Are the rumors true? do girls really play video games?

are the rumors true? do girls really play video games?

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only 2d girls

The "this is" girl is missing about 60lb and a mustache. But, yes.

Ugly ones. They use it as an outlet for getting the male attention online that they don't get in real life.

Yeah, sexy gamer girls play sexy games.

Check out this sexy gamer girl. Real waifu material!

What kind of replies are you expecting from this? It's just going to be another "only fat girls and whores that just want attention play video games XD" thread

A few lines of coke and some viagra, I'd still hit it as long as she's ok with abortions.

they never are

Yes but roughly 40% of them actually likes to play the games that the other 60% pretends to get offended by

I was involved with one that played Mercy on Overwatch with a controller and was in the 1100s

I stopped seeing her

>asked to stop
>didn't stop
how rude


No, it's literally physically impossible to play video games without a penis.

This. That's all these threads ever amount to.

Yeah they do, just different genres than guys a ton of the time, they also don't tend to broadcast their gender. Any that do either do so after a long time lurking with people they get familiar with or they're craving attention.

Guys fall over themselves online to impress/harass any grill that turns up.

the secret is that they don't even say they're girls. they just play the game. If at any point they tell you their gender, that in itself is a big warning. not unlike a guy who wastes my time by spewing "dude weed lmao'' on the mic

>Save hyrule
>Xbox controller
Not even good at pretending.


My ex played a lot of black ops 2. I should have known better. I dumped her after two years with her rampant xanax addiction pissing me off.

Sup Forums does love circlejerks even though it hates reddit for the same reason

op is gay and was leading to an "girls suck lets suck each other's dick" thread

Attention seeking whores that only play popular games so they can be boot-licked by virgin beta males.

I blame Big Bang Theory for popularising geek culture

She's so fat she probably hasn't menstruated for months though