Help Sup Forums. I'm jaded and all the games I want to play don't give me that *yeah that sounds like fun* feeling.
I want to try For Honor but I don't know how to get a key. do I beg? Do I fill out a survey?
I applied for it a while ago, but I didn't get chosen.
alternatively, up for recommendations. Can't buy much, though. Only 5 bucks in Steam
Too late. Hijacking thread. This is now a mordhau shitfest.
>Muh games are not fun anumore is it jus me?
Fuck off
Lol who's begging? I asked for a for a code (which are free for those who have them) or recommendations. How is that begging?
Agreed, OP is once again a faggot,
Also rollan
>phone girl
not like this.
no opinion on this jsut rawlin
>le tired gamer
you need to fuck off along with all of the other faggots like you