Is he, dare I say it, /our guy/?

Is he, dare I say it, /our guy/?

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I like him. He's actually knowledgeable about the NES, unlike James Rolfe. He's kinda out of touch when it comes to more modern games though. Also, RIP Ian.

No, he's one of the most untalented, cringeworthy cunts to scrape the funds together to buy a camcorder. He's fucking garbage.

t. James

He doesn't deserve all those NES games. I just want a copy of Dragon Warrior with a working battery goddamnit.

Is he, dare I say it, /our guy/?

Why not? He bought them himself.

pat the nes cunt

I felt bad for Ian because I know what it's like to face expensive medical bills and not know how you're going to pay them, but I lost all respect when he started the gofundme. And I can't even be mad at the dude, gullible bastards send him money by the thousands. Fuck that dude and fuck anyone who wants shit handed to them.