ITT: Game Devs You Once Loved, But Don't Anymore

Post a developer that you used to idolize, but that you no longer care about anymore.

I'll start.

>Most key staff have left due to its management being incompetent
>Tyranny was a disappointment
>Still resorting to crowdfunding for PoE II, and using pyramid scheme Fig to do it

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Backed PoE 2 for 45 bucks. Looking forward to it.

Obsidian also are SJW cucks, you have to remember that as well.


PoE was nice
Tyranny wasn't great, but I wouldn't call it "bad"
And PoE2 looks great

Of course, they're ess jay us so we're forced to hate them, but still.

>waaaah why are they crowdfunding a game they already put money into
Reminder that it's ok when Larian does it.

What RPG developer isn't these days?

Give them time. They're just now getting popular, and popularity attracts SJWs.

To be honest, I don't know what the fuck Bethesda is these days. Besides incompetent.

Only the B-Team that made Tyranny could be considered "SJW" really.

Sawyer and his team don't really give a shit so I'm happy with that.

I liked all of their games so far and backed PoE2.

>Pillars of Eternity was pretty good
>Pillars of Eternity: White March was really good
>Pillars of Eternity 2 looks incredible
>Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky are working on a 3D game together
I agree that Tyranny was a disappointment, though. Shit, even.

I spent so much time playing Warcraft 3, Diablo 2, Starcraft, and Vanilla WoW.
But now those series just aren't very fun. It seems like after WoW came out they just couldn't really make anything as good as they used to.

Not really a dev itself, but Iused to love Sony back in the 90's and early 2000. Then it all changed, they went down the gutter and started killing some of the greatest developers of all time.
Rip in piece Psygnosis

Sawyer seems to be a middle man.

>Engages with SJWs and supports some of their ideas
>Isn't afraid to push the buttons that SJWs hate being pushed

He (and Tim Cain) are really the only reason why I still care about Obsidian after Avellone left.

I spent 40 dollars on tyranny and really regret it

No, it's okay when New World Interactive does it.

Among the only people I would trust enough to buy a pre-release game.

Day of Infamy is already fucking fantastic by the way.

I backed PoE 2 with no regrets but I am hoping they have Fenstermaker come back to write some of it. I'm not too happy with Paul Kirsch and Megan Starks at the core guys. Carrie Patel is alright and Josh Sawyer has done good work before.

>Sawyer seems to be a middle man.
>>Engages with SJWs and supports some of their ideas
That's just common sense, though. It's basically suicide to not at least act 'moderate' with SJW issues these days, as the clusterfuck with PoE proved.

>ubi 101 thread

They're leftist, not SJWs. There's a difference.

Sawyer is /ourguy/

>Paul Kirsch and Megan Starks

Did we get a confirmation that they are now part of the PoE2 development team? I don't want those two hacks anywhere near it.

This. They're fucking faggots and they backstab everything that moves. And I say this as someone who played a rogue for 10 years.

Pic related.

Unfortunately, yes. (Fictivate is Megan Starks)

>pyramid scheme

I thought the whole team (sans Avellone for obvious reasons) from the first game was back on board for the second.

Why wouldn't Fenstermaker be on it?


EA buying Bioware was sad.

Welp, I can only hope Sawyer's autism is strong enough to block these two from trying anything funny.

fenstermaker is taking time off because his wife gave birth

Tell me how Fig isn't a pyramid scheme.


What the hell is Tyranny anyway. How the hell it got made.

It's their worse game for sure. Worse than DS3.

as evident by Tyranny. shame to see the mighty fall

a pyramid gives you incentives to spread the word and get other people to join when you join

fig is just kickstarter with an option to buy equity. holy shit how fucking stupid can you be, do you know nothing about investment? do you even know what a pyramid scheme is kid?

>It's a rigorous hiring process, and as long as they remain as demanding as they have been, they'll be good for a long time.


Well, congrats to the man, but I hope he joins the team once he comes back.

If not, then I hope he joins Tim Cain for his game at least. I'd love to see a 3D RPG with actual good writing, instead of desperately hoping for Bethesda to sack Emil already.

A pyramid scheme, by definition, does not involve either a product or a service. Fig does.

I miss him already

What a great guy

only autists give a shit what a political compass has to say about a group of devs, 'leftists' have made a great many good games as have many people 'on the right', can you guys fucking kill yourselves already?

