Torment is a scam

After all the lay-offs, Torment: Tides of Numenera is coming out without the following content that was promised during the campaign as stretch goals
>A fifth companion will be added to the base four, “the Toy”
>We are also adding the major city location of the Oasis of M’ra Jolios
>A sixth companion has been added, but we’re leaving this one mysterious for now.
>Another surprise companion is added. You want blood? You’ve got it.
None of these things are in the game

Other less relevant stuff they lied about was an Italian localization, the game being PC exclusive at least at the start before they worried about console versions and music by a live orchestra.

>There are still people that give money to Brian Fargo

This shit is still not out?

Thought this was a F2P game, like Path of Exile.

What does one lie matter?

The beta was fucking shit.

The devs are just not good enough. Their UI still looks like an alpha mockup ffs. They bit off WAY more than they could chew with this one.

>backing Kikestarter
Come on, son.

>Torment is a scam
Water is wet, more news at 11.

The only reason it even has "Torment" in the title is to take advantage of Planescape:Torment nostalgia. The game is so full of red flags and it's not even out yet.

I might pirate to try it out (unless it actually has a demo but I doubt it) but honestly I doesn't even feel like it's worth a pirate.

InXile is a shit company. Just because Brian Fargo is a CEO doesn't mean they are great.

why the fuck would you think that? did you start going on Sup Forums yesterday?

it's been almost 4 years, user...

As a newfag to crpgs, would this be a good place to start or is Divinity OS better?