What's the verdict?
What's the verdict?
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pretty good.
Is good game. Pretty excited to see what the final bonus mission has to offer, plus the Pro difficulty addition.
Great game, looking forward to the second half.
If you can get it for 20-30 bucks, it's well worth it. At 60 it's a bit of a stretch.
>throw coin
>snap the niggas neck
>steal his outfit
>collect coin
>hide his body
>rinse and repeat
You lose points for killing non-targets.
>Have a billion options
>choose the worst one
>who could have predicted this outcome
Dunkey says it keeps getting worse with every episode so I'm avoiding it and it's online only cancer.
Got it for $30 and it was definitely worth it, granted the whole episodic release thing irritates me.
Accident kills are the best.
>shit e-celeb says it's bad so i'll take his word for it
is that big-lipped nigger witha large nose?
played it episodic monthly and totally ruined the game 4 me
worst hitman experience ever 4 me
Well my eceleb said that it's good.
Checkmate fag.
>Implying Dunkey has good taste
You probably bought Owlboy because he hyped it up.
Honestly the best game I've played from 2016.
unpolished game made by incompetent devs that just won't listen to feedback, but a good game nonetheless -gameplay wise it's definitely on par with BM, has tons of content and new game difficulty coming soon (probably won't be good because if IOI wants something to be challenging it ends up becoming clusterfuck), but new mastery unlocks are worth playing it
the online drm has been changed since march and you can now play with your unlocks but still can't access challenges and other shit, so it's still an issue
it's buy the next episode for 7,99 to see the next word of this review
The key to blending in is confidence. Act like you're meant to be there and nobody will say a thing.
I love the game, but disappointed about the new bonus mission. Why did they have to make 2 in Sapienza? There are still other maps. Colorado when it was just a normal farm, Hotel under renovation, Hospital under code red quarantine, etc. But no, let's do another fucking sapienza map.
because other map are shit compared to sapienza
Sapienza is overrated, and even if it were so, reusing one map over and over and over is boring. HEY GUYS HAVE YOU HEARD OF SAPIENZA? HEY DO YOU WANT MORE SAPIENZA?
Am I the only one that completely hates the Bangkok mission? It's just got an ugly color palette and I just can't get myself to complete the challenges on it
no, its terribly linear despite how open its appears
Do you want me to shank you? Also the real reason is probably the fact that Sapienza is 3 maps in 1, and each of the missions utilizes that part (WoT- villa+lab area, The Icon - main plaza + tower hall, Landslide - church + beach area).
No I hate it too, it's fucking garbage.
yeah, this, colorado and marrakesh are extremely meh in terms of way of killing targets
though imo it looks pretty nice
>Thumbnail made me think it was a tall brunette in a pencil skirt and matching blazer
fuckin' foiled.
>there's only 1 escalation in Hokkaido, 2 in Bangkok and Colorado
>recently released one was for Paris
I swear to God, all of IOI employees were instructed to jerk off to paris and sapienza if they want to keep their jobs
So why not make it 3 separate maps? Why make a huge confusing map and only have 1/3 of it used? What's with the parrot culture? I avoided all hitman threads for a year, bought it when Hokkaido released and played the game through and through without any bias. Paris > Hokkaido > Colorado > Marrakesh > Sapienza >>>>>>>>>> Himapan
People were probably surprised with Sapienza because it was so big, but having a big map doesn't equal a good map. GTA 3 map was better than SA map, IV was better than V, Sapienza is just a mess.
>the only map where you can just climb a tower and snipe all the targets in a minute like a proper hitman
>So why not make it 3 separate maps?
don't ask me fag
>Paris > Hokkaido > Colorado > Marrakesh > Sapienza >>>>>>>>>> Himapan
the reason why sapienza is so highly rated is because how good platform for contracts it is, open area guarantees some fine ways to kill, also
>Paris > Hokkaido
kys urself my pham
>the reason why sapienza is so highly rated is because how good platform for contracts it is
It's like saying that Skyrim is good because how good of a platform for mods it is. When judging something please judge the main product - the one mission.
is destroying the lawn mower that stands on ezra's route possible from that tower? tried to do sniper accident run but it was terrible with standard silenced lancer because of no zoom
It's a good game but I wasnt a fan of the levels
Sapienza and Hokkaido are the two I enjoyed most, and even in sapienza you have that annoying underground bullshit instead of using the relatively huge open section of the town.
