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Video Games #3657
Video Games
What are your favorite gaming Myths?
Apologize right now. This thing will sell literally dozens
How come even Melee is thriving and 64 is played for fun, but THIS is NEVER even talked about anymore?
Ace Attorney
Who would win?
Before, there was a sexiest characters thread
I'm still mad
Work this rationally into a scenario it would be used in a game
DA 2
Two numba nines
What games let me be a mercenary?
You play FPS with a controller
So are they making a sequel or what?
ITT: Games LITERALLY nobody dislikes
Post your Sup Forumsidya tattoos!
What do you think of Sonic Boom, Sup Forums?
What's a great game that never got a sequel?
Masaya Nakamura, founder of Namco, has died at 91
Why do people like nvidia?
Is the zombie fad in video games over yet...?
Can we all agree that she's the new best girl in the Zelda series?
Name some elder god tier villain
Choose your machine
For Honor thread
ITT: We post characters that are literally us
We judge each other by your Steam profile pics
Did he do anything wrong?
Brb getting a snack
Are they going to update the princess Zelda model in the next Smash Bros game with this abomination?
Why do people buy games that has no content or effort put into it like pic related?
How did they think this would go over well?
Girls dont really like videogames they just pretend to like them
ITT: Games only you liked
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Dark Souls One
Gaming will never achieve this because it is harmful/ too dangerous
Theoretically, could Death Stranding be the best game ever created?
Awful games the minority convinced you to play
ITT: quality vidya news articles
Fire Emblem Echoes
What do you eat while playing video games, Sup Forums?
I wish none of this had ever happened. I wish SJW's had never infested our hobby
Still waiting on that /vj/ and /vw/ split
What should I expect?
There are people who think Joel wasn't in the right
When will Jojo become a series everyone has seen?
Who is his videogame equivalent?
ITT: Bullshit enemies
ITT: Times you listened to Sup Forums and it backfired on you?
Why is she so fucking ugly holy shit
ITT: Best Character Designs in Vidya
That empty feeling you get after beating a game
Don't you DARE buy that pack of gum just yet, Sup Forums
What exactly is Juri's endgame in the series?
What is the purpose of subscribing to twitch streamers, besides simply supporting that person?
Kingdom Hearts 3
She really wasn't much of a voice actress, was she?
Are there any good video games with a high school setting besides Persona?
Filename thread
Does Waluigi need his own game on the switch?
What games are as motivational as Gurren Lagann?
If you voted for Trump don't play our game just go FUCK off
Took them 5 days
What games let me play as a sneaky snek?
Resident Evii
Who was in the wrong here?
What other games can I fuck shit up in a third person country?
How pathetic
Complete multiple in-game quests
Are the rumors true? do girls really play video games?
Looking up uploads on YouTube bashing the Switch...
Why the fuck isn't there a good ant colony video game?
People are stressed. Unwinding, however, can be as easy as turning on your Xbox. In fact...
It only gets good 5 hours in
Post your favorite video game, and your favorite video game girl
Will it be good?
What headphones do you use for gaming?
Now that Pokémon Bank has finally updated. Why aren't you playing us again?
Do you listen to vidya music that helps you sleep?
I just picked this game up. What am I in for Sup Forums?
Double Dragon 4 comes out next week
Steam profile pic thread
What are some games that seemed like they were setting up a very predictable ending before doing something completely...
Fire Emblem
Project Diva
So is there a list of changes made to this game from the JP version to the NA version...
Gamer fuel thread. Post your favorite fuel!
Does Sup Forums have good taste in vidya stories?
The last musician you listened to is now doing the soundtrack to the last game you played
How do you pronounce godot?
If you wanted fanservice, you should watch hentai
What went wrong?
ITT: oh yeah that was a thing
Steam profile thread?
Please help me choose a game, Sup Forums
ITT: Favorite Vidya Quotes
Mock-Up Thread
Let's settle this ONCE and for ALL
Can we get a non-cancer steam friend thread?
This is Lucina, Exalt of Ylisse...
Lose game
What went wrong?
Megaman with touch screen controls
Why are video games still so fucking bad...
If poise doesn't exist in DaS3, then what the hell does this ring even do?
