WE did it team.
WE did it team
Other urls found in this thread:
So which department of Blizzard do you work in senpai?
I don' get it. Does every western company need to be involved in american politics?
well the people who are in charge of these social media pages are literally paid to be memey reddit users so yes.
That's not an official account...right?
can this shitgame finally die, so we don't get 150 threads a day with people from reddit flooding this board?
>no verification symbol
Hm I wonder.
No it's obviously not. Five seconds looking this up in Twitter confirms.
That's what I thought. I wasn't sure if the people who posted before me were acting retarded or if I was missing something.
Overwatch.TXT is a fan account, retards
Oh he knows
Just wait, Battleborn will steal the show
as a general rule of thumb when using Sup Forums, just assume everyone is retarded
>literally using the inaccurate image of trumps Inauguration that the media got butt fucked over using
lol just another reason to never pick up that shit game
>25M in total
It's a fan account, calm down autismo
drumpfshit located
>11 stds
this is enough to say fans are cucks.
We've had entire threads of people getting offended by fake articles that aren't even real. All you have to have is a fake article title in the thread name, an "excerpt" from your fake story, a URL to a legitimate site but with a fake extension (normally containing the fake title), and maybe a fake screenshot of your article (or just post an related image if you're lazy). As long as it feeds their confirmation bias and need to be outraged, you can endlessly trick people with the most basic shit.
>the inaccurate image
not him, but iirc the photo of Trump's crowd was taken at 7.30 in the morning
Man I should move to America if it's this bright at 7.30 in the morning during winter.
Before I saw claims of 5:30 in the morning, so they're moving the time in the right direction. Maybe at some point they'll finally just admit it's at the same time instead of perpetuating this non-issue in order to pick a fight with the media.
The media is lying you guys! It's totally alternative facts! Don't look at the blatant evidence right in front of you! You can trust us, honest!!!!!!
It's a bit like trick photography
Take a photo at a concert mid way through all the crowds all the pyro everything going off looking grand and compare it to a warm up/ rehearsal for another band and say "Oh look how unpopular Band B is compared to Band A!" too many people just jump on what they see right away.
Then there's always the paralax effect if you want to be clever and subtle but that's neither here nor there.
Not to mention they used his second term inauguration rather than his first term when he was less popular.
here you go fags
basically just rep reprimanding the media for being the children that they are
Anyone who watched it live can tell you the media are lying.
Inauguration? Wut?
How much is soros paying you?
I thought you were still talking about the OP's image.
Active players != People who bought/were given the game/ trial account
Active numbers of overwatch? N/A, blizzard doesn't make them public. You just have to take their word for it, dear chum(p)
its CTR 2.0 they do it for free
Lol its funny how these argument threads always die after all the libtards get btfo'd after one post like by using really fucking proof
That's the sad part - the jews don't even pay them. Brainwashing has worked.
The average iq of a conservative is 86.
Really makes you think, huh.
Do you not know where the alternative facts came from? Sean got caught lying.
Keep sucking that Trump dick while he screws you over for his 1% circlejerk
>Anyone who watched it live can tell you the media are lying.
Oh, yeah, it's "the media" and totally not the guys who literally made up a term to discredit anything that doesn't fit into their own agenda.
Are people actually surprised?
People voted for Obama because they wanted Obama.
People voted for Trump because they didn't want Clinton.
Except that camera angle hides the crowd size. Viewed from such a low angle, it is impossible to tell anything about the size of the crowd (similar how to being inside a crowd limits your ability to judge the size of the crowd beyond a certain point). Spicer also cited the metro numbers for Obama's SECOND inaugural, failing to mention the much higher metro numbers of Obama's first (as you might expect, reelection inaugurals have far fewer people in attendance).
Anyone who watched it live can tell you that Trump is lying. We've entered the realm of "who do you believe, me or your own eyes?" and confirmation bias.
There was a survey conducted recently that had two questions, or rather, tasks. The first was simple: here are two inaugural photos, identify which one is the 2009 Obama photo and which one is the 2017 Trump photo. Broken down by party affiliation, Democrats picked the matched the photos wrong less than 10%, independents matched wrong around 20% of the time, and finally Republicans matched the wrong photo 40%.
The real kicker, however, was the second question: same photos, side by side, which image has more people? Again broken down by party, Democrats and independants were wrong nearly 0% of the time, statistically insignificant. However, Republicans believed that the image with clearly smaller crowds had more people in it 15% of the time.
Sup Forums got played so hard this election
people voted for obama because he was black
>lose 11 million WoW players in 2 years
>lose 5 million WoW players in 90 days - becomes pay to win
>refuse to report subscriber numbers after the 90 days
>let's pretend 25 million players play our epileptic seizure inducing, cheat infested, unoriginal shooter
>surely someone will believe us and buy the game
No one fucking trusts that company any more.
Get over it.
>muh 25 gorillion
popularity equals mediocrity.
>25 million players
And 1% still active because the game turned out to be incredibly shallow and boring.
>Spicer also cited the metro numbers for Obama's SECOND inaugural
Maybe that's because all the media comparisons of the two inaugurations used Obama's second inauguration as the comparison
Don't forget that there are probably a few million smurf accounts too, because you get a smurf in nearly every game nowadays if not multiple smurfs.
It's not players it's accounts. Asian countries like Korea can and do make an unlimited number of accounts in internet cafes. There were a few good who had hundreds of Starcraft 2 accounts trying to get a perfect ranked record.
>made up a term to discredit anything that doesn't fit into their own agenda.
The democrats started this "everything I don't like is fake news" thing, user.
1% of 25 millions is still a quarter million, which is plenty.
Most Steam games don't get as many, ever.
Team Fortress, the direct competitor of Overwatch, peaks at around 50000, which is FIVE TIMES less than 1% of 25 millions.