Marrakesh was awful, Bangkok was awful and Colorado is so extremely limited and any sort of fuck-up results in death so instead of "rolling" with it, you pretty much reload if anything bad happens.
>he still doesn't realise maps aren't made with main mission in mind
>user why do you dislike marrakesh so much
>user why do you like Sapienza so much then?
it's pretty good.
it applies to contracts too, market and outside of embassy is swarmed with artificial crowd, there's no such thing in sapienza
Pretty good
I hope they let late adopters have a shot at missed elusives via DLC or something eventually so they stop complaining about it.
ayy mofucka
I got the whole pass for 12 bucks.
he also said it's the best Hitman ever
also kill yourself for relying on youtube comedians for purchase decisions
Good game, how they monetized it at first was shitty.
And this. It would be nice to see and after they start to drop support for the game, they probably will re-release the Elusive targets again.
I do like the Elusive target system, it puts you on edge.
If you take the opinion of someone who rated Inside as their 2016 GOTY, you have brain problems.
You guys think an Assassin's Creed like multiplayer mode would work in this game. You have to hunt a player whilst another player hunts you
>X Fake Surrender
>Hunted turns to Combat
Don't act like you got away
>getting spotted right at the end
So goddamn close to perfection.
Guards can't comprehend corners
It still worked out for me
Still, it would look far better if you didn't get spotted there.
He was constantly being spotted, what are you talking about?
Go away webmfag, your not convincing anyone
What am I trying to convince you of? I'm not Mr. Misleading Catwalk webm guy who intentionally knocks guards out before recording and hides his HUD. I'm the one who always calls him out on that shit. Nothing in these webms is hidden or staged, start Hitman up now and copy what I did. Start in the restaurant and take the same route.
It's good
Arrakesh is actually pretty great once you learn your way around it.
map rating time
Sapienza > Hokkaido > Paris > Marrakesh > Bangkok > Colorado
fuck the forced virus crap in Sapienza tho
>Sapienza > Hokkaido > Paris > Marrakesh > Bangkok > Colorado
>Hokkaido over Paris
no, just no
>It still worked out for me
Not gonna get Silent Assassin though, so what's the point?
Anyone can cheese their way through it, but the real joy of Hitman is to find the smart way to take out your targets without anyone noticing.
I liked it alot. But I got that gta5 'kill someone on a remote mountain and the cops will know' kind of vibe. It's like I can't shoot someone because 10 people will notice because every fucking space is crammed to the brim with humans. Just give me a few maps that aren't full of people so can shoot targets more freely. Not wait 15 minutes in a specific empty room that target to be done with its standard walking path.
Obviously, I'm not trying to make the impression that I'll leave with a good rating, I just wish guards would do more than say "hey, you're not supposed to be here!" then turn around and forget about you as soon as you break line of sight. I adore the game and have already wasted 186 hours on it, but it can be far too easy at times and I'm very very excited for the professional difficulty update. I just wish it was this way from the very beginning.
This new elusive target was pretty bullshit.
>not just trying to have fun fucking about with shit
Fair enough.
Though in your webm you only encountered civilians, no guards until the end, guards will try to arrest you pretty quickly if you don't comply, which happened at the end of your webm.
Personally I actually think guards start shooting you way too quickly. They should vary their reaction based on what you do. What, you picked up a lead pipe? Better shoot you!
>I just wish guards would do more than say "hey, you're not supposed to be here!" then turn around and forget about you as soon as you break line of sight
But if you're actually playing the game properly, getting spotted is an instant loss. It's a bit silly to complain about the game being "easier" towards the few people who are too retarded to get SA.
