Ask someone who finished the Toronto Switch Event anything. Played BOTW, ARMS, Sonic Mania, 1 2 Switch and more
Toronto Switch
That's the adult request board user
Did you get laid?
Do you honestly think I'd wanna fuck any women there?
Did your mom pack your lunch?
What do you feel about your leader letting all the refugees in ?
What kind of audience are there mainly ? Is it true that they are all manchild ?
I dunno, at least he has better hair than Tangerine Man
Did your mom pull back your foreskin when you were younger?
Oh yeah. Lots of manchildren. Some younger dudes here and there, which is fine. Anyone there that had autism had FULL BLOWN AUTISM though.
How does it feel being this beta?
how many refugees were in there? did they had sexual emergency with you, any rapes?
I don't know what this means
Is ARMS really all that? Do you think it will be the new splatoon?
Is Sonic Mania as good as it looks?
No refugees. As it turns out most of them stay in their own area and leave the rest of the city alone, which is fine by me
Some guy did yell FUCK when he heard there were no more wristbands though, kinda funny.
>Hipster chicks that want to go to a lolsorandom gamer event for attention
Sonic Mania was a fucking blast. Looks and feels great. Such a fun game, really looking forward to it.
Arms is... fun. Once you get the hang of it it works supremely well. Weird control scheme though.
Pic unrelated: the console itself.
Eyyyyy ty ty
Nigga they were all either fat or autistic to the extreme/had boyfriends me included. Spotted some Asian cuties tho
>nothing but children in the picture
What the fuck does Zozzle mean
And yeah lotsa kiddies.
>I dunno
I believe you.
zozzle is the new kek, a special new meme from /s4s/
Did you get the chance to play arms without motion controls?
was the hd rumble really that good
Were the graphics on zelda good, or were they base game morrowind tier?
No. They wanted to show off the motion controls.
Actually yes. One of the minigames of 1 2 Switch is a game where you feel balls rolling around inside a metal brick. The HD rumble worked almost perfectly- i could feel the balls roll and tumble and collide. I counted the collisions and was only off by one, so yeah it actually works very well.
Picture: Splatoon 2 on the monitor
>no splatoon
>not playing the best multiplayer game
Is it comfortable to hold?
Is it heavy?
Is it really big?
Are you cute?
Game looks good in an aesthetic sense insofar as that it has good style. Graphically it is not only unimpressive, but runs like hot garbage. Constant framedrops into the 10's. Basically unplayable.
Follow up question on Sonic Mania: not sure if you checked or even played it in undocked mode but if you did, does it play in 60fps even while handheld?
It's a 2D pixel game so I can't possibly see why it wouldn't, but I'm a serious retro Sonic faggot - my decision on whether to purchase a Switch depends almost entirely on how smooth and how comfy it is to play on the go/shitter.
>all this people jelly af about some user playing the new console
like pottery
what does this have to do with OPs thread?
be gay somewhere else faggot
Give me your impressions of Switch in handheld mode. How did the games look? How was it to hold? Good screen? Good sound?
>One of the minigames of 1 2 Switch is a game where you feel balls
Fucking kek
Are you op?
I want the switch because of its handheld capabilities so this is extremely important to me.
Do you own a Vita? How would you compare the screen to it? The people who have tested the switch who also own a vita seem to say the Switch's screen is superior, do you agree?
How would you rate the game as a zelda game? Better than TP?
What were your thoughts on the other games?
How do the joycons feel when separated from the Switch?
Nice timing.
It's comfyness changes between forms
and the screen is somewhat heavy.
To wit:
Stand form: 7 comfy
Wiimote and Nunchuck form: 8 comfy
Single joycon form: kys
Gamepad form: 4 comfy
Joycons are way too tiny.
You be the judge
Screen is fine. See above, but that's Splatoon 2 running on the pad. Good quality, better than the Wii U gamepad by a mile. Nice and crisp.
It's larger than a Vita obviously, but looks pretty good. I don't own a Vita to compare, but it has sharp visual quality to it.
Bretty good. Played 10 minutes of it, so... not a lot to talk about. Combat is fun and tricky, world is really entrancing to explore and I found some cool shit like a fire rod by mucking about. Gives a real feelin' of exploration.
Awful. Way too small for my big dick daddy hands. Hoping for a joycon XL down the line.
You know it though I am playing it up in said picture
you're beautiful
are you hyped for zelda? considering it performs like killzone 4 on a ps2?
Eyyyy ty ty
I'll buy it for the Wii U. Not sold on the Switch, though today was very fun. Worried about performance though, as if it performs badly it's a dealbreaker.
Is that motherfucking raywilliamjohnson?
Shit I can't unsee that now
No, sadly. Just some dude.
How was 1 2 switch? Does it offer more then Nintendo Land for the WiiU?
This thing is for man children and babies here at PAX the line is just one big pile of failure and sorrow.
are you gonna eat the bag of crows and dicks or not yet?
good post
I cannot tell. I only played two of the three available minigames, though it doesn't seem to have the last appeal of Wii sports.
op keep doing this. post official pics so we know its you, or some imposter troll is gonna act like you answering questions.
