Oh good, instead of a deep and complex team like the Normandy crew, we now have generic summer blockbuster team #4986
Oh good, instead of a deep and complex team like the Normandy crew, we now have generic summer blockbuster team #4986
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>always, ALWAYS, have to shove in obligatory boring human party members who waste slots that could have been for aliens
Do you think those people style their hair before going on missions?
>tfw female human looks boring and female asari looks annoying
I hope there are other hetero options. If both of those are even hetero
>deep and complex team like the Normandy crew
You are, of course, joking.
tyrone will be the only hetero option, cucks get no pussy at bioware
>deep and complex team like the Normandy crew
But can you fuck the female turian?
Other than Wrex, Garrus, and maybe Zaeed, those characters are largely pointless or underdeveloped.
You guys would hate anything BioWare puts out after DA2, SWTOR, ME3, and DAI. I love all of those games, and their characters. Sera and Dorian were great, fuck off.
>I know what the characters personalities will be like based on their appearances
I knew Sup Forums had a few retards bouncing around, but this is too much
I'm gonna say yes.
She doesn't have that vocal effect they used to do for all the Turians. It's probably to make it seem less icky to fuck her.
It's stupid and terrible, but exactly the way Bioware thinks.
>deep and complex team
>deep and complex
It is pretty fair to assume Peebee will be terrible.
Everything they've said about her sounds just like Sera from DAI.
Otherwise our only insight into their personalities is knowing that the black guy is "the optimist."
I don't see how this crew is any more generic than the crews from any of the other games. It's about the same as ME1: two humans, an asari, turian, krogan, and a new race.
People hated Dragon Age 2? I loved it. I can't get past the first act of Inquisition it's so damn boring
She actually does have the effect.
>before release, they sold him as the guy with no real experience with aliens or the larger galaxy
>this is not only untrue, but they made a fucking movie about him having an adventure with aliens
This still baffles me.
Bioware lies about weird shit sometimes.
But people only fuck Garrus because of his sexy voice
>those weapons and armors still look hideous
Fuck me Halo was probably the only human sentric sci-fi franchise to not make shit look retarded. Weapons actually looked like weapons and alien weapons were not meant for human hands. Hope this game flops hard that EA quickly puts shitware down for their failure.
>People hated Dragon Age 2? I loved it.
I very much need an explanation.
Blame EA's bullshit as much as you want, but literally every aspect of the game is a mess.
So she does.
Seems toned down compared to Garrus and the girl from the Omega DLC, though.
Did you play DAI? They've literally said that Peebee is a lone wolf ancient technology researcher and Sera was street rat who hated knowledge, hated ancient elf stuff, and worked with a network of thieves
All other are meh and jacob and kaidan beyond shit tier.
Literally a team of social justice warriors
Hol up, so we gonna rob this planet n shieet?
But It's true
I see they're still using the fucking avenger and carnifex for every cutscene.
I know you are all about the chick but what the fuck is uobwith that negro?
Why do they always put in or cast (in movies) the ugliest black motherfucker there is.
Is it so hard to make a handsome black monkey? Or maybe a female chimp instead of a fucking mutated gorilla?
What the fuck is with the hair?
Come on now
Played both and liked both. Inquisition was alittle.....samey? tried to do the open world thing, and kinda back petaled around the 80% mark and by then it was to late. Yeah the crew does look boring, but I thought the same about the other crew im ME until I played thru all three games.
Fuck off. Liara and Tali are beloved by everyone (usually one or the other). Kaidan was shit in ME1, but great in ME3. Plus Kasumi was best girl, despite only being a squad member in one game.
Are there going to be more people to recruit?
What you see is what you get
there are at least three additional squadmates
Jacob at least had the interesting little bit of him being a potential love interest who winds up with someone else regardless of player choices.
Something a bit different from the usual "all other characters and their lives revolve exclusively around the player character" concept that everyone else sticks to.
The fuck there were 9 party members in dai why would they have less in this one?
