I'm about to go out for a drive. Should I pick this up?
I'm about to go out for a drive. Should I pick this up?
Yes. It's a massive improvement over Zestiria in nearly every way, and the cast is a shit load more enjoyable.
If you didn't know, this game takes place before Zestiria's timeline, so it's worth forcing yourself through that to get most of the references in Berseria.
It's fun, when they told me Tales is the McDonald's of JRPG, I never doubted it. It's pretty good, characters are likable and combat is stress-relieving
>Tales is the McDonald's of JRPG
What the fuck does this even mean? Insanely popular but not actually any good?
>going out for drives
>buying jrpgs in public
you're a pretty lonely person, arent you?
mcdonalds tastes good, but is made cheaply and lacks substance
Not particularly groundbreaking; almost yearly releases; plot isnt something to write home about, nor the music or anything else, but its the kind of game that's fun to play occasionally
I got it on a whim and its pretty decent. Its much more fun when you get more characters. the beginning of rpgs always bore me since they game takes it easy on you while you are still learning
He means it for greasy overweight neckbeards and pedos
A good game to play every now and then between releases of games like SMT, xenoblade, or dragon quest but nothing amazing
this isn't neptunia