Nobody believe any replies unless OPs pics
I only have so many pictures and many of them feat other people in them, but okay i'm still here
That's really me
Any more questions or is this thread crashing with no survivors
How did the screen look?
See above. Looks fine, good resolution and is bright without being too harsh.
How was the wagglin? Could you really feel the ice cubes in your hand? Also were the frame drops on zelda when it was docked or portable?
in all honesty
is it any good overall?
is it worth to get it considering it would be a secondary device to my pc?
Wagglin' was mighty fine. HD rumble really is something and it works amazingly well. The ice cube thing was not there, but considering I was only one number off of the "guess the balls" minigame i'd say it was very accurate.
Zelda framedrops were while docked.
Not yet. Wait for more games.
>Sup Forums was actually right
Fuck I hope this doesn't turn into another TORtanic
it can't be tortanic. Tor was so fucking big. Imagine no man sky but with a FFXV budget, that was tor
Welp, threads dying, Thanks for the thread OP, us retards dont deserve it
Did you play any splatoon 2? Was it any different at all from the first?
BOTW looked good? Played well? Was the classic controller there?
Was fun. No worries, hope I was helpful.
Core gameplay is the same but refined. Supers are now really fucking cool, and there's been some weapon balancing (i.e the jumpsplash with paintrollers is vertical). It's more Splatoon, which is always good.
No, no and no.
I would ask you about how tiny the controller is but anyone who went to a Nintendo event and spent hours waiting in line is a mindless drone anyway and you probably have little girl hands so the controller must have felt fine to you.
>Le "It comes with 2 controllers in the box" meme
How the fuck is anyone supposed to play a game with these things when they're smaller than your palm? The Pro controller isn't optional, it's fucking mandatory for anyone with normal sized hands.
what was wrong with how it played?
Well I should clarify- it has good style and has great gameplay with a lot of freedom but the game itself looks lackluster and performs miserably, to the point of actively affecting gameplay. Sorry Kirby.
Does the Grip at least feel ok?
theres plenty of other threads to shitpost in
>i'm just not gonna read the thread
See the post below yours.
Its cool. last question, how the hell did you get that on your head, it looks heavy
Yeah. Holding it the way ARMS wants you to feels bretty good. Really, any way but single joycon for like Mario Kart is fine.
Single joycon can fucking die.
Damn i'm FAT AF. Gotta lose those pounds and get /fit/, but how.
It was held up by a stand.
also played it and it felt great, more splatoon
just got off the 1-3PM slot OP, I didnt like single joycon Mario Kart, it was fine.
but I wish I had the pro controller. I enjoyed handheld (2 joycon) mario kart alot though.
Played: Splatoon 2/Mario Kart(4p battle, 2p race), ARMS, Bomberman, SF2
how fun was bomberman?
That fuckin' music the whole time made me want to die, eh? What'ja thinka Arms?
is that a jojo reference?
I went with 3 other friends and played twice. It felt like classic bomberman. We're roommates so we play lots of games together on the couch and this felt no different.
Having played plenty of hours of bomberman at home I dont think we will be picking this up right away, because it truly felt like more of the same. But if you're a fan of classic bomberman, the possibility of 8 players in one house(would need 2 switches and 2 tvs or play off switch) would be amazing
You look like a young John Candy
Question: How was the game performance? Any hitching or stuttering? Framerate acceptable?
Yeah but it was definitely a arcade/carnival type atmosphere and they tried to make it sorta fun. Im really glad the event was ran well with a good line up system this morning and a solid setup for getting in/out during your time session. It was nearly flawless.
Arms was okay. I played twice the first time I was getting the hang of it, but I didn't love it. The R/P/S style of grab/block/attack got sorta boring. Yet I think if I get my hands on a copy there could be lots of hidden depth to curving your punches and dodging.
One thing I loved about Arms was the controls. They felt great even though when I watched the reveal/treehouse it would be clunky but dodging and jumping in air felt natural after the first round
oh yeah forgot to say Reggie Fils-Aime was there too
he tried to fondle my holes in the bathroom, but in a certain way... he mustve mistaken me for a woman..? i really dont know
i think ARMS and MK8 were both 60fps. Zelda was the only one that wasnt iirc
fucking manchildren, get a shave you nintenyearold
and lose weight you obese piece of shit
you look like rich evans
sweet, sounds like its what i'm looking for. I'm excited for online play, i have a lot of friends who've moved that i keep in touch with.
Can't you play 4 people on the TV with one system? What about 8?
Yeah, it was run very well. They clearly knew what they were doing and it was very efficient. You hear that dude yell "FUCK" at about 9:30? That's fucked up.
Kk I will daddy thnx for advice
We played 4 on one TV with a single system (2 joycons, 2 pro controllers) And the rep told us that we could play 8 with 2 systems 2 TV, but the demo wasn't setup for it unfortunately.
So the future is bright for some awesome bomberman get togethers since you just need 4 sets of joycons and 2 Switches. Also I played pro controller and it was fine, but my friend who played joycon said it was no problem...its bomberman anyways.
Also while we're at it: Favorite Bomerman game?
That sucks that you cant do 8 players one system/TV, i don't see why you shouldnt be able to. But thanks for answering my questions.
Really only played Super and Live. I liked Live for the netplay and customization.