Which one is better. I want to play an MMO

Which one is better. I want to play an MMO.

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Tough luck, because they aren't MMOs.



Both are shit, XIV is a bit shittier if anything just because of how fucking casual friendly it is


>arguably more interesting world
>superior choice if you're a huge FF fag
>better graphics if you give a shit
>bitchin music
>not as populated as WoW
>not as much content as WoW
>PvP is currently active but will probably die when the PvP crossover ends
>costs 30 bucks

>Fuckload of races and classes
>enormous amounts of content in comparison, but I can't vouch for the quality
>much larger world to explore, some areas are comfy
>larger active player base
>presumably more active PvP
>Costs well over a hundred dollars to get all the content

play xiv, you can't justify why WoW is any better

>Costs well over a hundred dollars to get all the content
What? The base game with all the previous expansions is 15$ and you can get it for like 7 with 30 days of free trial
The expansion is barely 30$ unless you directly want to purchase it from Battle.net

I should add that I play XIV and have only played a small portion of WoW so I might be a tad biased, but I think both games have their merits.

WoW - Mainstream western fantasy with some Eastern areas
FFXIV - Weeb western fantasy with some Eastern themes but you can't visit Doma yet


Try out a new sport instead

Well I guess I'm a fucking retard then, sorry.

>Playing WoW in 2017

WoW is for faggots

>1 2 3 4 xylophone hotbar gameplay

they're both shit

wow doesn't have fuccboi cat"girls"

come one man, MMO's have to be casual friendly or else they die.

fukin saved

Post cat girls(male)

To be fair you would find this same kind of garbage on XIV if your playing on Balmung.

WoW is obviously the better game.

But Sup Forums being contrarian and filled with weebs, the answer from them will obviously be FF14, even though it's a far cry from anything in WoW.

Worse raiding, worse dungeons, worse leveling, worse world content, etc. etc. The list goes on.

It's okay being accessible, but when literally all the content in the game is pandered for casual braindead players and they even destroy content just to pander them is not,
Fuck yoship

>Controller other people's characters

Isn't like that the biggest sin of RP?

Try rs3 or osrs those are bretty fun.

I think it's funny, honestly more of a selling point than anything.

you can try both of them user

>WoW's "hard" dungeons are the exact same dungeon but with tougher mobs

If XIV had the same amount of content WoW had it would be the superior game. Until then, WoW is probably still your best bet for sheer amount of stuff to do.

>WoW's "hard" dungeons are the exact same dungeon but with tougher mobs
what are you on about man

I played WoW since the SL/SL Warlock days back in TBC expansion when 2007 was still relevant. FFXIV is the better game right now.

I can't speak for WoW but FFXIV is one of the worst games I have ever "played". In fact, the game goes out of it's way to lock down every single bit of content it has behind daily bullshit.

Why am I not allowed to roll for items more than once per week?

Why am I locked out of quests because the supreme gook god himself said I've played too much today?

Why can I not get tomes from any dungeon without some trivial weekly cap that's just there to stop you from doing anything?

This is so dumb, just let me play the fucking game.

respect the content sicko

They are both turds but at least XIV is a polished turd.

WoW is fun and you can eat through most of the worthwhile content pretty quickly if you want.

FFXIV is a total grindfest. It's almost unbearably slow in both leveling speed and combat (because it has a hilariously long global cooldown). I hope you enjoy loadscreens and invisible walls if you choose it. Triple Triad is pretty cool, though.

if you don't play legion...i'm going to beat you up after school kid.

First MMO? Regardless i agree with you.
>Tfw you run every raid you can for the week
>Get no gear
>jerk off because there's nothing else to do except farm gold

>locked out of quests

Do you mean leves? its a shame you can't infinitely spam out leves but if you're using those for anything but crafting/gathering classes you're a fucking retard.

I was referring to both leve and beast tribe quests. I haven't attempted to do any Hunts but it wouldn't surprise me if I'm not allowed to do that either.

>I want to play an MMO
You think you do, but you don't

You get daily generic hunts for trash mobs and a weekly B hunt for an assload of seals but you can join hunt parties and fight A and S rank hunts any time as much as you want, which is a much more efficient way of getting seals. Daily beast tribe quests is pretty lame though, wish they'd remove the cap on the ARR tribes

>tfw love RPing in MMo's and love being able to fuck around with profile mods
>RP servers either non-existant for most games these days and most active RP servers are languishing with all the best players having left already

I just really want to just have some fun in a big RP server again

>tfw you enjoy RP but every dedicated RP server ends up as a festering ERP shithole

Jack off to anime like everyone else you fucking niggers.

