Will Persona 5 live up to the hype? Thinking of buying a PS3 for it because it looks like it's finally getting a game, but Sup Forums hasn't been talking a lot about it since it released in Japan.
Was it a bad game, or did people just not want to learn moonspeak and import?
Will Persona 5 live up to the hype? Thinking of buying a PS3 for it because it looks like it's finally getting a game...
>Goro Akechi
>Tohru Adachi
Those names sound a little too similar don't you think?
>playing on ps3
Pretty hyped, desu. Nothing to talk about until launch, though. I guess we could just turn this into an Anne thread.
>why arent people talking about this game that is yet to be released
Boy you are a special kind of stupid
A poorfag too it seems.
That's fine too.
>Thinking of buying a PS3 for it
Spend the extra $150-200 and just get a PS4 you retard.
>Sup Forums hasn't been talking a lot about it since it released in Japan
That's because hardly anyone on Sup Forums knows Japanese.
Yes because everyone desperately needs to be running P5 on a PS4 to get to see all the amazing textures on the highest performance settings possible
I'm going to be blowing my money on a Switch a month before P5 comes out, I can't afford to buy a PS4. I'd probably have enough money for a PS3, though. I also just want the "PS3 has no games" joke to live on in one form or another.
LMAO POORFAG enjoy your load times and dead system
>Sup Forums hasn't been talking a lot about it since it released in Japan.
lots of people are avoiding making or posting in P5 threads because they want to avoid spoilers.
I've done pretty good so far. All I know is 'someone' betrays you, and that's happened in every Persona game to date so it hardly comes unexpected
>makes no games jokes
>buys a switch on launch
You cant make this up
Most people don't speak Japspeak and any honest P5 thread is just asking to get spoiled on Sup Forums(or practically anywhere online).
Its gonna be discussed non-stop no matter it lives up to the hype.
Waifu games never dies
hmm yes, i suppose spending 300 dollars plus online subscription to do anything online is the way to go to play a game made for an actually good console. this way underageb&s won't laugh at me for not being hip n with it.
Zelda looks a lot like a game.
Oh shit, you're totally right about spoilers. I'm gonna blow this Ann thread, can't know what happens.
Keep the posts coming
I need a good reason to.
>mfw after begging Atlus for 2 weeks via email I paid $150 for an early release copy
Then give me a reason to play these games.
For me it lived up to the hype.
The game is actually pretty damn stunning. Areas look amazing.
Fine fine. More Ann.
thanks dawg, you da real mvp
It was Japan's GOTY.
Because it has major NTR.
Ace, are you /our guy/?
very nice senpai.
In like a month or two? No way the game's gone gold yet.
I-I don't know.
It's cool.
>This Annfag posting his slut as if anyone cares
I want to fuck this NEET.
I like all girls user.
>needing to buy an online sub
youre trying too hard man, why would you buy a dead system when you can own a ps4 that actually has good games coming out? I've never needed ps+ to enjoy the system and I don't ever plan on getting it
post more sensei
>but Sup Forums hasn't been talking a lot about it since it released in Japan.
Cause anyone that bothered to import it is in /pg/. You can get banned for talking about the game here due to spoilers so there is really no conversation.
mfw played it 5 months ago and EOPs are still waiting
these pics get posted in every p5 thread
daily reminder that Anne is Ryuji's canonical girlfriend
I don't think you understand what a tripfag is.
You lie.
Just beat the Lolis last night. Funnest fight in the series. The game is absolutely phenomenal, and the few nitpicks I have are pretty minor, everything else was executed perfectly. I didn't think it would top P3, but it did. Honestly it was airtight from start to finish, and I genuinely pity those of you that spoiled the game for yourselves. I hope you EOPs enjoy Futaba's "localized" dialog, because they're going to rape it to hell and back.
Also don't listen to anything in the general. I went there once and it's just a bunch of faggots who haven't actually played it and circlejerk Goro, or played it but didn't understand it because their moon is shit.
Not after my playthrough.
