Objective ranking:

Objective ranking:

RE7 > Outbreak > RE1 > Outbreak 2 > Resident Evil 2 > Revelations 2 > Resident Evil 3 > REmake > garbage > all the rest of the franchise

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Code Veronica is not garbage, delete this.

You're shitty game just got cracked. Objectively, it's now the worse.

>7 at the top

Is it really that good?

Well now you can pirate it to see.


Not him but it's a flawed masterpiece imo.

It's not quite up there with the franchise's best, but damn it's close.


It's like a first person RE1 with good voice acting.

Silent Hill > all these shitty games

Silent Hill has shitty mechanics.

RE4 > anything even vaguely related to the tangled mess the rest of the games are



>Great tier

>Good tier

>Alright tier
Rev 1
Rev 2

>RE6 tier


Absolutely not.

I think the best comparison for RE7 is to The Force Awakens. It did everything it needed to do to reboot a franchise that was once thought to be dead, but nothing more than that.

>god tier




RE6 and Zero should go in "we fucked up bad" tier
RE4 and 7 came after them and saved the series from stagnation.

I never played a RE game
also never played a horror game besides Demon's Souls if that counts

I'm thinking about buying this


Flawed masterpiece.

It's a fucking blast up to the shipwreck point.

The whole SAW-like segments felt out of place too.

It's funny because I agree with those power rankings. Re4 was fucking great. Forcing coop killed re5 and re6. REmake and RE1 are both equal imo

>le contrarian meme

lmao kiddo

>we fucked up bad tier

Nah my dude its a good game

>with good voice acting
what's the point?

damn actually a decent list on Sup Forums? just forgot about 0 and cvx right?

What was great about RE4? Non-zombies? Giant statues? LOTR ogres? Excessive QTEs? Salazar? Power-up pickups like some trash Japanese action game?

RE4 is literally trash.

RE7 should be at the bottom along with Umbrella Chronicles and Operation Raccoon City.

RE7 is the most Resident Evil RE game since 4, you contrarian shitlarks.

Just finished it. How do you start a new game plus, is it just start a new game and items are in the box?

>RE Zero

>giant bugs, animals and rabies chimps
>shitty zapping system
>Grappling. Fucking. Hook
>Worst RE Protags (fuck off waifufags)
>Have to babysit Rebecca since she's weak as fuck
>have drop all your shit in a mess around the facilty instead of just giving us an item box


new game has all unlocks in the box, no matter what difficulty

Oh, the characters are still entertaining and wacky.

Yes, that's why it's good. It's a hilarious over the top cheesy action game that managed to get away from the retarded bullshit the series was becoming, then capcom went right back to the retarded bullshit with 5.

Why is RE4 not standing tall at the top? Oh right, it's too popular and Sup Forums is being hipsters again

>RE4 is the best resident evil game because it's not a resident evil game


Not it isn't, it's an incredibly average experience. The atmosphere is fantastic, the enemies are boring as shit, the guns are shitty, and you forget that you're playing a Resident Evil game quite a bit.

I won't be playing through it again, I can't stomach it. It started to get boring toward the ending for me. But i've got a friend who's suffering through it for the 100%. Give it a 7/10 if I had to rank it, if you're not a big RE-fan i'd just wait until it dropped down. If you are a big RE-fan you're probably not going to play this anyway, so whatever.

>the most fun game in a series isn't like the others
Nothing will change the fact that RE4 is the best resident evil game.

Whatta faggot.

>incredibly average experience

That's your shitty opinion, bruv.
RE4 is extremely shitty and pretty much not a Resident Evil game at all.
If you find RE4 "fun" then I bet you must also like Undertale, has the same level of stupidity.

The Evil Within > Resident Evil

Fixed that for you.

>70% is not average

>if you like a game with great gameplay then you must also like a game with terrible gameplay
A more apt comparison to undertale would be literally any other RE, because they put retarded story above having a good time.

Outside of ORC and Umbrella Corps, none of the Resident Evil games are bad.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is not a fan.

How new are you? Video games aren't like other mediums.

70% has always been average.

50% is straight up bad.

Anything less and the game is extremely, extremely bad.

I'm not denying it's retarded, but you'd have to be a newfag to the hobby to believe otherwise.

>6/10 Below Average: Typically a game that does something well but shits the bed on others. Good story, shit gameplay is the most common.
>7/10 Average: A game that tows the line, does some things well other things not so well. Usually starts fucking shitshows on Sup Forums of back-and-forth threads if it isn't a new IP.
>8/10 Above Average: A game that excels in one area, and the others ain't so bad. Might be buggy, or might just not be all that interesting, but it does it well.
>9/10 Good: Game is worth a play, whether or not you like the genre/franchise/whatever. It does what it's supposed to do, and it does it fucking well.
>10/10 Perfect/As close as you can be to perfect.

Not him, but no, that only works in imageboards.

An average girl is always rated "7/10", an average movie is always rated "7/10".
Imageboards have this retarded shit where 5/10 is "bad" instead of "average".
Probably the same retards who believe that "mediocre" means that something is bad rather than, well, average.

>50% is Average
That's fucking retarded. You think half is average? Just because you're mom used to tell you that about your grades doesn't mean it's true.