Wyrmrest Accord is free from most of that blatant shit. Even on Moonguard, it's localized to Goldshire as the local tourist spot

Even the Darknest chat on WrA Horde side is pretty tame, as lewd talk is pretty rare. I was more thinking along the lines that all the really good players that know how to manage big server link plots bailed out, and we're left with more smaller communities that never interact with each other, and those that do linger around the public scene are all attentionwhores of low quality and severe mental handicaps. It's depressing

The main thing I really disliked about WoW was how they fucked up the crafting system in the latest expansions. I loved grinding around the world for the materials to level up a profession and to get all the secret recipes, now (specially as it was in Draenors) it is none of that.
At least FFXIV has a great crafting system that is actually fun.

>talk to someone
>they bring up erp
>you say no/ignore them
Don't get offended so easily nerd

>try to rp and make friends
>"he's just an attention whore"
How do i win this game

>try going to /vg/ and hitting up the WoW general
>it's literally all autistic furries and attention whores avatarfagging 24/7 and regurgitating the same stale pasta every thread
>they literally admit to not even playing the game and only pay $15/mo to ERP as a fat gay panda

I just don't understand it. If people wanted to ERP or whatever you'd figure they'd go on the websites that let you do this shit for free.

Holy shit it's so bad, has to be the worst general ever created on Sup Forums.

They fixed it somewhat with Legion in that you do need to travel and quest to unlock all the recipes, but now what you learn is useless compared to what drops unless your loot luck is abysmal.

WoW faggots need to be banned. FFXIV fags too.
Shit games run by jewish companies past their prime.

It really is. I'm not even exaggerating when I said they just post the same pasta at each other every thread. It's embarrassing. They just sit in their discord and circlejerk each other and then shit on people who want to actually talk about the game. I remember over the summer a mod actually did their job for once and nuked the thread, and the fucking furfags just came over and started spamposting here til the mod got fired. Should've rangebanned the lot of them.

>wows "hard dungeons" are the same dungeons but harder

Check out /xivg/.

> WoW gets Demon Hunter; basically rogue with wings
> FF14 gets Red mage AND Samurai

Nobody can give one good reason to play WoW over FFXIV.

is this some new shit because I remember having to pay $60 to get everything back at the end of LK

You only need to buy this and Legion.

FFXIV is okay

>mfw this faggot doesn't realize that WoW is literally now designed for the Chinese Audience

Fuck off, you fucking Westacuck

When you say MMO I assume you are talking MMORPG, right? If that's the case, then I have to say world of warcraft is not an MMO anymore, and it hasn't been one for quite a while, already.

If you genuinely want to experience an MMO you should aim for any other game that calls itself an mmo, preferably a 2.5D asian top down type, since 3D mmos always tend to fall into the same shitty generic wowy sand-boxy gear treadmilly game-play with most RPG elements removed because they are "too complicated".

>implying it isn't blue mage

I like the story content in XIV so that's my choice, though I'm sure it's overbearing and an annoyance to a lot of other people, so it depends what you want out of an MMO I guess.

WoW Vanilla to Mists > FFXIV ARR > Warlords >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dog Shit >>>>>>>>>>>> Legion > FFXIV

>Warlords over Legion
found the warlordsbabby that started playing WoW 3 years ago

I'd just like to add, that XIV's music literally blows the shit out of WoW's... literally no contest.


>preferring WOD to legion

u wot m8

>fed up of wow, grow to hate it for weird reasons
>try FF14
>'wow Sup Forums was right, this is so refreshing and different'
>get to '''endgame''''
>slowly realize this is just a wow for weebs and people disillusioned with wow without 1/10th of the content


As someone who raided endgame in both I personally prefer FF14. PvP sucks in Legion but PvP also sucks in FF14 so they kinda cancel each other out. Animations, armour, and general visuals of FF14 blow WoW out of the water. If I wasn't committed to a Legion raid group I would be playing FF14 instead.

I dunno. I've been playing Legion off and on since it came out and Blizzard for the first time ever is putting out more content than I know what to do with.

I'm not playing so much now. Instead of them giving me nothing to do and me quitting, this time I'm just tapping out from exhaustion. I wanna go do other stuff. They've already got the next content patch up on PTR and it isn't even the last one for the expansion.

Final Fantasy 14 has miqo'te. And whether you want to stick your dick in the bois or the girls, they're just tits either way. I've let the FFXIV character select screen music run on loop more than a few times. I have never played the game however. Looked neat. Hard to beat D&D/WoW style dwarves however.

Also draenei. The females.

#1. Data Mining has shown the next job to be "SAM"

#2. Blue Mage will start at level 50 with already learned abilities... why would they do this??? lol

#3. Still need a 3rd STR stat using Melee DPS, Samurai fits this perfectly

#4. NPC at the end of 3.5 MSQ literally talks about Doma's "Samurai" and Ninja's

#5. Main Antogonist of Stormblood is literally a Samurai

#6. Japanese Audience knows about Spider-Man being some kinda "Sentai Ranger" or some shit, plus he also has a Samurai type outfit that was released in Japan, this is why he chose a Spider-Man T-Shirt for the Japanese Fan Festival, cuz Japs will understand.

