People are actually skipping the best Resident Evil in over a decade because of a perspective change and soft-reboot...

>People are actually skipping the best Resident Evil in over a decade because of a perspective change and soft-reboot story.

Is RE7 the ultimate proof that fanboyism is the most asinine and superficial shit there is?

>wanting to play a game made by leftists that subtly tries to make Trump supporters look unstable

nice try shill

why don't re fans like it?

Yes but expected if you call a new game resident evil

Alright normie alert so if you're gonna be triggered don't read the following:

I only played RE4 and a quick playthrough of revelations 2 at a friends house. I have virtually no knowledge of this series but kind of want to jump in. Is this a good jumping in point or do I need to play the earlier games?

Because it has no cute grills in it

It's great.

I didn't skip it, and I regret this very decision.

It's literally Outlast labelled as Resident Evil, the characters, the pacing, the situations, everything is made to appeal the crowd that posts reaction videos on youtube, and they love it as they are defending this game to death, parroting "it came back to roots, why are you complaining?", this is no roots, when the fuck was RE ever like this?

The "Bosses" are straight out of a game like Condenmed, a woman with a chainsaw that can be killed with 7 shots is a RE boss? Just end this series.

I'm pretty interested, I'm just waiting for a price drop.

Confirmed didn't play it. Why do people lie like this?

I think it looks fun

>soft-reboot story
But it isn't

What do you mean by soft reboot story?
Can u explain without spoilers?

>killed in 7 shots
Stop playing on easy you fucking baby.

You're good. Keep playing from 5 to 7, then go to Resident Evil 0 and continue forward.

>game is nothing like resident evil at all anymore
>best resident evil

I bet you thought hotel mario and the cdi zelda games were great.

>crack already incoming
Never been more proud of my spaghetti brothers

its not it takes place either during or after rev2 the game its self was great considering it was made for vr it really needs better enemies tho the family was great but the rest get boring quickly

>I didn't skip it
>talks about something that doesn't exist

Hey wheres the actual game
All I saw was a walking simulator with a couple bossfights

It's more like Resident Evil than the last 3 Resident Evil games, though.

Hate to tell you this but you probably played something else

guys i finished the game on normal but i didn't get the madhouse difficulty unlocked. do you have to get ending 1 to unlock it? i got ending 2.

you can playem out of order but you miss alot of the homages and other contination each game offers, also skip 6 unless you have money for kimo

Isn't the fact that the story has been rebooted the fucking reason to play this game?
I've been a RE fan since day one and after Code Veronica everything turned to shit storywise.

Apart from the main antagonist being a fucking goofster I've yet to see anything sell me on it.

Looks like an annoying, painfully dark game with painfully limited mechanics and tiny areas.

I'm not saying it's a hide and seek simulator, just weird and limiting. Anyway I'll probably get it anyway since I'm thinking of going on a Resident Evil bender and playing every game in the fucking series. Every last one.

>Watch gameplay
>It has seemingly a solid amount of action, moving around in a creepy environment, avoiding enemies and puzzle solving

Seems like RE1 to me. Also the mainline RE games clearly come in trilogies :^) first 3 tank controls, next 3 third-person shooters please look forward to RE8 and 9 being first-person spookers

you're right
I thought I was playing Resident Evil 7, but I was really playing Outlast 2

>i got ending 2.
no i unlocked it with ending 2

Shit dude how was it

Like I said I'm not that familiar with the series. By 5 to 7 do you just mean "Mainline" titles (5, 6, 7) or all games released in that time? I see titles here like "Operation Racoon City" and the first revelations.

I'll keep this in mind.

that's weird. i have the steam version. it's supposed to just show up in the difficulty selection when i click "new game", right?

>look forward to RE8 and 9 being first-person spookers

I wonder if they'll really do this.

pretty mediocre
like okay its "survival horror" again like RE1
but its not fun, unlike RE1/RE4

like imagine you took the chainsaw fight and broken it down just to raw gameplay elements, and all you're doing it walking in circles around a few doors and kiting a chick and shooting her a few times. its not fun OR scary, it felt like cheesing a boss in dark souls

>All I saw was a walking simulator with a couple bossfights

What the fuck does that even mean?

Is RE6 a running simulator with boss fights then?

rev1 takes place before 5
then its 5,6,rev2,7. ORC is just spin off garbage with no real story most never played it

yes, it should have said after credits everything you unlocked as well

Play what interests you.

Aside from 7, which is great, id also suggest 6, a really solid action title, and the remake of the first game. But again it's whatever you'd like.

>like imagine you took the chainsaw fight and broken it down just to raw gameplay elements, and all you're doing it walking in circles around a few doors and kiting a chick and shooting her a few times. its not fun OR scary, it felt like cheesing a boss in dark souls

Resident Evil never had particularly great boss fights. RE7's fights are serviceable and pretty fun, I really liked chainsaw Jack.