Except it was the 2009 one was the one used in the original comparison photo.
Even if you disagree on this fact, this totally invalidates Spicer's claim that this was "the biggest inauguration ever." Even accounting for TV viewership, Trump's inauguration was on par with previous first time events (~30 million for Trump, GWB, Clinton, GHWB) with the obvious exception of Obama (~37 million).
People need to learn to let this go. This wasn't at all a BAD turnout, but it was by no means THE GREATEST TURNOUT EVER like the administration wants so badly to believe.
No they were talking about legit fake news that pops up in Facebook circles. Shit like Obamagaddeon or Clinton murdering FBI agents
This is like saying runescape has 10 million players.
It had 40,000 before giving into a classic server, now it has 80-100,000.
Protip: 450,000 players were on daily before they became pay to win.
People abandon pay to win games and companies who do this because they're guaranfuckingteed to do it again.
Blizzard is dead.
Get over it. Stop making shit up.
This game has less than 300,000 and WoW has 1 million. Pathetic, untrustworthy pile of garbage company.
its CIA and that ones true
They really did. Now they're so desperate they're straight up deluding themselves because Trump is already shitting the bed not even a week into office. These next 4 years are going to be fun.
>which is FIVE TIMES less than 1% of 25 millions.
user, that grammar is atrocious.
>which is one fifth of
Not five times less.
One fifth of. Or twenty percent of.
Rip Seth Rich
it also means demand
I agree, but do you honestly think that impacted the result of the election in the slightest? It's a very convenient scapegoat so that they don't have examine what they did wrong and make any changes.
Personally, I don't care whether or not there was more people at Trumps Inaug or not compared to Obama's. What gets my goat is people using misleading images like the one in the OP which iirc was taken a few hours before the inaug to then go "SEE, SEE," as if it means a damn.
Then there's morons like this pretending as if they think Sup Forums gives a fuck when one look at the board says otherwise.
why dont they just say many games they sold instead of this bullshit ?
I really can't wait until this becomes pay to win and everybody comes here to cry that Blizzard betrayed them again.
Won't be long.
Shitty camera angle aside. Far less people attended trumps innaguration then obamas. Which is understandable considering him and hill had the lowest approval rates in recent history. Even recent approval rates puts him on the lowest approval rate since Eisenhower
Which is also five times less than.
It fits into it five times.
>literally everyone
This is not the right board, we're talking about Backstabbard right know.
And over half those players are bored with the shit over meme is now
nooooo fake news fuck cnn america great again cluck cluck cluck
Why would I care about how many copies a game has sold when I'm not the one making a profit off those sold games?
I just want to have a good time, and Overwatch is awful if you are not a millennial who grew up on awful video games.
Unfortunately the term got expanded to "everything I don't like" by both parties. More specifically, they started to conflate the terms "bias" and "fake," using them interchangeably, which is totally incorrect and deprives both words of their original meaning. There are news stories that are biased and there are stories that are totally fabricated, and mixing the two terms that describe these together is a recipe for disaster.
Except it was confirmed that the time of day in both photos is the same. A few hours earlier would have lead to massive changes in the local shadows because it's winter time and daylight hours are short.
Either way comparisons to Obama's 2009 is just unfair. A comparison to GWB or Clinton would be far more in line with the typical inauguration crowd.
>saudi and afghani non-government partisans attacked a business building in usa?
>better invade iraq as soon as possible!
I still have no idea how the american people and senate agreed to this retarded notion, especially after the guy's father, Bush Sr, specifically and publicly stated that Saddam should stay in power and the country would collapse otherwise.
Maybe in a few rural tows and states, I really don't have the numbers, but I doubt it. I think it hurts the major media's revenue and it could most definitely feed more of the crazy towns we have in the ass cracks of America.
>Even recent approval rates puts him on the lowest approval rate since Eisenhower
Considering 95% of the mass media basically portrayed him as the 2nd coming of Hitler for months, my neurons aren't fired at all.
The senate agreed because they're bought, the people agreed because they're stupid.
probably the same pollster who said he has a 3% of winning the election
Why would you come to an event like this if you arent within that first courtyard? Protestors aside, why even show up if you don't get to even see it?
Trump is a video game character. Fuck off.
You people are fucking morons.
Worse than posting porn on Sup Forums when there are 13 porn boards.
People wanted to get rid of Bush after dealing with 8 years of his bullshit. That's more or less irrelevant when when we're talking about inagurations here.
A more pertinent example would be Mr. President, considering the likelihood of assassination attempts during his term.
Could you imagine getting tickets to a game and then being told you could watch from the parking two blocks from the stadium? It's pointless.
Love how fuckheads like this shitter don't reply to actual proof instead of made-up fairlyland bullshit that Ailes shoves down their throats.
How old are you?
>likelihood of assassination attempts
Near zero percent.
He will be just generic conservative politician man, not the reactionary monarch he boasted about being during the elections.
>asks a question
>Sup Forums's filthy attempt to try and infiltrate Sup Forums
Fuck off back to Sup Forums Faggot.
>by using really fucking proof
this is the average Sup Forumsfag. not to mention that you'll just easily believe whatever trump tells you to belive.
The cognitive dissonance on Sup Forums is astounding. It's literally nothing but idiots and actual stormfront rejects there.
It's also great to watch libs try to cobble their party together without choking themselves to death with identity politics, but I'm sure I'll still get called a Soros shill or whatever buzzword is popular. It's completely alien to both extremes that there are people out there who aren't crazy feminist socialists nor are they Klansmen who want the kill off the poor.
Why would Sup Forums post that image? You're being baited you fucking retard.
>Establishment Republicans arrange to have Trump JFK'd and get some whacko liberal to be their Oswald
Double win for them
It's happening already.