#7. Yoshi-P literally mentions "Sam Raimi" in his statement about how he likes the directors of the Spider-Man Movies.

#8. Adding two "Mage" jobs in the same expansion... Do you think Yoshi-P would do something like this???

LITERALLY NOTHING Points toward Blue Mage except "Peter gets bitten by spider, and now has spider abilities, woohooo!"

Blue Mage is not gonna happen, deal with it.

Elder Scrolls Online.

Legion is great desu, 10 times better than that shitcan of an expansion called WOD

my only problem is that you can only raid once a week, when mythic plus dungeon autists can do 100 a week and get just as good loot. there should be a limit on how many mythic plusses you can run a week. maybe 5/10, enough that you can help your friends with their keys and still get loot yourself, but not so much that it gets exploited by no lifers

Well I hope it's a DPS, I don't want a fourth tank right now.

My nigga


But we need a fourth tank to take DRK out of the meta.

>like RPing
>every RP server isnt about playing their role of a warrior or a hero or whatever, its either fat chicks ERPing or furfags/bronies/other degenerates

i just want a non degenerate RP

4th tank/VIT using job would just be retarded... if its a tank i probly will level it to max and barely ever touch it again.... DRK tank was such a disappointment.

>DRK in the meta
You thinking of warrior, champ?

DRK has become such a meme job but I still intend to play it.

DRK is the meta MT, WAR is the meta OT

>DRK not in the meta
It's better than PLD in every single fight and has the best raidwide mitigation of all 3 tanks.

No, PLD is literally cucked out of the Meta because it doesn't do enough DPS for elitist pricks who think they deserve special recognition for Min/Maxing everything

Yeah I hope when they add fourth tank and healer they can get clever and make them something other than a heavy armor warrior and a robed magician but I doubt it.

the meta comp is DRK, WAR, DRG, NIN, MCH, BRD, SCH, AST

Meanwhile im just waiting for a real MMO, star citiizen to launch

>mfw it was meant to be out by now
>mfw i will literally be dead of old age by the time it comes out
>mfw people who gave them tens of thousands of their own cash 5 or so years ago are now dead

i just wanna fly around and cap people in a spaceship

Thats why Ninja tanking in FFXI was the funnest experience I've had in an MMO yet. Having low defense but relying on timing your shadows was fuking dope. Not a traditional "tank" in any sense and it was badass.



SC will fail for 1 simple reason: Did you hear the laser sounds that every starship makes? Those are fucking EAR CANCER, and you're going to have to hear that sound a whoooole lot, cuz space battles are the entire point of that game.

I only gave $20 to SC to get the basic bitch package cuz i knew that game would take 10 years to come out. But man the sound design for SC is literally garbage.

Legion was fun for a good 2 months or so. I started playing late November on a Demon Hunter. I play on satellite (600+ ping) and I still put out competitive DPS. I reached 880-889 ilvl before Night Hold was released and just got my 35th trait (the 5% damage one) about a week ago or so. I'm burnt out already. The only thing I have left to do is Mythic raiding & 10+ keys which I have avoided due to my Internet being shit (random disconnects too aside from ping). I can also reroll or do do old content for cosmetics but that shit is boring AF. NH doesn't interest me but I have yet to clear it. I only killed up to Tich via normal pugs. Lots of RNG in Legion too when it comes to gear so I hope you're prepared for that.

nice meme.

Nobody does Magic Bursts in FFXI anymore

And now with Enochian/Fire4/Blizz4 BLM is a way more complex job.

No way in Hell will WoW babies be able to optimize BLM rotation to the fullest. All they do is cry about 2.5s GCD but when they come and actually play XIV, their DPS is quite literally hot fucking garbage.

WoWchild opinion/10


If you really have to, FFXIV is pretty decent.

killed normal guldan today in some kind of cross-server raid group. like a pug but they do it every week with a discord and shit. i know what you mean though other than the raiding there is an almost overwhelming amount of shit to do, but its all shit i dont wanna do/pointless stuff.

>nothing points to Spiderman = BLU except for the most important thing
I know it's SAM but this statement was ridiculous

well, if it is BLU it's going to be extremely lame, that's for sure.

I always found WoW artstyle to be fucking disgusting.

Me too
Four digit hands are retarded

So, you warriors, how do you deal with all the abilities? My pld got like 2 abilities that are out of the way to activate, but on my war is a lot more. I want to play the class more, but with my current button setup, it feels so untuitive

You could do it the easy way and get one of those MMO mice (I use Logitech G600) and make grids that align with the one on the mouse.

Otherwise you either abuse switching between action bars or abuse modifiers (shift, alt, ctrl and combinations of those)

>Story, graphics, music
They're the same


It's as simple as playing the job enough to know where each skill is and when to use them.