I've spent 8 hours playing The Witcher 1 and this shit is fucking terrible.

I really want to play the series but I just can't deal with this. I ACTUALLY fell asleep doing the first area.

Are there any mods that make this ordeal bearable? Is the Witcher 2 any better?

I bought them 3 years ago in a sale and I want to beat them.

Gothic is more fun if you can get past the keyboard controls.

Witcher 1 isn't nearly as good as the other two, it aged badly.

Skip it

IIRC Witcher 2 is better at it.

I heard enhanced edition betters the combat but I got W1 enhanced and it was boring.

The combat stops me from finishing them every time.

The first area isn't very good. Each chapter is a dramatic leap in quality, once you get out of the mother fucking swamp.

Press on, you pussy ass nigga.

Or just start playing Witcher 2 or 3. Nobody is holding a fucking gun to your head, and both are made with the idea that the player probably didn't play the game previous to it.

You dont have to play 1 or 2 to enjoy 3. I have no idea how 2 is but I played 1 and 3 and the witcher 1 was completely unfun in every way to me. Don't waste you time playing games that you dont even enjoy. I put down TW1 after a few hours

gothic 1 is literally dark souls with weird tank combat controls. once you get used to them its the exact same.
>mostly free-roam
>have to lure out and duel single enemies
>hard enemies accessible from the front of the game to screw you over

Witcher 1 is terrible, instead read one of the books/audiobook

Witcher 2 is consolized garbage with tank controls, though.

But isn't the story what makes these games good?

I recently played through the FEAR series and it got progressively worst with each iteration.

Is it the opposite with the Witcher series?

I liked 1 and 3 about the same, but for different reasons.

2 just kind of sucks. I don't know what it is about it.

If you ask twenty people which Witcher game is the best you'll get twenty two different answers. Each one is really different from the others, and everyone likes them for different reasons that often don't carry between the two.

>Press on, you pussy ass nigga
>8 hours

I'm holding the gun to my head because i dont like buying games just to have them in my library.

Which is my fault. I'll keep trying. I hope that dramatic leap in quality is worth it.

The combat is indiscriminately shit throughout the series, but they trimmed the fat to make it barely tolerable and as presentation improved people started believing the whole product did, but it's a fucking shit game that looks good and writing that could interest you.

If it makes you feel any better, I've been playing for 23 hours and I still don't like it

I know this is sound advice but i'll probably bash my head until i beat this.

Or ill break and watch it on youtube.

I drop this shit as soon as I finished collecting all the whores card
that's literally the only reason to go on

I have 250 hours in witcher 3. I have seriously tried three separate times to play and enjoy the witcher 2 but due to the shitty clunky combat I can't fucking do it.

>heard that The Witcher series had good gameplay and you don't like it because you don't understand how to play
>master the combat and still want to play anything else
>don't even much care for the story after all that slogging combat
Good joke guys, you got me good.

Wait, hold on.

How bad are we talking about here. Because if im struggling with the first, i dont know if i can take the second one being somehow worse.

This is one of those series where you HAVE to be invested in the story and characters. You get no enjoyment out of the actual gameplay because the combat and such is dogshit.

I fear this will be the likely outcome. I fucking hate myself for reinstalling.

I was, initially. The gameplay took me out of it so much though.

How can i be invested if all i know is that i have amnesia.

Followed by killing a red dog and getting thrown in jail after fucking a witch,

From a gameplay perspective, the second one is noticeably improved.

I played Witcher 1 for the first time last year and I really don't get all this bitching. It really didn't age particularly bad, it aged just like pretty much every game. The thing is you wouldn't know because most of you probably weren't even old enough to play games in 2007, especially not left alone at your dad's computer.

I'm 27, played it a couple years after release. The gameplay ( specifically combat ) is pretty awful. Exploring, playing dice poker, and talking to all the NPCs is all some top tier stuff though.

I love all three games.

I think the first one has the best lore and story but other then that it was horrible. Like they said, each witcher game doesn't really connect to the others

You chose this boring grind over elderscroll wine...deal with it.

If you dont enjoy it after 8 hours just drop it. I started to really enjoy it after entering the first city,

I love rpgs...i fucking hated the witcher 2 boring stupid shit with dumb names for pointless things and shit tier battle system.
You're not alone op.