This guy definitely should've chased him
Bangkok may be boring but it has the best opportunities in the game.
Hokkaido was really great with how you could navigate the facility.
He was. He got "Searching" right after he passed him.
>each location has been tweaked and altered
you do realize you already lose the silent assassin rank right? that's what people are saying here
And still let 47 casually walk right ahead, look at the minimap. By the time 47 is right at the end of the corridor, the guard has only JUST left the little seating area and is still not even chasing him. I'm assuming the guard at the very end of the webm is the same one and only just managed to get to the morgue by the time 47 had already killed Soders. What kind of response time is that?
They've said elusives aren't coming back. Which is interesting.
Let's not act like getting Silent Assassin is difficult, all I'd have to do is crouch in some places and do a little bit of waiting for NPC's to turn or walk away, and take the camera out in the cafeteria. Let's also not forget how forgiving the alert meter is, you can just juggle lines of sight behind a tiny object for ages until they fuck off.
I bought it over the thanksgiving sale on the xbone since it was the cheaper than PC at the time, I also prefer controller for games like this.
I only finished the first two missions , granted I played then both like eight times to unlock and fuck around. I like it, it feels more like a Hitman game than that shit that was released.
I have yet to get around to playing the other episodes since someone got me FF15 and I still haven't stopped fucking around to finish the story.
february content schedule when
oh definitely, it's easier here compared to BM, but the point is it's a bit stricter than what you are letting on from the vid
The head turning update literally ruined the game for me, nothing worse than getting your SA ranking fucked by NPCs who can see you through walls.
Guard reaction varies a lot depending on map. Generally areas with "high security" will generally either make the guards enter combat with you immidiately, while in other areas guards will attempt to escort you out and doing suspicious actions in such a case will have them enter combat immidiately as well.
The aforementioned "escorting you out" can have pretty decent strategic elements to it, as is having a guard spot you and then breaking line of sight, it's likely that they'll tighten these elements on the guards on Professional, but right now i've felt that guard reaction in most maps have been pretty decent.
It's hard to wager if melee weapon strategies will work as effective on professional (if guards will shoot earlier etc...), making certain uses of some weapons (like Concealable Baton, which is godlike on some maps) more strict, because currently Baton tends to make a lot of spaces and areas more lenient.
still, even if you didn't get noticed on the way there, you wouldn't have gotten SA, because you shot the target in the head and they founds his body. You need to kill this guy in an accident, otherwise found body immediately cancels your SA.
True. Fucking boring setup. The hotel basically offers nothing to do. Compare that to the BM Hotel where you kill te sheikh and that arms dealer. And snatch some diamonds. And sneak into an elevator. Climb the hatch. Either kill a target while it traverses up. Or just use the elevator to access floors you have no keycard for.
But I digress. bangkok was a subpar, boring execution of a hotel scenario.
Still way better than Colorado, which imo is the worst map by far.
>Bring poison, coin, and smuggle scrambler in morgue pickup
>Do the exact same route, shoot cafeteria camera and coin staff while you run past
>Turn left once you get to the morgue, pick up scrambler
>Poison stem cells
>Go upstairs, wait for nurse to leave
>Fuck stem cells up
>Done with only a tiny little bit more effort
It shouldn't be this easy
the fact that you have to "bring" things mean you're already did a grind to Mastery 20
also Hokkaido is one of the easiest maps to SA, that you're putting too much effort in your post
There is no god
>Briefing states very clearly that you can't touch the other VIPs
Is there a youtube vid or sound webm of this?
I always wanted to know how they reacted.
some performance issues aside it's pretty good
I sounded like this
Poison is a very early unlock, coin is unlocked by default and scrambler is from Colorado which gives you about 15 mastery levels from one completion
it was just some user. who then went on to say he didn't know you couldnt hurt them
There is no jesus