I'm being put off by the fact that it's a VR game. I know it's not necessary to play it in VR, but something just doesn't sit right with me about it. I already had it in my checkout basket for 30$, but changed my mind. Gonna wait till it's 15 or CPY cracks it.

>Umbrella Corp
>Resident evil 6
>Revelations 2

Checks out

>Umbrella Corp

>le forced "made for VR" scenes

It's just as bad as when moviemakers force 3D scenes into their films and when you're watching it without the glasses it becomes so fucking obvious it takes you out of the movie.

>Implying getting your arm sawed off by a chainsaw wasn't great in non-VR aswell

Im actually disappointed with the game.
The boss battles are just trial and error until you find what fucking thing you need to take first.
Also, i dont know if im retarded but its fucking horrendous to aim in this game, probably the stupid mouse acceleration

RE fans do like it.

RE fan here, i like it. Actionfags who exclusivly only like 4-6 don't like it, everyone else is fine.

Notice that any negative RE VII threads are not universal "what went wrongs" but rather a bunch of butthurts telling anyone who will listen that the majoraty are simply "wrong" and when you confront them they just use buzzwords or call you shill.

I can't speak for all of us, but:

>claims to be a new direction for the franchise when it just apes the same shit (mansion, puzzles, science labs with expository documents, unkillable enemies that stalk you, overblown boss fights)
>characters outside of the villains, specifically the MC, are boring and one note, not to mention horribly designed
>lack of variety among enemies outside bosses
>forced cinematic VHS tapes are essentially preparing you for backtracking while providing more information read: filler about these oh-so-fascinating characters straight out of a 90s slasher flick instead of the lore-related shit you should be playing the game for (which is almost entirely hidden in missable documents)
>perfunctory "moral" decision that is ultimately pointless, dumb given how little we know about any of these characters, and only slightly alters the ending
>complete abandonment of RE6/Rev2's plot and characters
>evil little girl gimmick slapped on the already sloppy climax
>embarrassing attempt at the "guy from a chopper throws you an overpowered weapon" staple that becomes the equivalent of the ending of Modern Warfare 2
>pointless/confusing "Redfield" cameo
>final image in the game is UPCOMING DLC

It was alright but it doesn't deserve this "best in a decade" bullshit. The only one it outdoes on the whole is probably RE6.

>The boss battles are just trial and error until you find what fucking thing you need to take first.
How bad are you at games?

People complained the same way when RE4 came out.

cpy already cracekd it

literally the thread avbove this

less than a week, denuvo on suciide watach

>forced cinematic VHS tapes
You do realize that you don't need to watch them right?

The one thing these retards always have in common that they have neither played RE7 or Outlast

Because you cant expect idiots to understand the principle of a gaming franchise being in its core design philosophy- vain, retarded manchildren who you see posting MUH WAIFU and LE RE6 XDD shit are the exact type of retards who think anything is an "RE game" if it has the same characters and recycling of all old lore

What do you mean?

I dont like these first person """"horror"""" games

Entertainment media does not scare me, ever. Im not autistic and pretend to feel something because everyone else is. 4 was excellent, 5 was 4 HD with coop and cut the fat that made 4 drag on, and 6 was the ultimate finale of the action half of the series with some of the best cinematic direction and choreographed events in any game period, with intertwining stories, more excellent coop gameplay, and a kick ass mercenaries mode.

Walking slowly in first person and turning shadow puzzles may be fun to the old school virginal autists, but everyone else literally doesnt give a fuck. Classic autists dragged down mario, sonic, resident evil, and many other series. Companies have to stop trying to appease them because theyll cry about anything if its not 100% identical to whatever they played when they were 9

what happens in the guest house toward the end if you cure mia, I cured zoe and phantom mia wasn't pleased

Played it and beat it today, I did not expect Ethan to come at the family with some bantz, but he did.

>Jack finds dual chainsaws
"Not groovy."

>Marguerite in final from crawling in tunnel
"Well, that's special."

>Ethan tells Lucas to suck his dick when he's going over the party game rules

>Ethan, killing any of the reoccurring family members for this 100th time
"This time, just stay dead, please."

It's fucking great, I didn't know he was such a cunt.

Actually real RE-fanboys like the game, while the secondaries who only played RE5 and RE6 hate it.

>walking simulator

when will this meme die?

There's absolutely nothing "trial and error" about them.

>dissection room Jack
Shoot him and kite him around the pillar until he gets the shears(?) behind the gate. Grab chainsaw and battle it out while crouching under his swings (can avoid like 95% of his moves this way) until his growth appears.

"Hmm, she's like a giant spider bitch with bugs. Fire is probably effective." Burner or grenade launcher and blast her meaty part.

>Mutated Jack
Shoot eyeballs and avoid his attacks.

user I've played RE since RE1 and I haven't played or want to play RE7.