"dude this game has something called a "murder stroke" where you use your sword like a mace or something"
Want some chips Sup Forums?
He didn't buy Tales of Berseria
So uh...How do i become a kang? Im just looting villages and making everyone mad at me famalam
Red pill me on the Saturn
Gaming mice / mouse thread
ITT: post times when Sup Forums tricked you
I ever tel ya'll 'bout the time my buddy Keith got bombed by the army?
What went so <spoiler> wrong? <spoiler>
Don' fool yourself user, you want the switch
I live in a country that shares a time zone with Japan...
I need a mobile game to play on the way to and from work. Been thinking of Idolm@ster or Love Live games...
Games you used to like until Sup Forums proved you wrong
Be sure to stretch before engaging in rigorous physical activity
Okay, let's settle this for once. Why Sup Forums wants this fails so badly? Nintendo did nothing wrong
Why is Totori the last good Atelier?
Final Fantasy XIV
Game lets you play as a snek
Planet coaster
Th-that was it.........?
Who are your fav vidya streamers on twitch? i watch mostly women like kaceytron...
Ugh im so bored, what do i play
There, I fixed it
Stop using swear words
Did we ever figure out why cyberpunk genre/setting/theme is so good?
Played Solatorobo? Discuss it here. If not Play it or others complain about it
I got $160 in store credit for Gamestop, what should I get?
Post yfw you didn't fell for the VR meme
I'm thinking about buying a new PC...
How to commit market suicide
Was he right?
Best art direction
Tales of Berseria
Instant pull into one shot combo
Games only you played
Does anyone actually miss Liam?
You DID choose to save the Bay over Chlopeepee, right, anoon?
Be male
Will Persona 5 live up to the hype? Thinking of buying a PS3 for it because it looks like it's finally getting a game...
How the hell is this related to resident evil? This isn't resident evil!
First game is trash
Birth year
Which one do you want to win
Why does Sup Forums like this game when they usually hate any other "interactive movie"?
Pick one
Ethan? Ethan???????
Why are good video games based on movies so rare?
Is there anything that can save WoW? Or even the Warcraft franchise at this point?
What makes this game good?
Handheld appreciation thread
Why weren't there 3rd party versions of the vita memory card?
What were they thinking?
Does her edge enhance or detract from her character?
NOLF (No one Lives Forever) game appreciation thread. Who here remembers this classic. Real nice sleeper game from 2000...
Ctrl+f no webm thread
The poison-based zones in the Souls games should be dropped completely, does anyone actually enjoy them...
Why did they make this monkey so damn sexy?
Can you find Eggman?
This is a Pokémon
Legitimate criticisms of Earthbound
Let's have a Senran Kagura thread with no image dumping whatsoever
Who has the best ass in vidya?
Best Action Games
What exactly is the evidence that the "redfield" person at the end of re7 isn't chris
Hows that game coming along Sup Forums
Serious question
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
N64 Thread
What will this thing be used for?
Gravity Rush 2 thread: Servers are still down edition
Beautiful video game areas
Did you preorder?
No extremely realistic dinosaur game with cutting edge graphics, hyper realistic gore, dinosaur procreation...
Final boss is god
Resident Evil 7
What's the ideal setup to have in OSRS before starting membership stuff? Pic related is where I'm at now...
It's an eric tries to be funny episode
Post good character design
It's 2017, why are you not playing Elder Scrolls Online?
V-video games were always expensi-
Wake up Sup Forums. Modding must end before we enter another gaming renaissance...
Just a reminder, guys. You haven't figured out how to play me yet
Pointless gimmicks like refueling
Why havent you hacked your 3ds yet? ALL firmware is hackable for FREE. This time you literally have no excuses
Nintendo's new Marketing Strategy with Switch
I'm still fucking mad
Which vidya man would be the most faithful and loveable husband?
Splatoon is a necessary shooter. Here's why:
MK8 Sup Forumseekend
Battlestation Thread
Where did all the arena shooters go?
Truly the comfiest video game podcast
What's your favorite space-bar item?
What kind of autistic, virginal simpletons actually give two fucks about this bullshit?
What was the purpose of Blizzard telling everyone that Tracer's a carpet muncher?
Assassin's Creed
PS4 has no games you Sonygger!
