Fuck this whore and all you noskill cheapshot coward losers who play her.
Fuck this whore and all you noskill cheapshot coward losers who play her
Other urls found in this thread:
>t. conquerer "pro"
doing god's work
I constantly press the wrong buttons in hectic and miss blocks.
How do I get gud?
>use her 24/7 pick nobody else
>reach rank 4 rep 1
>constantly spam unblockable kicks and poke poison spam
>get rage mail every other game
I hate the order challenges where they want you to use a specific class because that class gets the exp instead of the one you use.
it feels so good to shit on people like you as the best character in the game: warden
You don't.
>implying warden players know how to counter the hidden stance mixup
>implying nobushi players know how to play her well
>sprint forward
>side step
>shoulder bash
>losing to noobushis
ah yes, LMB the class
i hope anyone who plays her burns in hell after i take his head off with my flail
Wow that game looks like complete shit.
She's not as broken as the peace keeper. Ubisoft doesn't really know what they are doing.
How many times have you posted this webm?
Do the stats carry over into the main game? I've enjoyed the beta so far and will be picking the game up but if they don't I'll just wait until the 14 of feb.
>beat you with nobushi 10 times over
>you whine and squeal about the character like children
>switch to kensei
>win even easier
all of the day
lol @(You) guys
>what is attacking
>what is back dash poke
>what is counter guard breaking
ive never seen a spear bitch even at rep 2 do anything but spam quick attack and try to run
>not blocking every attack and then assrape her with 2fast5u Orochi Master Race
>get opponent to low health
>teammate kills other one
>he runs away toward the bridge and tries baiting us into getting charged
>side step him and unblockable kick him off the bridge
>Wow! Wow! Wow! in the chat
And that was the day I decided to main Noobushi
I didn't even know you could counter guard breaks simply by pressing the guard break button and to parry properly you press heavy attack right before they hit you.
They really should put that tech in the basic tutorial not the advanced one as you're not forced to do the advanced but its important to know otherwise you'll think guard breaks are overpowered like I did.
>that bitrate
>that cringe as fuck name
user... Are you sure you are allowed to be in this website?
Jesus christ you are one sad faggot, do you always bitch about webms being posted?
>game isn't even out
>there have been 2 days worth of threads
>bitches as if its a repost from 2004
>bitching about a 36 second webms bitrate
I don't believe liberals are allowed here.
I honestly wouldn't have a problem if it wasn't for the fact that she has poison. You make one mistake and you are dead.
>all this salt towards a class
>not mentioning peacekeepers guard break poison
Also easily dispensed, you should join the Warden master race.
How does that even match the context of the conversation? It's like you are just throwing random words you don't even know the meaning now.
its a bleed you fucking mongs, a BLEEEEEED. you see a cute girl and you automatically think of poison huh? anita was right.
>being this rustled
>in 2017
user you don't belong here.
The poison only hurts you for a fraction of health. When you get poisoned a part of the bar turns red then starts being chipped away until it's gone. Getting poked once doesn't do shit
god damn it feels good to be a warden main
No you dumb fuck. People think poison because the weapon literally shines purple. They can write bleed all they want in the move list, if that shit shines purple people are gonna say poison and the devs are retarded.
lmao at least learn the controls before showing them online, all these webm are painful to watch.
>uses a word that doesn't even make any sense in the context
>get's called on it
>just pretends it didn't happen and continues to throw shit instead
Just close your eyes and pretend it's all fine. It will go away.
Fuck off wardenfag
Nobu really doesn't need the poison she already has superior range and speed and dmg is good, poison is just overkill and just make player poke poke then run
Or poison should not killjust leave you at 1 hp and you don't regen health until it wears off
>Melee fighting game
>HAVE to push weebshit garbage into it
I want this meme to die, Japanese military history is a meme
>still trying this hard
>on a korea image board
>in 2017
Again, a liberal like you doesn't belong here.
>he doesn't know
I still can't believe people don't know the easiest way to counter these fucking pole arm assholes.
It's literally the easiest thing in the world, after learning this shit honestly it was no issue taking them down.
Have fun figuring it out
>match starts
>puts himself in the fucking corner
Why do you act like that was an impressive kill?
Oh right these are probably the only ones you get.
How do I play this on PC?
Anyone got invites?
Knights and chivalry are a big meme too.
They arent straight up propaganda like samurai and bushido, but everything in the game is a meme.
Knights vs Vikings vs Samurai is a meme
I'm trying as hard as you, which is to say I'm bothering to reply.
Not only you just toss around words you don't really know the meaning, like a 3 year old learning the language, but you are also a hypocrite, calling people on doing the exact same thing you are doing.
That's getting pretty embarrassing. It's like you can't stop failing. Starting to feel bad for you now.
Closed beta ends tonight, so you're too late.
There will most likely be an open beta in a couple weeks though.
>that peacekeepr
>not dodge attacking
>attempting to block dead-on hits
>throws twice when prisonshank combo would have done more work
that peacekeeper is balls, have you won against people who knew their classes?