That's half right. Still I post something that hasn't been posted yet. Or very rarely.
>he thinks anyone believes he knows Japanese
>tfw cucked outta girlfriend
>tfw cucked outta sports scholarship
>tfw cucked outta future
mein dick
It only takes around twelve years to gain basic proficiency.
I wonder how they are going to localize how Futaba and Ryuji talks. I feel like Ryuji's localized lines will be pretty cringey.
Oh this is on ps3? I might actually get this then.
I used to reply to these kinds of posts in Japanese until I realized that people who literally don't know a word of moon will just respond with angry "Y-Yeah, nice N3 moon!" shitposting.
It's ok user, maybe in your next life you won't be born retarded and could maybe open a book and learn moon.
>Picking Ann
She's a great friend and fun to hang out with, but not girlfriend material.
Futaba is going to be Borderlands 2: the character.
Everyone who actually cares already knows it's the best game in the franchise. The only people who will disagree are the faggot casuals who started with 3 or 4 that will claim whichever game they started with is STIL DA BES.
Its an RPG kid.
You aren't going need 60fps to enjoy it
>Cucking your bro
>I feel like Ryuji's localized lines will be pretty cringey.
They'll make him sound like some tryhard cool kid.
>learning a useless gook language instead of something useful like Mandarin
Weebs should just give up
I waited 9 years for this...
Waiting on this game even cost me a friendship.
I beat it.
It is a good game game play wise, but its story isn't that different from P4. It has less likable characters than either P3 or P4
Did you pick best girl too?
>Waiting on this game even cost me a friendship.
Elaborate.That a game like Persona which values the bonds with the people cost you a friendship is ironic and kinda sad at the same time
>Mandarin vs. Japanese
The alphabet is the biggest hurdle and they share most of them.
Persona 5 is casualized to hell. The people who played the games already won't tell you this since they can't bear shit talking the Persona series.
>Sneaking is so easy it is GUARANTEED your party will go first
>Big WEAK right next to the skill you need to use on an enemy
>Futaba buffing you every 2 secs
>Slinks skills break the game even more
>"""""Bosses"""" wasting their one turn buffing themselves
Persona 3 will forever be the best Persona.
The biggest hurdle to Japanese is the fact that there are only five sounds in the entire language so every word sounds exactly the same.
>but its story isn't that different from P4. It has less likable characters than either P3 or P4
If you said P3 well everyone has their opinion but P4 nigga...
So you're a retard, got it. End yourself, poorfag console warrior.
>Persona 3 will forever be the best Persona.
>No direct control
Good try
Whatever, I only caring about reading it.
longg story short, I was so obsessed with P5's release date I wouldn't stop talking or thinking about it. Really annoyed my ex friend. The straw that broke the camel's back was when I used up his data on his phone trying to do my own investigation on P5's release. This was 2012.
Sounds pretty fun desu.
>Muh direct control
Persona 3 portable heard of it?
Also direct control breaks my immersion.
>Persona 3 portable
If my VN dialogue windows aren't in 60fps/1080p, it totally ruins my immersion.
t. TotalBiscuit
>Persona 3 portable heard of it?
Yeah an horrible and butchered port FeMC is the only saving grace
>Also direct control breaks my immersion.
Hard mode opens up true hell.
Plus once you start running low on SP, you need to start avoiding battles by sneaking around enemies. Then if you fuck up and get caught, it becomes an even bigger problem. I thought it was easy until I switched to hard mode around 40% into the game
No it doesn't. Step up your listening comprehension.
>Not going hard mode right off the bat
>Third biggest economy in the world
>Top ranked universities and livable country
No you're right, I should have learned Chinese so I could move there to get cheated at work and eat gutter oil with the other animals there. Go be a stupid kid who doesn't actually know anything somewhere else.
This is an outright lie.
Yes I picked Futaba, but why did you post the Mary Sue?
This guy gets it.
Going first was already guaranteed in 4. In 3, half the time the enemy will detect tou even if you're entirely at their six o clock so you don't get the advantage even if you get the attack.