Yakuza 0 Thread
What are some videogames?
Can fake tits ever be as good as real tits, Sup Forums?
Playing cemu
Did he make it, bros?
Tfw a child has a better rig than you and wastes it on minecraft
Post vidya music that gets you HYPED
But will it be any good?
There's literally nothing wrong with jumpscares. If you dislike them, you are playing the incorrect genre...
Is this true?
Sup Forums what is the review of this game? It is really as good as some people remember...
Official HORI brand Switch SD Cards
Mosaic Thread
Dude I love STR builds!
What are some good obscure games that aren't on this list? Ones that would be Gregor or below
January 31, 1997
Is this true Sup Forums?
Play game as a kid, enjoyed it a lot
Dragon Quest thread
Just bought this on PC, why the fuck does the aiming have weird momentum. And what the fuck is "reduce buffering"?
Should I go back to playing Pokémon Sun?
Do you watch him Sup Forums?
And if you worry about third party support for the Switch; Don't
This game hasn't been shilled in here lately
This is the one time I actually want Bowser to win
The final boss is defeated by the power of friendship
25 million players. Even if half of those are inactive or duplicate accounts, that's still a fuck ton
What's the general consensus of XCOM:2, Sup Forums...
Sequel fucking when?
When did it happen to you?
So how come Sup Forums is the only one butthurt about pirating yet every other board is alright with it?
720p on PS4 PRO
Can someone explain the appeal of this franchise? I don't get it
Owning literally any other model of 3DS besides GOTY
Both are story-focused games where the gameplay takes a backseat / it's almost non existent to the point where If you...
Know all about the ins an outs of the industry
I'd hit it
What is the best Kung Pow video game?
10,000+ copies sold
Honest Question
"report X please, he just wants to lose"
The cash is leaving Los Santos again
I need a comfy 3DS game
New Undertale?
Sup Forums, what are some telltale signs that someone you are playing with in an online videogame is actually black?
I can't believe I waited years to play this because of Sup Forums's fearmongering...
We want the 'Five Nights at Freddy's' audience
Is sony about to give us the best new IP of the current console generation?
Nioh waiting in anticipation thread
Can someone explain the "you have to replay a game multiple times and get a good score to see the real ending" meme to...
Underused videogame settings
Is this game good?
Yu-Gi-Oh insta win
13 years old
Increasing difficulty only makes enemies fuckhuge damagesponges
Current state of the Resident Evil franchise
File names
Play a game
Name a better beat em up game. I'll wait
Everyone forgets it's your birthday
RIP XBOX 2001-2016 Thanks Microsoft
How do I get better at aiming with a controller?
Which games have the best "bad endings"...
Fuck this whore and all you noskill cheapshot coward losers who play her
Today is Sunday, divine worship
Alright Gabe. First question, what do you think of the current state of the gaming industry?
This is not photoshopped
This is Lara, say something nice to her
Fire Emblem Heroes: In Loving Memory of Nino
Visual Novel on Switch
How many amiibos do you own?
Fire emblem
Playing dark souls all by myself
I wanna play the most generic comfy fantasy RPG ever...
Can we talk about the Ringed City without shitposting?
Should I play SR 2 or 3?
Dark Souls Thread
When did Nintendo begin to hate colors?
Itt games that Sup Forums tricked you into buying
I'll take a RPG video-game with loads and loads of content, swirled with replay value...
Hey bro can you pass the remote
Sony still not releasing sales numbers
Which was better Sup Forums?
Sup Forums i'm thinking of getting PSVR. Is it worth getting it now or should I wait until after E3?
Wanting to play a game for so long
Just picked these up. What am I in for? Also, any advice? :^)
Resident Evil 7 Biohazard-CPY
What's on your Preorder list?
Should I play Fallout 4?
Hi i'm Ana and 3 nerfs later i'm still ruining Overwatch
Okay Sup Forums, let's discuss which series is better: Silent Hill or Resident Evil?
Is this really the best game that Vanillaware has to offer?
GOTY 2017
It's a children as the main characters RPG
Is the current state of PC gaming good?
Why aren't you playing Duelyst?
Which was the true GOTY for 2015?