>couple of weeks
The game launches in 2 weeks retard
>unbreakable heavies
>passives that negate most of the bullshit they can try to exploit you with
Conq and Warlord are the best at dealing with the ninja faggots.
Game releases in 2 weeks bud
Because you get matched with shitters using a character that's defined as a hard class while you coast on an easy class and gloat when you kill one of them. Try fighting someone who knows what they're doing but oh that wouldn't be fair on you.
It's just annoying that is all. I don't enjoy fighting her. I'm not saying it is hard to fight her. This is coming from a warden main.
Still your info is wrong on the one hit death. Besides try fighting a peacekeeper who spams poison stabbing and side stepping non stop. Pure cancer
A week then.
Almost every AAA multiplayer game like this has an open beta right before launch.
well they leveled up the character at least 42 times so i assume they know what they are doing
Well then this is gonna be in that part that's "almost"
>playing for cucks
>paying a 100 bucks for it
>while games with a vastly superior combat system exist
>42 levels
>max level is 20
Also just because someones played more doesn't mean they know better then people below them.
Not my fault you are shit at the game user.
That warp on guard break.
>arguing about the game
>doesn't know that after level 20 you prestige
you get to the next reputation level after you fill the xp bar at level 20 they did that twice therefore they leveled up at least 42 times. try being less retarded next time
Which Skyrim mod is this?
Then why not write it out as Rep 2 level 12? The way you wrote it sounds like you are just baiting or never played it.
that would be a false assumption
>barely win
If you ever want to get a hit in on them, you have to take hits from my experience. The pokes are just too damn quick and if you don't do shit she wins. I made an overstatement but that webm is pretty much how all fights go against her. It's shitty.
>doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile
>winning is winning
Stay assblasted peacefag.
I'm a warden main you shithead. and the webm I mentioned was the nobushi. Both are a bitch to fight and from the webms you are posting it is proof with you barelly winning. They can just get damage without effort almost.
>barely winning
So let me get this straight, you don't consider it a win unless you are at 90+% health.
Please get off Warden and go play fucking the weeb classes, it's where you belong.
A purple rain drop as an icon for bleed is retarded. No shit everyone is calling it poison.
>easily dispensed
This game looks lame as hell too
Which class in this game is closest to making me feel like a Templar.
If this game gives me enough DEUS VULT vibes I might invest in it.
Raping Anglo has never felt better
Can you use your fucking brain? Let's just assume all the people you are playing are shitters at the same skill level. Look how easily you are beating non-peacekeepers and nobushis compared to peacekeepers and nobushis. That is what I'm talking about. The characters are still a bitch to fight against no matter the skill level.
there will be more polearm classes, right?
I love polearms so i'd probably main nobushi but holy fuck I don't want to be associated with a cancer class
Warden. Then equip the bucket helm.
>All these swords
Where are the sick ass maces?
Considering these are all level 15 plus players, No.
Nice assumption though. You almost had it.
>levels ever mattering
Just because you play more doesn't mean you are good. You can get by being a shitter. You almost had it too buddy.
>he's this mad he sucks and can't compete
It's okay user, maybe someday you'll be gud, but right now. you'll continue to be a shitter. Drop warden it's clearly too hard for you if you can't beat these easy foes.
Get gud faggot. She isn't even that good. She's easy to fight and hard to use. If you cant counter her, you just suck
Conqueror has flail. Lawbringer has a pole axe. Close enough.
I totally forgot about this guy
halberds > shitty weeb weapons
>doesn't even try to debate
>redirects conversation to pointless babble
You have to be 18+ to post on this website, fetus.
>18+ argument
Ahh, the good old "I've lost and have nothing to provide anymore" goalpost.
Gotta draw it away from the fact you lost the argument. As I said, you'll get gud one day shitter, maybe once you stop having trouble with those classes, especially as the Warden.
Posting webms showing you struggle against these characters and acting like you beat them handily isn't impressive. I never said I can't beat them but it's obviously harder than other characters. You have several webms in the thread with you blinking red and getting hit several times. Stop acting like you are a god.
>but.. but.. I still won!
Warden still the GOAT though
>fucks up triple stab
At least play with people that can do the basic moves.
>no Ancient Chinese faction
>no Glaive/Guandao hero to play
feels bad man
Go away shills
>show webms barely beating the other classes that people are bitching about
>See! It's easy bro
man this game looks like garbage
>beating the other classes people are bitching about losing to
>same people tell you you suck
>they can't even beat these weak ass classes
Will the stats be reset in the full game?
Delicious. Thank you for the meal, OP, your shipment of salty manlet tears is very much appreciated.
I never said you suck. I'm the warden main. You must be talking to someone else. The classes they are bitching about obviously aren't weak. Stop acting like it is a piece of cake to fight. Your webms clearly show it isn't.
If I win, it's a peace of cake.
>people actually think this game takes skill
>people actually think this game is competive