What are some games that feature black holes?
What are some games that feature black holes?
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Space Engine
New Male's Sky
Star Trek Online added a mission with a black hole in it
Wouldn't the light of that thing alone be enough to blind every living thing on that planet?
Good thing nothing lives on that planet then.
Not at night
As if night occurs when you've got that sitting next to you
Interstellar, Event Horizon, Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, 2001 and the Alien quadrology
>not knowing how day and night occur
Mass Effect 2
From the trailer it looks like Mass Effect Andromeda does.
Pretty sure OP asked for games, not movies.
he said games asshole
it also has literal faggotry and is riddled with SJW nonsense and pandering to the max. I dont have to play it to know this from past experience
I do, but no way in hell, it'd be dark with that amount of light.I'd be blast over the horizon, regardless
Sheep, dog 'n' wolf
I agree. But if DA:I is any indication the environments will look great.
Elite Dangerous
That new Nioh game, if you can angle the camera just right.
>game has a blackhole and you can fly into it
>it doesn't instantly kill you
- Star Fox
- Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction
- Mario Galaxy
Maybe the game can get away with it justifying the ship is resistant enough to go through a black hole without problems.
More importantly, wouldn't such a small planet be sucked into the hole at that distance?
OP's mom's anus simulator
>ship is resistant to something that effects all light and matter around it
Sure thing
Didn't you watch interstella, dude? Inside a black hole is literally a time machine. Real scientists were involved with that movie!
Black holes aren't vacuum cleaners. They are default gravity wells, just more massive.
Hey thats my current background.
How so not?
Yeah, but if I throw an apple up, it comes back down. Satellites have to be shot at a certain distance to earth so they stay in orbit and don't come crashing back down. How would a planet that close to such a massive gravity ball defy that?
It left a black hole where the story should have been.
Megaman V Gameboy
Megaman 9
Define "close"
Being far enough away?
Do they even mention how close the planet is to the BIG BLACK HOLE in the movie?
It's not beyond the event horizon, dumbass.
Dota :^)
What happens if you go inside?
>black hole
>it emits light
Bravo, Nolan
Redpill me on blackholes.
Are they part of universal law or "bugs" in the structure?
The only game I can think of that has anything close to a realistic depiction of a black hole would be Space Engine, and they are fucking terrifying.
Anybody have the webm?
Orbital velocity you dunce. By your logic, Mercury should have been swallowed by the sun by now.
>what is an accretion disc
There's a point before the event horizon where gravitational lensing is powerful enough to pull light but still have some escape.
The bonus stages in Strike Suit Infinity have a black hole as the stage background, complete with distortion effect.
Big fuck off things that are so massive that light can't escape their gravitational pulse
Why would it kill you?
Standing on our planet doesn't kill you even though it's a gravity well
They don't suck up everything in sight. It's just that if you get too close to it you're fucked.
As long as the planet is behind the event horizon then it's not getting sucked into the blackhole for the same reason the Earth doesn't get sucked into the sun.
Planet will be sheared into tiny pieces that will get sucked into the blackhole though because of tidal forces
You can orbit closer by going faster.
How are there people in this board who didn't take high school physics? I thought it was 18+.
Our planet doesn't have the gravity of a million stars user
Dark Souls
It's not just about the distance, it's the speed it has
there's no matter in a black hole. it's all destroyed.
Post it!
Well, iunno. That's why I asked instead of making a statement.
Don't think they do, but it simply doesn't look all that far.
No shit, sherlock. But the gravitation should still be massive even outside the EH.
That planet must go sanic around the BH.
This was always the easiest way to understand black holes for me, understanding how it warps space time due to the gravitational effects.
>realistic depiction of a black hole
What the fuck are you even talking about? Not even top physicists in the world know what a realistic depiction of a black hole would be.
You can't.
Same as with stars the game autodrops you before you get too close.
And the gravitation is prevalent, but its not going to instantly suck in and obliterate the planet since it is still a reasonable distance away. I don't remember how far away it was in the movie.
>no qt interstellar game that lets you and your star crew traverse the universe in an effort to find an inhabitable planet for your dying species
btw, time dilation is some scary shit. any games that make use of it?
Part of universal law. White holes are bugs in the structure.
>no qt interstellar game that lets you and your star crew traverse the universe in an effort to find an inhabitable planet for your dying species
This is literally the premise of ME: Andromeda, too bad it looks like shit.
The best one there is
They also don't exist.
I'm saying based off of all evidence that we do have and the depictions given BY scientists, gaylord.
>This is literally the premise of ME: Andromeda
wow, now I'm actually interested in playing this damn series.
Stop while you're behind.
Doesn't a teaspoon of Neutron Star matter weigh roughly a Million Mega-Tons?
>Astronomy at high level is basically pure math
Welp, there goes my dream.
Let's stop the fucking rollercoaster, what about white holes?
>a teaspoon of Neutron Star matter weigh roughly a Million Mega-Tons?
shit like this blows my mind. just the idea of something that small, weighing that much.
video game industry needs more sci-fi titles with legit science behind them.
Isn't pretty much anything at a high enough "level" pure math?
They aren't real.
You wouldn't feel the gravity of a million stars if you were far enough away from the point of gravitation. If we were close enough to the sun we'd be pulled apart too but we're not because we're very far away. Same deal with a black hole. It's gravity works the same as everything else. It's just gets very extreme once you get close to it.
Nothing is wrong with that. Start learning now, and pay off in the future.
That's what happens when gravity crushes something to such an insane degree that its forced out all the empty space within it, even the empty space that exists between atoms.
Star Fox if you got the secret black hole warp in the first asteroid field.
I think Colony Wars: Vengeance on the PS1, though it could have just been a warp gate.
>black holes
Ayy lmao, why don't you nerds post some believable PROOFS instead of just hypotheses, speculations and inaccurate imagery?
Guess what, you dumb fucks, you can't do it.
Why don't you jump off a building? Gravity is just a theory, isn't it?
>gravity weapon that crushes matter
any games with this?
I suck at math though. I just want to live in Arizona and look through giant telescopes all day!
Am I being baited?
Discovery had a shitty one.
Black Hole Bomb from Megaman 9
Wasn't there some kind of black hole gun in ME2 as well?
Not quite what you asked for but Red Faction Guerilla has a "singularity" bomb and it's fucking glorious.
Saints Row III and Bioshock 2 DLC.
colony wars had dope backgrounds some featuring worm holes and black holes
god i wish i never traded in those games
So a gravitational wave was detected, therefor some sci-fi fantasy must be real.
>american education
So, what is it?
ur mums gaping asshole
anyone from /sci/ here?
Read somewhere there are singularities massive enough a planet could actually orbit them within the event horizon
Turok 2 has the nuka, a blackhole emitter that sucks stuff in then makes an explosion. Not really crushing matter though.
Space engine.
I guarantee you will never want to talk about black hoels again.
you need to play Kerbal
Well it's not just something getting dim. There was a literal distortion of space time that passed through the earth.
That's not possible. Within the event horizon of a black hole it is impossible to progress away or maintain your radial distance from the singularity. Basically inside an event horizon there are no directions available to you other than "down."