ITT: the best console a company has put out
If I were to buy both of these, which would make more sense to play first? I know Berseria is supposed to be a prequel...
Is this game actually hard or is it all just pussies that grew up with their hand held by tutorials and button prompts?
Villains who literally did nothing wrong
Doing dungeon with random players in an MMO
Everyone's talking about if it's good or not but I juste want my /LORE/ thread
Have you ever cheated in an online game?
Game is called snake eater
When was the last time naysayers were actually this blown the fuck out by a game?
When you get NiOh, you'll get in so much pussy, your dick will be soggy 24/7 for the next year
DOTA 2 is the best moba because they give you the entire hero pool for free!
Objective ranking:
This is a shit character
So there's a couple of games I want to get for PS4. As a poor grad student though...
New Tales of Berseria thread
Does Sup Forums play any of the magic the gathering video games?
Tales of Berseria
How many of you here woke up after Mighty No.9 and No Man's Sky
Do you like puzzles in your video games?
You have thirty seconds to name a game with more helpful computer-controlled allies
At what point did you discover Bloodborne was Kino?
Do girls care if one of your hobbys is playing video games?
People hate RE7 because it's first person
Is GTA V better than IV?
What are some legitimate mobile games on Android...
Why don't Triple A devs make big budget porn games?
I need a "gaming" TV. Ive pre-ordered the switch and I cant imagine playing it on my 27 inch monitor...
Risk Of Rain
How should I pose Samus?
What are some video game tropes you do IRL?
Smash (sm4sh) Sup Forumseekend
Is Xenogears the most intellectual and enlightening video game of all time?
What video games will the new majority world population enjoy?
What went wrong?
We’ve already reported on how the Nintendo Switch is basically sold out in every major store in Japan– today...
Where does the WEST keep going so WRONG
How did this get a million viewers?
Is this necessary? Look, I can't fit this godforsaken piece of shit in the electrical outlet...
What's the best snowboard game ever made?
With xbone dead in the water and 4k adoption rates projected to only be around 26M by 2019...
Is there such a thing as a "Winston main"?
Plays literal worst hero in game
Replayability aside, what is the ideal amount of playtime to finish a game? I am talking about one playthrough
Or a gaming pc
Pillars of Eternity 2 - Deadfire
Culprit gets caught
ITT: We sum up Sup Forums in one image
SMITE - New Skin for Skadi - Such Cold
So we can all agree that Axel/Lea is the best Kingdom Hearts character, right?
Is this game actually worth playing? Or do people only get it because they are starved for anime tits?
What video games do you remember playing when your parents were fighting?
Toronto Switch
One of these
KOTOR Thread
Well Sup Forums?
What do you like about the Egyptian theme
ITT: things you miss from old game
Stop playing Dark Souls, time to man up you underages
Tekken 7 Mains
What game are you guys super fucking excited for? I don't care what the hell it is as long as you want it baaddd...
Did Zuke ruin them?
ITT: Those that we couldn't save
Achievement: Start the game for the first time!
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Requires internet
Literally the penicilin of handhelds
What are your thoughts on Injustice 2?
This is the average Sup Forums poster
Why do people think that walls of irrelevant, pointless text are good writing?
Play vidya on train
Are you a popular Youtuber yet?
For Honor
What's Roadhog's ethnicity?
Can anyone tell me where this boards hatred for PC comes from?
What was your first video game?
What went wrong? why the fuck is it so short?
Are you looking forward to Halo 3 anniversary, fall 2017? [Spoiler] let's go [/spoiler]
The 32 GB card is ¥7,900, or about $70 USD. But on Amazon, the “high end” 32 GB SD card from Sandisk is ¥2,690...
Boot up my old Xbox 360
Have you ever lost your video game buddy?
Pewds says there is more to life than money.... like what?
Name ONE (1) GOOD REASON why you aren't going to get ARMS when it comes out
Tfw I used to make huge wars between AI players in the AoEII editor and enjoyed seeing the bots fighting
ITT: we post stuff from our failed webcomics
You can name your character
What games let me play as a communist?
Resident Evil CRACKED
Outlast/pt ripof with CoD bits
Tfw to smart to dislike skyrim
What percentage of PC users on Sup Forums are part of the 1440p/144hz masterclass?
