like she will be done soon.

Issac is pretty far from being done though? What does everyone think about him? The ranged grab is neat, it would be nice if he had a command grab to make up for it though, perhaps as his down b? I still cant help that making Issac a olimar clone with a trial of pikmin behind him would have been the way to go.

Also after playing knuckles for like 9 months we finally realized that he can walk up walls with a tilt input holy shit.

user.. development of Project M ended a year ago, it was never finished.

What build are you talking about? The one I have doesn't have Sami, Isaac is unfinished and Lyn is semi-unfinished.

Knuckles is sick though I agree

Even if nintendo wanted to acknowledge and support Project M, the owners of some IP included would get butthurt
PM just never had any future in a smash community, with sponsorship deals and such

Why can't anyone make a legit bootleg smash clone instead? I don't think there are any patented or copyrighted gameplay designs in Smash
I mean, it has all been replicated already, see Melee Light:

Just make it about actually original OC characters and not a C&D trap like PM

No it wouldn't have. The devs were constantly fucking with the balance and I'm pretty sure you can't have a mod be in the superb owl of fighting games.

Rivals of aether exists its pretty cool but some aspects of it feel so wonky iv never been able to get my foot in the door.

>Make it about actually original OC characters.
I legitimately can't think of any characters that have as much personality and charm as the smash variants of the melee veterans and project m's best. Not to mention you'd have to make a fighting game that doesn't have these characters, which could be good (see GG vs SF) but it would definitely end up not being smash.

Way ahead of you!!!!!!


I know about wavedash gaming, but have yet to show any gameplay footage
though their dev vlogs are interesting but I'm not getting hyped because it can still disappoint me

Strong(Wario isn't just a better Jigglypuff)Bad is a hack and all the characters in that will just be rehashes of melee characters cuz apparently they are "Archetypes"

they could be reffering to them as archetypes because the smash games are the only games of their own genre, pretty mcuh

Trying to ride off of Melee wont do anything for them if every game in this "genre" has to have a space animal im fucking done.

yeah that's true, making space animals is just nothing but pandering
but as long as they make a competent game that stands on its own legs and isn't just reskinned melee, that's fine with me

"Smash Bros" is 2d fighter with interesting movement and a health system that makes you fly further away with each blow. That's "Smash Bros". I want more "Smash Bros." style games. I don't want the same exact control schemes with the same exact mechanic. I glanced at their blog and there's some article about lightshielding. Like holy fuck #1 who gives a shit and #2 jesus christ how inane and specific. Clearly this is going to be a Melee clone man. 100% gaurantee it's going to have two buttons, one attack with tilts and smashes, the other that does special attacks (whatever that means). What a nightmare.

sucks to suck

>Prove me wrong.
it wasn't popular

You say that like every single fucking game in the fighting game genre doesn't have a character based on Ryu. Most of them are generic buff karate men who all look the same too.

Of course people who played Melee for over a decade want that recognizable play style in the game. It's a staple of the game they love.

meant for

I've literally never played a smash clone that isn't project m that has spacies. Also fuck you, Lucas and Wolf are god-tier spacies.

Id like to see them try to implement the sm4sh Ryu stuff where you can hold a tilt for a different move to get a sort of lights(tap tilt) mediums(hold tilt) and heavys(smashes) dynamic going on id also like to see if they could make meter work in some way.

Lucas is not a spacie. Having a jump canceling down-b alone does not make a character a spacie

Yeah Shotos are dogshit and id not like to see the situation be repeated.
Lucas is fine hes a different take with some similar aspects but ultimately he isn't a spacey.
Wolf is better than Fox or Falco but he is ultimately just another broken piece of shit.

>replacing Melee
No one going to address this?

>Hey guys, you want a Melee spiritual successor?
>Here, have an Overwatch reject and no gameplay footage ever.

not happening, never ever. If Melee HD ever gets released, it will just mean that Revival of Melee (2001) will happen

Lucas is almost certainly a spacie, and if I classified spacies in that manner I would have mentioned half the cast because jesus Project M has a ton of cancel-able down-b's.

Ness' down-b is fucking disgusting, it's fun as fuck but he's such a stupid character.

Hey, give them credit, they did back off this design and gave her something a lot better. Xanna and their space goat look like shit though. Really shows that they have an ex-LoL artist.

sword shotos are GOAT tho

>they did back off this design and gave her something a lot better
what does she look like now?

that's a disgusting design
And even if they want to make an orc muscular female, they can still make her cute, but they went the DQI route

Then you're retarded, spacies are defined not only by their shines, but by their high gravity and weight. Not to mention that space animals implies the star fox characters since they're so alike.

Lucas is so much different in that he's way floatier, can DJC, has a dumb gimmicky recovery, and is just not a fucking spacie

I'm actually fine with the space goat and fem-orc, they fit right in with a cartoonish brawler. They definitely have that League of Legends feel to them though, I can see why that would bother people and it kinda bugs me too because I don't like League of Legends at all. I just hope it doesn't end up dominating the whole feel of the game.

>what does she look like now?

Xanna looks like some random dude's shadowrun character. Space goat is equally unoriginal. Both have designs that don't look that good. Especially the detailing.

Fuck that shit. Project M XP or whatever is about as far as I'll go. Anything else is Mugen tier.

I like the stages and some of the settings on legacy xp, but the added characters feel so untested and gimmicky.

>set out to make your own version of a game with a cast full of charming, loveable characters
>make your designs ugly as fuck