Nintendo's new Marketing Strategy with Switch

Has anyone noticed that nintendo seems to be taking a new approach this time around? Reggie has been appearing on several big youtubers channels and talking about the switch and other nintendo related things. Have they done this before?

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Social media is bigger than TV these days
It's just a sign the times are changing. Ironically the only ones not changing are Nintendo. They think they can keep making hardware in a world where consoles are growing increasingly obsolete

>the only ones not changing are Nintendo
>They think they can keep making hardware in a world where consoles are growing increasingly obsolete
How is that different from Sony or Microsoft, both of which announced new hardware last year?

Youtube influencers have been a thing for a while.

It's not the first time he appeared on several YouTube channels for interviews even when not advertising anything particular. I think these channels have built up a strong enough relationship with Nintendo that they get a first-hand look when it is time to advertise.

It's a shame its the same set of answers he gives every single video.

The approach has changed from "no marketing" to "marketing", so yeah. A lot's changed

>Ban and claim copyright infringement on their content constantly
>Grovel back to people who got fucked over for free advertising time

Nintendo is so scummy and shitty.

The fact that Nintendo could be doing much better than both because they have IPs worth billions?

MS and Sony don't make games. They fund some 3rd party studios to make exclusive content.

Nintendo, on the other hand, is a company whose strong suit is games and it's going utterly squandered. Just my opinion.

i'm glad they do it though. fuck lets players

>Nintendo, on the other hand, is a company whose strong suit is games and it's going utterly squandered.
>it's going utterly squandered
How so?

I think NoA's marketing side has been making huge strides to try and change how the company is viewed. Remember how hard they tried to get Smash 4 to be seen as legit while the Japanese didn't lift a finger?

Of course, and this goes without saying really, NoA's localization side needs to clean up its act.

I think they'd sell several fold more copies of each game if they were available on platforms besides their own. Especially for their home console games.

That's the thing though.

They're directly paying them instead. People who complained about their YouTube policies probably would change their tune if nintendo outright payed them to advertise their game.

Matpat destroyed him

I really doubt Reggie paid to appear. The video is monetized, they know having Reggie on it will lead to increased traffic so they get money anyway. And Reggie gets to plug his new tablet

Reggie completely that last question. "Yea, Nintendo is doing fine" sure Reggie. Parental controls? eh.

Profit margins are much, much higher selling in your own ecosystem. They probably prefer a 5M seller sold directly by them to a 10M seller sold on someone else's system.

It is, they're still making money and they have tons in the bank.

You seem to be under the delusion that there exists some vast, untapped market of people who care a lot about Nintendo's games, but somehow don't care enough to actually buy Nintendo's consoles (Wii U excluded).

>NoA's localization
Is the main reason i don't ever want anything to do with Nintendo. Holy shit they just butcher and rape games like no other.

Japan Studio makes games. Japan Studio is Sony.

Yet every time he appears he dodges a shit ton of questions

>MS and Sony don't make games

But that's wrong

I wish Nintendo would just move software only.

It would be so much better for them and us.

Licensing fees are anywhere from 20-30% depending on the game price and the volume of the developer. A juggernaut like Nintendo wouldn't pay anymore than 20%

Let's say you sold 1m on your own platform. To get the same amount of profit you'd only have to sell 1.25m, which isn't a lot more, especially when you look at the Wii U's 13 million vs the PS4+Xbone's 80m+, and god knows what PC actually is. Not to mention these are all x64 platforms so porting between them is a breeze

It was all fucking scripted you retarded cunt
If you couldn't tell already then that means you have actual brain damage

you wish you had that fresh youtube money

I don't see why not.
BotW looks great, I'm sure everyone who played Skyrim would love to give it a shot, but when you tell them it's $360+alpha then what? You'll lose interest from 99% of them.

>It would be so much better for them
Obviously not, or they would do it.

Imagine being such a nintendo shill that you spend time thinking and trying to talk about their marketing strategy for the new console. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>Have they done this before?
Yes but Nintendo is only doing this because they need to. Ban first, grovel later and I know for sure they will be back in their fucktard ways after they get what they want.