50% is failing, it's half. The game is equal parts passable, and terrible. That isn't average, that is bad. You know, like 50% is. Fucking bad. Bad odds, bad grades, bad score.

games arent fucking tests you retarded mongoloid

7/10 is good you fucking retard. 6/10 is average.

Just because le games journalists do that shit doesn't mean we have to do it too.

Is this supposed to prove something? Maybe that Sup Forums is as retarded as most games journalists?

Oh hey more proof

5/10 is mathematically average.

Anything else is just internal logic, memes, marketing and straight up ignorance.

Actually if you really wanted to find the average you'd have to compile the scores and find an average score for the entire game industry.

Objectively speaking, 5,5/10 is average.

Doesn't matter how many strawmen or ad hominem you use.
5,5 is still average. I'm sorry you failed at maths.

>one value without anything else to compare to it is average

How the fuck is 6/10 average?

50% is not the mathematical average of anything, unless proven.

This is the third answer for what is average in like 5 posts. You people are fucking retarded.

It's stupid to do shit otherwise.

I don't read any reviews, short of scanning Steam reviews for technical issues or patch info.

Still, that's the way gaming works. 7/10 is mediocre. If we all play by the same rules, shit is less confusing.

Otherwise we get stupid arguments like this, when we should be discussing less trival shit.

Look up "arithmetic median".

50% could be the average of something, but without context your statement is fucking retarded.

>Better than REmake or 2
>Better as a overall game than 4.
This what kids actually believe.

>RE1 above REmake
>REmake that low

REmake is objectively better then RE1.
One of the few successful remakes.

Too much unnecessary shit in REmake. Lots of re-writing of the charming cheesy dialogue.

>too different I don't like iiiit!

I said unnecessary. Crimson heads and Lisa were good additions to it.

>This is still the best FPS Resi

What the fuck is up with the RE4 hate suddenly, is it the new ebic meme?

What's going on in that picture, user-kun?
Like what? Harder enemies, more locations to go and explore, more unique encounters. REmake is 1000 times better than the original.

Lots of people always disliked RE4, but with RE7 now lots of RE4 babbies started shitting up the threads with "RE4 is the best game!".


The same thing people shat all over for years. Now that there is a remake, the original is revered for its authentic cheesy dialogue.

you're not the arbiter of what should or shouldn't be changed. and the game is full of fun fan service, it doesn't need more wacky throwbacks to "big snek... and poisonous!"

don't get into criticism.

RE4 was always considered "OMG BEST GAME EVER" by a large number of people, you stupid person.

You're not the arbiter of what should or shouldn't be changed.

RE4 was always hated. It veered off to a more action oriented franchise because of the success of 4. So many shitty resi games came out because of it.

the product we have is amazing as is. I;m mostly attacking you for wanting to change the game, so I'll concede that I want the game to not be changed.

t. subterranean gamers

you have no idea about what's going on around you it seems

is there any way to play Outbreak, LAN or online these days?

Neither have you. Lots of people dislike RE4, lots of people like it.

>People dislike the game i like

It's okay user. We all have different opinions. Yours is just shit and very wrong.

REmake = RE0 > RE2 = RE4 > RE7 (only played the demo, high expectations) = Outbreak 1&2 > RES > RE3 > shit > everything else

the amount of people who dislike RE4 is a significant minority and has been so for the past decade. That game is by far one of the most beloved games of the 6th gen. It has nothing to do with my opinion on the game.

Supremely terrible taste.

It's just purist fucktards feeling that the REmake validated their taste.

gotta agree

Did it have a magical mary sue and kill of beloved characters with new edgy younger ones?

Nah, it's pretty much a generic horror movie feel as opposed to the regular resident evil feel.

>Capcom somehow made multiplayer Resident Evil work without compromising the core gameplay too much
>It was released before its time and everyone shits on it despite it being a pretty decent game, even moreso with friends
>Outbreak may never get an HD remake or re-release on modern consoles even though it would no doubt be semi-popular

Sounds more like RE5.

Objective RE girls ranking:
Mia > RE1 Jill > Rev2 Claire > Wesker > Alyssa > Zoe > Cindy > Rebecca > trash > the rest > Ada

Resident Evil was always knocking off generic horror.

>it's pretty much a Resident Evil game


I mean recent generic horror not the good generic horror.

who cares.
you're a degenerate

>not that good old stuff that I've been told to swallow
kys your criticism blows

Tier List

God Tier

High Tier

Mid Tier
RE Classic
Code Veronica

Low Tier
RE Zero

>gives you a nice screwdriver
>helps you get the codex along with demonstrating proper chainsaw usage techniques so you can properly fight uncle Jack later
>played a huge part in getting you exploring spooky mansions in the first place
Best girl

The only thing you got right was Ada being the shittiest.

RE7 is like based on the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. How is at recent generic horror?

found footage!!!

>nominal value
>in a rating
5/10 isn't average, it is 5/10 which is better than 4/10 but worse than 6/10.

There is no average in a rating system.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Evil Dead.

>The initial goal that he fed down to the team is that we're aiming to be not a blockbuster AAA movie but the best B-rank horror movie you could be.