Oh... Nevermind. He's gone for good.


>a guy who drop his pants at the first sight from cancer


Don't know why you quoted me (6458) since I completely agree with you and expressed as much in the post you're quoting.

i just wanted to corner all the politics talk i wasn't really directing it much at you

yes this

mayor reason why I now avoid them like the plague

why should I support a group of people that want to make discrimination of people like me law and that openly hate me?

So, now that Fenster and Avellone are gone, does Obsidian have any good writers anymore?

I didn't care about either PoE or Tyranny because I knew from the moment they were put on kickstarter that they were gonna be mediocre pieces of shit (And surprise, surprise, they were) but even then I still held out hope that there'll be another MOTB. I didn't realize that they are just gonna keep kikestarting every single game they have and every single one of them will be a boring pile of garbage because they've exchanged producers for retarded fans who don't know what they want. And also because everyone of talent left and all that's left is people who write garbage like the tyranny companion backstories.

Plot twist: OP is a Kickstarter employee

Your post is completely nullified from the very first sentence, since Tyranny wasn't kickstarted. Shouldn't have bothered with all that text after.

Ah yes, I remember all those White Genocide supporters in PoE

Fucking hell lad

CDPR are slavs, my man.

Liberal values don't mix with slav values at all.

>And surprise, surprise, they were)
POE has a 93 on metacritic

Tim Cain has done good work before, as has Josh Sawyer. Carrie Patel has done some decent work before.

But other than that, Obsidian has turned from "Makes good flawed sequels with great writing" to "Makes good low budget games with great atmosphere"

Tyranny wasn't kickstarted you codexer troglodyte.

... so?

PoE is a good game.

>Ignore the entire argument because of a mistake

Okay niggers. They were still boring, unchallenging games with mediocre stories, forgettable characters and bloated writing (Except for Tyranny.)

No it's not. One above average companion doesn't make it a good game.

>Makes good low budget games with great atmosphere
>tfw Josh will never get the money needed for a true sequel to Darklands and BTFO fantasy shitters forever

if you're so versed on the mediocrity of poe and tyranny then you'll have no trouble explaining to us why exactly that they are so mediocre? like precisely what is it that they do wrong?

might be hard seeing as you haven't even played the games but i'd like to see your assbackwards logic at play

Actually, your entire argument is that you disliking the games is inherently connected with them being kickstarted, when it isn't even the case. Keep digging, though.

I was talking more about presentation of men compared to women

But since you mentioned it.
I also never got why liberal mock the idea of white genocide. Native Europeans will be a minority in most of the countries of Europe in the next 50 years. That is a fact.
And most of their tradition and culture will disappear with them

I can understand why liberal would celebrate such a thing considering that they hate white people

but denying it makes no sense to me in my eyes.
care to explain?

The anal devastation PoE still causes Codexer shitheels is fucking hilarious. It is only surpassed by witcher3 hating autists.

>People are still wanting a new Fallout from these guys
>Despite most of the core team on NV not being at the company anymore

Granted, their efforts would still be better than Bethesda's but it would be a massive disappointment for those expecting another NV tier game.

In that sense, it might end up being even more disappointing than Fallout 4.

That is not what genocide means.

Also sauce on those numbers senpai

>One above average companion doesn't make it a good game.
How about three excellent companions and five above average companions?

This. For a game developer they sure haven't developed any games lately. They seem content to wade in their pool of money and encourage shitters to "greenlight" their uni projects.


Why aren't you supporting Obsidian?

>only autists give a shit what a political compass has to say about a group of devs

Yes, only autists give a shit that story and gameplay has taken a back seat to political virtue signalling in studios like Bioware (and basically anything made by EA or their slaves), Obsidian, Ubisoft, indie games, Naughty Dog, Gearbox...

I wonder how long the list goes on for?

In fact, only autists really care about the quality of videogames in general so lets just do away with any criticism of the industry, the developers are much more mature and worldly than the filthy handicapped consumers here.

they've made more games in the past 10 years than ico have

Good doctors leaving was what shut the lid of the coffin. Can't blame them.

Bethesda's games used to be much "darker" ie they used words like whore, rape etc. and the stories used to be much more edgier.

Now in Skyrim and especially Fallout 4 everything is so kiddy tier shit that the "mature" content boils down to le gore and maybe sometimes using the word shit.