Not true, they're just afraid of change
When faced with uncertainty people prefer things stay the same

>Social media is bigger than TV these days
I rarely saw ads on TV for the Wii U or 3DS so if they were out there then they were running on some random channel at 4 in the morning.

The most I can recall for TV "ads" were ad signs in Safeco Field for Splatton or a special with Jimmy Fallon where Reggie would go on the show. That was it.


Is it usual for baseball ads to be in Japanese?

A NoA&NoE vs NoJ question:

Do you think Reggie really hates the japanese side with their very weird decisions about this launch and just can't say it? I just read the console war book and it probably because of that, it reminds me of SoA vs SoJ. Stupid decisions coming from the ivory tower of the japanese side, while the american side wildly (an correctly it turns out) think it's really stupid but can't stop them and have to see things go up in flames.

I'm not saying the situations are entirely the same... I'm just wondering if Reggie would like to really kill the decision makers or drank the kewl aid... :P

We'd never know either way
Reggie has to go with NOJ edict whether he likes it or not. He's a figurehead after all. Kimishima is NOA's CEO. Reggie just stands around to make the company look more American

Maybe one day in the distant future he can talk off the cuff about how he would have done things differently, but that's assuming he doesn't die of heart disease in the next 10 years. He looks morbidly obese

People prefer things stay the same, yes. But businesses are not governed by people, they're governed by shareholders, mindless automatons who make decisions based on input from powerpoints and focus groups and pie graphs. Nintendo obviously does base their decisions on the wishes of their shareholders, judging by their push into mobile after Iwata spent years denying it, it just takes them a little bit longer to get around to it.

If Nintendo's shareholders thought that the company would be better as a third-party publisher, I honestly don't think the Switch would be happening.

The Mariners were until very recently owned by Nintendo and have a huge japanese fanbase due to Ichiro's time with the team

You mean he's actually marketing the thing he's paid to market?

Sure he can't talk about it and IF he leaves, I'm sure he is gonan have to sign a air-tight NDA... but STILL... fun to speculate.... :P

For ads done by Nintendo In Safeco Field, yes. Otherwise ads are in English iirc; I might be wrong. However, it is totally typical for Nintendo to do that. I think most, if not all of their ads are in Japanese. Not a good marketing strategy imo if you want people in the US to buy games. Keep the Japanese in the games, not in the ads.

Shareholders represent a minority share in the company though. Even if they all voted unanimously they would be outvoted by Nintendo, which is why Iwata kept his neck as long as he did.

I think the mobile push is also evidence in favor of 3rd partydom. Their minds are open, they're just moving very slowly and cautiously. If the Switch fails to beat Wii U numbers I can easily see it happening even this generation. Of course they could also be stubborn about it and prolong it for god knows how many more generations.

I can't say what's going to happen, it's just what I wish would

>If the Switch fails to beat Wii U numbers I can easily see it happening even this generation.
You're forgetting that the 3DS has been very profitable for Nintendo, and in fact just recently had the best-selling quarter of its lifetime, 5 years in, which is almost unheard of.

If the Switch flops, Nintendo is far more likely to simply go handheld-only than they would be to go third-party.

>consoles are growing increasingly obsolete

That's why PS4 is outpacing PS2

Sony and Microsoft provide a "PC" for "non-PC" people. That's literally all their consoles are, just avenues for normies who "can't into PC" to play AAA games.

I will say it was interesting to see Reggie get "battered" by MattPat. You can't say Nintendo doesn't know their criticisms this time around...


user please. Shitposters don't give a shit about the 3DS when it comes to begging Nintendo to go third party.

It is not. It will be lucky to break 100 m

>If the Switch flops, Nintendo is far more likely to simply go handheld-only than they would be to go third-party.