Would it kill them to give us something different. This is literally the mass effect 1 crew
>1 male and 1 female human
>1 Asari
>1 Turian
>1 Krogan
>Jacob is the only black teammate
>His most interesting qualities are: His dad left him as a kid, he cheats on you with another girl
I'm going to fuck pagan min!
You could bring 3 party members in Inq.
You can only bring 2 in ME games.
Don't forget that his dad was also a rapist.
>Jacob at least had the interesting little bit of him being a potential love interest who winds up with someone else regardless of player choices.
they only included that because he was a failure of a teammate and no one romanced him. If he was popular, they sure as fuck wouldn't have done that.
Your words do affect people
And his dad wuz literally a king n shiet
What was it, 1.2% of people went for him?
>Kaidan was shit in ME1, but great in ME3
faggot detected
It's okay I romanced him too
I don't even know why, really. I didn't find him particularly attractive and think the whole "romance in games" thing is kind of juvenile
This is EA. They can't understand that things can be popular for being new and different. They see popular things and then make that again.
You can guarantee that the new Mass Effect game will be Part 1 of a trilogy, which is pretty expected. You can also bet that the squad will grow in size the exact same rate it did through ME 1, 2 and 3. And that the overall story pacing will be the same.
Except this one will be built from the ground up with all the DLC and extra characters and shit in mind.
Didn't they say they forgot he had a romance until late in development.
>You will never drink beer and eat steak with him
Sorry. I'm just mad. I honestly have nothing against negros. I really dislike how they make them ugly all the time in basically every single game and in every movie ( like the star wars one )
He did become fairly likable in ME3.
Contrast with Ashley, who they decided to make as unbearable as possible in ME3.
>Javik was a critical story character in ME3
>Mfw I had to pay $10 to get him
>I honestly have nothing against negros
I legitimately hate niggers as bioware's and media portrayals look even better than how they look in real life. 90% are indeed subhuman monkeys.
I really didn't like how they introduced the fact that he was a gay option. Like you just made up with each other after fighting for years, set up a nice chill out session, and he suddenly wants your cock. And if you reject him he just sounds like he's going to slit his wrists later and makes you feel so bad for him.
Yeah I fucking hate how the pulled an Anders with him.
I'll play the game first before passing judgement on the characters.
And Kaidan was straight in the first two games. What happened?
Why can't I just hang out with my oldest friend, why it gotta go down fruity territory?
tali was popular and look what they did with her
Am I the only one here that finds the character models bland like they belong in a game from 2007? I can't quite put my finger on it, but the characters look like they have been modelled to achieve the maximum uncanny valley effect.
Just look at the skin for example. No imperfections anywhere, especially the leader guys skin looks low-res and completely uniform, besides the attempt to draw him a beard.
Or the chick? If you cut your hair like this, why do you comb it over all the way to the wrong side? How does this hair even stay in place during any kind of quick movement? And the black guy screams "token black guy". Why do you even include negros in the first place? No one can accuse you of being a racist game developer when you can just point and say "But we included lots of races...Asari, Krogan, Turian...". Literally a cop-out and Bioware doesn't use it?
The Krogan looks fine, the Asari is excused for having uninteresting facial features since that's just how they look. Love the coon stripe across her eyes though.
It's very clear that if you were old enough to play Mass Effect 1 back when it came out, you are now no longer the target demographic.
>We have a Krogan
Did they seriously go stealing lines from Avengers?
>comparing 3 games worth of characters to 1
>there will probably be more characters we dont even know about yet
The game looks awful but you should kys
>It's very clear that if you were old enough to play Mass Effect 1 back when it came out, you are now no longer the target demographic.
This. Sad.
>I'd like to talk to your manager.
Only other playable ones are the turian woman and the new alien dude.
If you pay money for this game, then you have not been paying very close attention to the series.
Go day one preorder you pieces of worthless shit Sup Forums, you know you will, you worthless fuckpiles.
>People hated Dragon Age 2?
It's like they purposely made the female look worse.. like there's some mysterious agenda going on.. I wonder what it could possibly be?