I am

Shut up autist


I don't want to support a platform that is helmed by Mr. Shitface.

If it was on Kikestarter or ShittyNoGo, I'd definitely throw money at it.

uncharted's problem isn't 'diversity', it's that it's a fucking movie game that is just a reskinned the last of us

i've never stopped playing a game because it presents ideas i disagree with because, hold on a second, i'm not a fucking limp dick pussy who gets triggered as soon as he sees a contrary opinion. because getting upset at opposing political beliefs in games would make me no different from the SJWs you so desperately want to flagpost.

>I also never got why liberal mock the idea of white genocide
White people don't want to fuck and nobody forbids them from doing so. It's the other races that often fuck too much.


best post in this entire thread

people on Sup Forums keep crying about that modern games just no longer exciting nor hold their attention that gaming now feels more like work then fun but whenever somebody point out that this has mostly to with the fact that devs have started to focus their attention more on pushing far left agendas about social justice instead of making games fun and exciting cucks scream about "muh pol"

Hi autist :)

Ah, the famed left wing wit and intellect. Drumpfkins BTFO!

>What RPG developer isn't these days?
Cleveland Mark Blakemore.

but it are liberal that always let in million upon millions of unskilled immigrants from the middle east and Africa that ad nothing to the country expect crime. terrorism and increased welfare spending

if we were to spend all the money that we waste on immigrants instead to make it easier for Europeans to start a family more white people would start a family

You can always stop being a shitter and forget playing AAA games made by Canadian/Californian developers, that always works.

There was no "SJW shit" in PoE and it will likely remain that way in the sequel as long as Sawyer remains in command.

my favourite meme

that guy is a pussy
but the fact that you think that violent suppresion of opinion that you don´t like is the right answer just perfectly underlines why Trump won the election and why the republicans now have full control of the government

so go a head and keep acting like the fascists you are.

it only helps our course ;-)

>videogames are becoming movies for the sake of art thanks to SJWs bringing their politics and pretension into videogames
>Somehow people who want people like (((Druckmann))) to take their Hollywood bullshit and fuck off with it are "just as bad"

You want to know why movie games have become a thing? It's because of 'muh art' fags, who are invariably SJWs. If games were being made to drop Sup Forums "truth bombs" on people instead of being proper games I'd get annoyed by it too but that's not what's happening. Movie games, """"""text based adventure games"""""" and other cancer are exclusively a thing because of pretentious libart limp-dicks bringing their cancer into a previously untainted industry and people like you who try to somehow deflect blame away from the studios and the political agendas of their employees help enable it

Capcom especially I used to pop a boner whenever I saw their logo on a game.

you think you're any different? last time i checked people were getting beat the fuck up at trump rallies for saying bad stuff about trump, nice double standard

It's actually baffling how quickly they changed

So it's a genocide unless you actively do everything to increase the numbers of race X? You're whining about increased welfare spending then you want to increase welfare spending but only on one race. You're a racist plain and simple, a textbook case

Blizzard numbe 1 for me.

All, I mean ALL of their games past the merger were more shitty then the previous installments

Bioware is second because obvious reasons.

Obsidian is third but I don't expect much from them anyway.

Just play semi-autismal indie games you shitters
There's so many 100% gameplay no bullshit games out there if you just start to deviate from shitty AAA games

Same as you.

Also Valve since they no longer make games.

On the other side, I started caring about Blizzard again

When fucking """""""Creative(marketing)"""""""" directors that barely know anything from code to basic writing have the last call on all decisions involving your game, you will have shitty superficial games.

They know how to sell games, I just wanted that they knew how to make good games.

you mean the once that were faked by Hilary supporters?

and even all the once that weren´t fake they there are still 10 times as many lefty that attack right wingers then vise versa

oh and what about all those violent protests after trump won? were are the violent protest that life cities in ruins that were started by trump supporters? or were is the video were 5 trump supports tortue a black democrate while screaming "fuck obama, fuck black people"
that´s right there aren´t any. because conservatives don´t act like fucking animals when they lose

FANTASTIC video games discussion, really made me sit back and ponder the implication of these posts

Obsidian's problem is they were good writers and mediocre developers. Now they've lost all the good writes.

look up project veritas

I don't think a Trump supporter has ever hit anyone