Been trying to find this fucking game everywhere
Can't choose map/gamemode
Do you like collecting achievements in games?
Are sequelfags the worst?
He plays THIS
Here's your daily dose Sup Forums
Will we ever get another good Warhammer 40k title?
What're you lookin' at? I'm not afraid of you, ya know. Even if you are my elder
I bought a PS4 Pro
Anti-Fanboy Thread
"Sonic was never goo-"
I bought an EVGA GTX 1070 despite all the failure reports, and it died after less than 2 months...
Mother 3 has tranny characters
Bloodborne Thread
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
All you faggots unironically shilling for shittendo for glorifying a delayed handheld tier empty open world need to...
ITT: Meme Charecters
Still not a single word about the PC version
4k gaming isn't even possible on pc
Pillars of Eternity
Tfw your parents set the Xbox(tm) parental controls to restrict your play time
ITT: Obscure games that you played, but now you think they weren't that bad and maybe you should play them again
Why is League of Legend a bad game?
Been trying for a while to get into...
Tales of Berseria
The last movie you watched is getting a game adaptation
Who the fuck gets/"builds" a desktop anymore? It's literally 2017
Just bought a 3DS with Pokemon Moon. Can Sup Forums recommend any other games? I don't give a shit about Mario
It's 2030
Breath of the Wild
What should I expect?
Final Fantasy 7
What are some games that feature black holes?
Boss becomes common enemy in a latter area
Why are we not talking about this?
Well Amigos it's Time for a 3x3 Thread
ITT: You get to keep ONE item from the last game you played
Game is cared about so little CPY won't even crack it
I want to become more openminded. Which games have the best black characters?
Ace Attorney
I bought Gravity Rush Remastered last night; put a couple hours into it earlier. It's pretty fun so far...
The following are the slated launch day games for the Switch:
Why did they never make a sequel to Mass Effect?
Nintendo Switch CPU and GPU clock speeds revealed
Which one is superior?
Do you think YOU could help fill this out?
Why are video game translations generally so poor quality?
Ubisoft manage to make a better fighting game than Nintendo, Capcom and Bamco
What's their stand power Sup Forums
Early 3D games are, stylically, the best graphics
BIS > SS >PiT > PJ > DT
Does anyone have any beta keys left for for honor i wan to see what it's like before I decide whether to buy or not
So my buddy is coming over in like an hour or so and might bring up this game
Why is RE so unironically funny?
Why did everyone on Sup Forums hate this game when it was popular? Sure...
Gal Gun: Double Peace has sold over 100,000 units worldwide, developer Inti Creates announced
Who's gonna buy this at holidays?
Is this game worth playing
Buyfag thread
Does it deserve a remake? What would you change?
So why is he suddenly working with Umbrella?
Quit playing vidya for a few years
Name 1 (ONE) game
Are there any streamers worth watching
What would you say was the most influential video game of all time?
Why did they do it Sup Forums?
I have a lot of problems with this game
Now that the dust has settled, I think we can all agree that Mei is best girl
What went wrong?
This game will be a massive flop. Let me tell you why
Is there any reason at all not to start as Knight in this fucking game?
All these furry threads up right now
Video games are great but are you
ITT: Underrated Franchises
What is/are the best game(s) for raising a massive army and expanding my empire across the land...
Why is this the only Sonic game worth playing?
What's games have THICC animals
This seems to have a community, but i dont see it on Sup Forums and /vg/ barely moves
How would you order these, best to worst?
Do you play vidya in public places?
Street Fighter V
Going through all the Witcher games right now
How is it possible to hack steam pipes?
What games give the best feeling of going on an adventure?
Fucking liberals man
I have just started DMC with DMC1 and I have some thoughts
What's our opinion on this upcoming multiplayer sandbox game?
These are the maids you ordered right Sup Forums?
Is it finally safe to talk about the things she got right?
Is there anything they could do to save VR at this point?
Switch is a piece of shit
I'm Redfield
Is it finally safe to talk about this game's flaws?
Is Noah our guy?
Why does nu Sup Forums whine about 'casuals' then play nothing but smash, mario, overwatch, and pokemon?
Who is the Sun Wukong of vidya?
What happened, Sup Forums?
