It's 2017, why are you not playing Elder Scrolls Online?

There is no excuse Sup Forums

I forgot it even existed. Just like Skyrim.

I avoided that shit like the fucking blight.

Why is there so much development on Vvardenfel despite it being closed to settlement for ages?


Transcription error

Started 3 weeks ago, I must say im not disappointed tho.

>playing a shitty whack-mole version of a setting which has been fucked in the ass and watered down in every iteration since Morrowind

I'd rather fuck broken glass.

It's pretty fun

I'm always confused why people throw a fit anytime it's mentioned

>2nd era
>Balmora, Seyda Neen, Tel Mora and 90% of the other settlements existing on Vvardenfel
I'm amazed they didn't actually put the fucking Ghostfence in.
Can't wait to get the Heart of Lorkhan to give my faction a +5% magicka resistance passive!

I think it's a combination of people that only played the beta, have never played it at all, and people that don't like the MMO gameplay. I got it on sale a while back and have been pleasantly surprised at how enjoyable it is. I kind of dislike how very Skyrimmy it feels, but for the most part it's actually really neat. Not having to pay a subscription is good too.

Its pretty bad game man.needs port to switch

>2E 583 Vvardenfel

>House Telvanni has several holdings in >northeastern Morrowind, most notably the >Telvanni peninsula. Vvardenfell and Solstheim >are not considered nations, although they are >independent from all other Tamrielic nations. >Parts of Vvardenfell are however officially >considered to be the Tribunal Temple's territory.

Brush up on your lore son

And how does that justify there being settlements other than those of the Temple?

>the Imperial Census and Excise Office is there

Exactly. What's Balmora and Ald-ruhn and such doing there?


Cuz it sux and mmos are for nerds

I've played it a little, it's alright. If i played any MMO again I would just go back to WOW though.

It's 2017. Why the fuck would I spend my time on an MMORPG?

>It's a wow clone instead of being elderscrolls online

Yeah nah, fuck that aye.

I've started playing it a few times but I always get bored by like level 15

It's canon

I'd play it but the launcher keeps getting stuck on "Loading" and I can't install any updates.

>those cutoffs on certain parts of the map
I feel like OP is being a ruseman and this is just a high detail render of Tamriel rebuilt renamed for an attempt to ruffle feathers.

>historically accurate

FFXIV exists

The game is fun for a play-through.

Nah, Morrowind's map is pretty different

Ops post is legit. no feathers are being ruffled.

since this is a morrowind thread, anyone know why MGEXE is giving me low frames when i make the view distance higher than base? i've heard its because i have a quad core processor

o baby, this is going to be great.