So is this any good? I just finished reading the book, it was quite good. How's the game, and this Redux version, is it any good, cause if I get it it'll be this 2in1 probably. Also is the story different? Cause the book had the main character engage in gunfight like 3 times though the whole book.
So is this any good? I just finished reading the book, it was quite good. How's the game, and this Redux version...
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i dont know
Is it better than stalker?
I was a huge fan of the first one, but the second one. Holy Fuck.
Since it's the Redux version, you'll get both games.
Anyways, the second one was much better.
This is all I can say without spoiling anything.
P.S. Both games have multiple endings.
This, the second one was brilliant. Highly recommend both of them especially if you liked the book, OP.
2033 Redux and 2033 are apparently night and day when it comes to atmosphere and mechanics.
I've only played the Redux games and I absolutely loved them and can not wait for 2035.
Now post music
Okay guys, I'm gonna get this stuff. Meanwhile starting with 2034.
>That corpse that had the little radio playing this song as his last stand music.
Gets me everytime.
>tfw paid $20 for redux on my ps4 last year instead of waiting for the $7.50 sale a few months later
>game on sale for 10
>mfw 2 games for 10 bucks
>heard they were good, buy
>start game
>2033, gotta play first one first right?
>get to part in 1st level where you put on gas mask and go outside
>game doesn't register I'm wearing gasmask, I die
>quit broken shit game and never play again
No, you are just stupid, you need to replace filters in your gasmask, or you just run out of filters.
2033 Redux is a literal downgrade in every way, feels like an entire different team worked on it (possibly even true).
Avoisd at all costs and play the original instead.
Not as bad a Silent Hill HD collection, but damn it's pretty close.
>kill guy with a throwing knife
>pacify guy next to him
What's the point murder that dude
I do shit like that a lot in both Metro games. Unless I'm going for a particular ending I just kind of wing it as far as combat goes.
It's fun to sneak in only to toss a grenade into a fire surrounded by 3 or 4 assholes trying to murder me.
Serious question, is if consolefags who had a hard time with this?
They are slow, revolver 1 shots them, 5x45 military ammo 1 shots them.
I didn't even know you could kill the spawns until later, never died once nor did Miller.