Looks like the last hurrah for MT Framework will be the PC and Xbox One ports of UMvC3
Bideo james
I can only buy one: Berseria or Gravity Rush 2?
The first JRPG, and still the greatest
Where were you when playstation was saved?
Anyone care to explain to me, why is the problem that Sup Forums have with this character?
How am I supposed to beat RE7 on Madhouse? This shit is ridiculous
Are you ready for The Godfather of video games, Sup Forums?
Loved TW3 and Hearts of Stone, is this just as good? Worth 15$?
I want to play gravity rush 2 but i don't wanna buy a ps4. wat do?
I'm currently re-doing Zelda WW on Wii U
City-building thread?
What are some games that can teach me japanese?
See this game mentioned as being a LBGT SJW Tumblr pandering turd on Sup Forums
He will not divide us
Meanwhile on /r/gaming
I finally got around to playing Dark Souls. I know I am way behind on this but it was cheap at Walmart
Why do all the females in Overwatch have such big busts and thighs?
Does knowing the political leanings of devs/critics influence your enjoyment of their output?
Why can't Bioware write villains as well as CD Projekt Red?
Why aren't there any good ay lmao horror games?
Fuck you, Sup Forums
Post >yfw the nintendo switch bombs
Hey Sup Forums, recommend me some open world video games
What's the point of the PRO?
What's his name now Sup Forums?
ITT: we discuss why capcom is shit and why does it make such good games only to disappoint us later down the line with...
Sup Forums is shit
This game will actually be a huge success and very well received. It'll be a surprise hit like Splatoon
What are some games that normies hate but are objectively good?
Haven't played a shooter with a semi decent story since spec ops
Sell me this game (Make me want to buy it not actually sell it to me)
Are you going to spend your entire day on Sup Forums again?
Why hasn't anyone made a Zelda killer?
Japanese devs comment on Switch
I agree that nintendo should just go third party and focus on merchandise and games
Final Fantasy XIV
Underpowered console you can take on the go
It's a five DPS and Widowmaker on defence game
ITT: games that killed their respective franchise
Gf invites you to meet her family
How the fuck is this allowed?
Post tragic pics
Name a game with more bland and boring characters?
Why is it more socially acceptable to get shitfaced drunk every weekend and spend hundreds of dollars on alcohol and...
Itt games only idiot retards like
Girl gaemers
If terraria was 3d, it would of killed minecraft with it's second update
I preordered this. Where can I play the demo now? They didn't send me any preorder codes
So have you all given your daily praises to Sachiko, the cutest idol?
Diablo 3 is actually really fun now. I would even say that it is a legitimately good game...
Hey, at least it can't be worse than ME2
Newfag gamer here, what are some good horror games
What's your opinion on Super Robot Wars Sup Forums?
What went so right?
Game takes place in Prague
I never played this game, but I heard some good stuff about it and ended up by chance on videos of it recently
ITT: Game Devs You Once Loved, But Don't Anymore
Fucking hell. Did anyone else think this game, especially the settlement system, were awfully fun?
I'm FINALLY getting skyrim Tomorrow. I have a few questions though. Do your choices actually matter...
Just got this
Hey you, why haven't you give the 2016 GOTY a try?
Endless Space 2 is going to be the best 4x game in years
What does Sup Forums think of this game?
Fire Emblem
See all these threads about hacking your 3ds
Nu-lara is a lesbia-
RE 7 crack
What did ZUN mean by this?
Some friend sold me his Xbone for 110 bucks and it's my first MS console
Family, huh? I think I'll skip the reunion
That amiibo that has literally zero uses after Smash Bros
What the fuck was his problem?
Take one of the most interesting periods of American history
People are actually skipping the best Resident Evil in over a decade because of a perspective change and soft-reboot...
What was his problem?
This is Lucina, the Exalt of Ylisse
You think you want it but you don't
What went SO right?
What's the point of buying PC (specs doesn't matter) if you have a console?
Can we have a 'games only you have played' thread?
What's the verdict?
Why hasn't there been any great LOTR games? The Fellowship of the Ring is the perfect journey story...
How do I get good at Dead or Alive 5?
Any games like this, but actually alive?
What are some open world games where it's actually fun to travel through the world?
WE did it team
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...