I've loved every BioWare game.
>first black companion
>Has an MIA dad, ultimately cheats on Femshep if romanced
what did Bioware mean by this?
The agenda is BioWare hires incompetent modelers fresh out of school.
Just compare Miranda to Yvonne.
I'm sure you'll be able to make them look okay.
Took bad both actors sound terrible. No escaping that.
He was always meant to be a bi option instead of just straight.
Remember in ME1 whenever you talked to him more than 3 times it would get really awkward and the lights dimmed a little bit?
Yeah, he was meant to be gay. They chose to cut it out.
Typical westerners obsession with realism.
there's nothing wrong with having a black dude in the cast, I think if that's your complaint people will just dismiss everything you say.
We should be more focused - I think that a more legitimate complaint is that bioware stopped putting attractive female characters in their games post DA:O/ME2, while still making romances a major feature in their games. This is completely stupid, and if they're not going to add appealing options for over half their audience, they should probably just not do romances at all and put their resources towards other things.
I'm going to marry Peebee!
Tali and liara are both good characters
>Has an MIA dad, ultimately cheats on Femshep if romanced
He also built himself a rape-harem of psyched up women and lived off of government supplies. When the welfare ran out, he sent a signal for help. When confronted about what he did, he said "I dindu nuffin!" followed by "I had no choice everything wuz stacked against me!".
>My Space Feminist Journalism Professor told me The Patriarchy's headquarters was on this planet, can't wait to end them
>I can't believe Tyrone, my black squadmate, doesn't want to hear about how oppressed he is, what a coon
>This Krogan asked me out on a date and nobody believes me when I tell them it was rape
I think it's just incompetence. Neither one looks like their "model." The fagboy looks like young Johnny Depp, though.
microsoft told them not to put it in. Remember how fox news had the sexbot segment on the game? Imagine if there were gays. Real gays not lesbos
Bioware likes to LOOK like they care about women, minorities, and LGBT people because it's good for business.
In reality I think they might hate them.
Gay romance option are either tacked-on, terrible, or don't count in some way (Asari aren't gay because they're mono-gendered).
They tried their hardest to make Shepard straight throughout the series.
The attempt to give you a black friend resulted in Jacob.
Liara's characterization radically shifts in every game, and in 3 she makes for a hilariously incompetent Shadow Broker.
Tali was just a quarian codex in ME1. Then in 2 and 3 she's a horrible leader and is completely reliant on Shepard to solve all of her problems for her.
Ultimately they both only exist so you have aliens to fuck.
Bioware's female modelers won't model a female character to be more attractive than they are.
>there's nothing wrong with having a black dude in the cast
This is a huge problem though. They should be putting less humans in the cast, not more.
Well you're right, Anderson was a fucking boss in the original trilogy (shit, I now have to say "original trilogy"). He still looks out of place though and pretty unattractive. At least make him charismatic...?
What? Dude, if you saw a picture of the Mass Effect 2 crew without knowing their characters you'd say the same thing. I mean BioWare is shit so they will probably suck but you don't actually know any of the team's personalities.
>not attractive
Man, DA:I really upset straight dudes. Cassandra and Josephine are shitty romance options, I agree. Morrigan should've been fuckable if the Warden chose someone else. But as far as MEA is concerned, most dudes are gonna be fine with fucking Peebee or Cora.
>The attempt to give you a black friend resulted in Jacob.
This game's "black" character looks even shittier than Jacob. Some nonthreatening mulatto pussy.
>The year of our lord MMCLXXXV
>Niggers still existed
>He's the human love interest
Couldn't this be said about ME 2?
you should have no problem with the black guy then
Too old.
Sera vibes.
Mac Walters is the director now.
He's the one who decided that humans should be inherently superior to everyone else in ME2/3, rather than just expanding kinda quickly and otherwise just one of many races like in ME1.
At least he might end up having a personality.
>Hey Jacob, wanna talk about your cool military history or that time you saved the Citadel?
Not really. Mordin has deeper characterization than any of the squadmates in ME1.