The handheld market is dying though. Unless by handheld you mean mobile-only? The problem with that is that there's a huge amount of money to be made with console-styles games still. As long as millions of people are willing to shell out $60 for polished experiences, Nintendo will continue to do that because they already have the development assets and manpower for it. Their assets would go terribly wasted on mobile apps because they just don't take very much to develop. It's really the right combination of either viral appeal or IP clout that sells a mobile game, not a quality polished experience

This is also ignoring that you can't charge $60 for mobile apps. They can make a ton of money there but it would be stupid for them to ignore the console market for as long as it exists, and I don't think it's going away until mobile devices start offering the graphical capability of consoles, which will probably take a few decades still

>It is not. It will be lucky to break 100 m

PS4 will easily sell over 60 million consoles this year

I'm almost leaning towards getting a Switch, after all we'll probably never get a decent handheld gaming PC.

Though who knows, maybe someone who can into industrial design will take a decent stab at this sort of thing, Unfortunately this thing looks like more of a brick than the original xbox.

Except that the majority of Nintendo's profit comes from their hardware, not their software. If they went third party, they'd instantly lose nearly half of their incoming revenue, and for what? They'd be getting charged tons in licensing fees and wouldn't be making anywhere as much as they were.

This illusion of Nintendo being massively successful as a third party needs to go away. They'd have to downsize so much that most of their studios would fire tons of their workers, and they'd only work on "safe" IPs, ie Mario and Pokemon, with Zelda every so often. You can say goodbye to things like Metroid ever getting another game.

There has not been a publisher going third party that's been a success story. Nintendo would be like Sega in this regard.

The thing is third party support is going to give up on nintendo like they always do.

I hate Sony, I wish they would die and burn, but saying shit like Japanese devs are going to move on mass to Nintendo, is pretty retarded and unfounded. The reason vita is getting soo many games is because it takes a click of a button to port a ps4 game to the vita, even if the game runs are 20-25 fps, vita fags eat it up because muh portable.

The switch will not have this software base.

>Except that the majority of Nintendo's profit comes from their hardware, not their software
This is a bold faced lie
They make more profit on a single game than they do on the hardware

In case no one remembers, nintendo had a very poor relationship with the journos during the wii and wii u eras to the point that they bypassed them entirely with directs due in part to reviews and editorials. Now they're courting the new media by flying them out to private switch events and putting them up in hotels so they can shill the system just like back in the day. Every youtuber, while not outright paid to do anything you see, was compensated.

What is different is that nintendo is actually marketing the fucking thing, targeting demographics that actually exist and not only acknowledging but doing something with criticism that they previously ignored. I'm seeing a degree of marketing tact, business sense and social media trickery that they have never before displayed and I expect the switch to meet their milestones and subsume a decent share of the market until competition can rally.

It's the entire ecosystem. They don't sell hardware at a loss, pay no licensing fees and develop, publish, localize and market their own games. It takes all of that to make money. Also, they're probably making around 40 dollars profit on every switch sold.

I dunno, I think it really depends on Japan's reaction. The PS4 is struggling there in comparison to the rest of the world, so if the Switch fails there, it sends a dire warning to Sony that the market is effectively dead there for them too.

Japanese devs know this well enough too, so I'm certain they want Switch to be successful, but again, it really depends on how well Nintendo is able to sell it onto the masses.

Even hardcore nintendo fags on youtube are saying that switch is weird and probably isn't getting third party support.

Good post bro

>I dunno, I think it really depends on Japan's reaction. The PS4 is struggling there in comparison to the rest of the world, so if the Switch fails there, it sends a dire warning to Sony that the market is effectively dead there for them too.

ALL console are doing poorly in japan, even the 3ds/vita. Mobile is just cannibalizing everything.

Japanese third party are not going to go Switch all of a sudden for no reason. When you make a psvita game you automatically make a ps4 compatible game, which is why the two share soo many games. The same is true in reverse so long as you use the right engine. When you look at the sales together, the sales are decent, on their own both sell pretty shit.

Switch is shitting on it's self because of the retarded controls, devs are not going to make games assuming everyone has a pro controller. They need to develop for the lowest common denominator, and the lack of a D-PAD is serious when it comes to porting games. Switch should have come with the pro controller and one of the two joy cons or something.

