ITT: Games you didnt know had been released

ITT: Games you didnt know had been released


it flopped because its shit let it go

i don't know what uncharted creed number they're on

iactuallly like this game, got it for 10 euro on ps4

running is smooooooth as fuck and exploring is pretty nice, pretty comfy music too

This is the most Sup Forums thing I've ever read on Sup Forums.
>I've never played either of the games but I'm sure they're just like eachother
>oh btw I hate them
>just so you know
>didn't want you to think I enjoyed those popular games
Uncharted and Ass Creed are both boring games, but they're nothing alike. At all.

>It's not even a sequel
>It's a reboot

Whatever bro, shouldn't you be playing Battleduty 5 right now?

I was in a constant cycle of forgetting and remembering this game had released until last month where I pirated it to check it out. Now the pathetic mediocrity reminds me it exists. The first game wasn't amazing but it had potential, and this reboot just completely destroyed that.

Too busy playing Final Megami Quest : Yakuza's Awakening


>there's a new(?) mirror's edge


It's actually OK.

Greetings, reddit.

Half of Sup Forums barely even plays games, especially modern ones. They just love shitposting.

you cant prove that

>Jaded/Cynical/Tired gamer threads every day
>Constant shitting on modern games
>Constant shitposting in every game thread (even niche ones like Yakuza, Nier and others aren't safe anymore)

>implying Sup Forums is not responding "ironically" to theses kind of poll
its impossible to know the truth user
i play at least 8 hours a day more on the week ends
i have some responsabilites during the week

Can it be pirated yet?

The last guardian.

I didn't see a single thread for it


I'm surprised it's only 16 gb, with my shit internet I can't download most of the new games.

yo good thread op

post things you don't know about