I know it's a good game and has some great set pieces but, to me the game just doesn't have a RE feel to it. I've just watched a stream of it to get the story since I had no interest to play it

oh shit. i think i exited the game during the credits roll after having gotten the steam achievments.

i loaded up the autosave to kill eveline again and just waited out the credits. now i got everything.

>durr i watched le stream
>no le RE feel to it

coming from someone who wasnt retarded enough to ruin a horror game with streams, youre full of shit and an actual idiot. Go kill yourself

What were some of your favorite nods to previous games? I particularly enjoyed the broken shotgun throwback.

>Watching streams instead of playing the game
It's ok to be a secondary user, also the gen who played the first RE, on release, don't watch streamers you're not fooling anyone here.

Leon is better at that you idiot.

Only 4 was good. 5 started out good. 6 had great gunplay but shitty level design. The classic REs are just fucking boring and these classic RE fags are fucking boring. Getting smug over some shitty no-skills, no-brains game.

Oh sure I'll get accused of being a COD baby but the main games I play are Grand Strategy & fighting games.

I'm just not some faggot who plays games for the immersion & story, both of which were always shit in Resi Evil. The series never got good until RE4 and that was due to the level design and competent combat.

I really wish that Siren 2 did better because it had Resi Evil 4 combat combined with real horror. Not this garbage bin B-horror shit that classic RE fags love to pretend as if it were so scary or atmospheric.

>8 hour game 60 dollars
>4 video tapes paid dlc 15 mins each 30 dollars

I don't think you played the first ones, because this has more RE feel to it, then the last 3 games....

Nice saucy bait.

Of course, no doubt about that. Leon's banter is god-tier and I won't even argue that, I just think it's nice they're bringing a little bit of that back for Ethan's character.

I agree this game is great

But that doesn't prove it

The asinine shitposting on the Nintendo Switch proves it

im skipping it cuz im a poorfuck and cant afford to buy every new release that comes out, so i gotta pick and choose the ones i really want

would fuck eveline 2bh

I got it for 40 eurobux and feel like I got my money's worth. Wary about the DLC though

value is different for everyone

just redbox it, retard

you can finish it in less than a day

Who cares about those fags?

The game is very popular and it's selling very well.
Their opinion is literally in the bottom of the garbage can.

>best res evil since 3
>muh sjw's
I don't even give a shit about your opinion, play this game r'tards.

It's only popular and selling well because they paid reviewers.
Stop shilling a trash game.

>It's literally Outlast labelled as Resident Evil,

You have played neither RE7 or Outlast, you fucking mong.

>a woman with a chainsaw that can be killed with 7 shots is a RE boss?

did you play on Easy or some shit, part of the problem with the bosses is that they actually go on for too fucking long


>I just think it's nice they're bringing a little bit of that back for Ethan's character.
I really liked at the beginning when he says "Okay, fine." all pissed off when grabbing the gun. Not exactly bantz but it did make me chuckle.

>Paid reviews.
Damn, when's my paycheck coming in the mail?

I played it with 5 Of my friends and we all had a blast playing it. Leave your shitty shill meme in 2016.

>part of the problem with the bosses is that they actually go on for too fucking long
Really? They never felt too long to me.

Outlast woth zombies is 1/10 would not buy this 3 hour snoozefest.

What mode did you play on? The Mom was defiantly one that was just way too long for it's own good.

The second encounter with Jack and Marguerite kinda felt like they took a little too many hits and didn't feedback well enough to the point where I ended up questioning if my approach to the fights was wrong and I needed to find an item or use a more creative solution.

Nah, you basically do always just hit bosses until they die, but it goes on for just slightly too long that it makes a first-timer doubt themselves and die looking for an alternate solution.

Normal first playthrough and madhouse for the second.


there are no zombies lmao

Do people even bother to play the game before shitting on it.

>The second encounter with Jack
When you're locked in with him or when he's mutated?
>but it goes on for just slightly too long that it makes a first-timer doubt themselves and die looking for an alternate solution.
If they're incompetent I guess but if you pay attention, you can clearly tell that what you're doing is working.

Outlast without annoying naked dudes chasing you while masturbating.

What are your options when you're in front of a mossed ? Shoot him or run away ? Amazing mechanics you have there.
From what i've seen the only upgrading you do in this game is trough those dumb syringes that give you litteral cod perks.
And the shooting is terribad.
This game is not for me, glad you got your "get the key and do those baby puzzles game"but i'm not interested.

Did you not shoot her in the vagoo?


She looks like a drug addict imo

>What are your options when you're in front of a mossed ? Shoot him or run away ? Amazing mechanics you have there.

Just like resident evil 1-0

shame you didn't enjoy the game

I actually really like it. This is coming from someone who only disliked ORC and Rev1. It's probably amongst the REs I'd rate 8/REmake, REmake being a 10.

What game did you play. Zoe was hot.