I went shopping at quite literally the only computer store in my entire state that isn't best buy today.
Z270 M3 motherboard
RX 480 8GB VRAM videocard
i5 7500 processor
750W power supply
am I ready to join the master race now?
I went shopping at quite literally the only computer store in my entire state that isn't best buy today.
Z270 M3 motherboard
RX 480 8GB VRAM videocard
i5 7500 processor
750W power supply
am I ready to join the master race now?
Other urls found in this thread:
all fine 'xcept that AMD card.
>RX 480
Hahahahahaha fucking pleb, enjoy your shitbox. Lel.
>spending more than 100 dollars on a motherboard
no, but you can join the goyim race
That power supply seems like a bit too much for that Pc
Enjoy it user, that's a really good machine
Not bad actually. Hope you didn't pay more for going to a store instead of online, but decent choices that will play stuff fairly well, provided its not a shitty PSU as that could haunt you later.
If you don't have a case yet I suggest Spec 02, lot of room and good cable management for a low cost.
>i5 7500
Save 80+ bucks and get a h or b board, your chip is locked and you won't get any use in using a board designed for over clocking.
Also your 750 watt PSU is overkill. A 480 and a non overclocklable CPU really only needs a 500 watt PSU at best.
fucking pleb
>locked kaby instead of locked skylake with skyoc mobo
>overkill psu
>probably 2133 ram
>i5 + rx 460
>750W PSU
you disgust me