The the stories of easy porting are true, I think you will see lots of ps4 developed games getting switch/vita ports, but not many switch third party exclusives.

>Also, they're probably making around 40 dollars profit on every switch sold.
Right, so roughly the profit of a single game.

>It's the entire ecosystem. develop, publish, localize and market their own games. It takes all of that to make money.
They can continue to do all of these. Develop, publish, localize and market their own games. Who knew you can be a huge software-only juggernaut? Ask EA.

The only thing they lose is hardware sales and licensing fees, so let's look at both of them shall we?
If you're aiming for a 10:1 attach rate then you're making 10x what you did on games than you did on selling the hardware, so the hardware is completely irrelevant at this point anyway. If you figure that it turns, let's say, a 10 game average into an 11 game average, then they'd lost the sale of 1 game. Whoopty-doo.
Again, the extra volume will more than make up for this just like it will the hardware loss. All they have to do is sell 25% more games and they've broken even.

Let's imagine a fictional scenario where BotW sells 5 million units on the Switch/Wii U.
Obviously retailer cuts and development expenses exist, but these would be the same regardless of the target platform, so I'm just going to ignore them.
>5m x 60 = 300 million
Now, what would you need to sell on other platforms to break even?
>5m x 1.25 = 6.25 million

So you're basically gambling on that of the 80+ million ps4/xbone users, less than 1.25 million of them would buy BotW. Because otherwise you'd be making more profit by being a 3rd party dev. I'd call this a losing gamble because there's no way it's true.

So long as they sell hardware at a profit there is no reason for them not to make hardware.

Nintendo should get the fuck out of the industry once for fucking all

Not at all, my friend

Let's imagine they turn that 5m software units into 10m, which honestly I think is pretty goddamn modest for a game like BotW

10m x 60 x 0.8= 480 million.

They've made 180 million more than they would have selling the game on Wii U/Switch, and what did they gain? $40 per unit of hardware. It works out in their favor for the first game but let's look at Odyssey next, which is a far more popular series than BotW

Let's say it sells 15m vs 7m on the Switch (as there's no Wii U version)

15m x 60 x 0.8 = 720million vs 420 million

And you can only count those hardware sales once.

Now imagine MK9

Now imagine Metroid.

Now imagine Pokemon.

And so on.

The potential for profit as a 3rd party dev is staggering. While selling hardware at a profit isn't costing them a direct loss, it is costing them an indirect loss by denying the potential for profit that they could be having as a 3rd party developer.

Why do you think Ubisoft and EA continue to sell on Steam despite having their own platforms? Valve gets a 20-30% cut too.

The answer is as simple as it is stupid: Volume.

I think you over estimate the demand for nintendo games, if people really wanted them, they would have bought a wiiu.

I do. Not from Nintendo games.

Don't forget they'd pay less in wages because several employees would be fired due to the downsize, or leave of their own volition.

The 40 on the game isn't profit. Profit on AAA titles is between nothing and 3 dollars until you hit a million or so copies, nintendo makes much more, especially on handheld titles, due to their crap hardware and owning the whole system.

They couldn't sell their garbage against AAA movies no matter how good the gameplay is.

Pokemon Go and Super Mario Run have demonstrated that demand for Nintendo games far exceeds their own limited ecosystem.

I am right.

I will be proven right.

It's only a matter of when.

Their hardware plants would be sold off but those are all in China anyway. You really think they give a fuck about any of those employees? Their software development teams would likely GROW in size.

>mobile shit

I already said I'm not accounting for retailer markup and development costs because those would be the same on any platform. Marketing likewise would be the same regardless. An ad for the Switch costs the same as an ad for some other game on some other platform.

The things that would differ are the license fees. Everything else would stay the same.

I agree that a lot of their 3DS titles couldn't exist on home console ecosystems but that's what mobile is for. They'd move their handheld-tier games to mobile and their home console-tier games to other consoles.

>I think you over estimate the demand for nintendo games, if people really wanted them, they would have bought a wiiu.
Not everyone thinks like you do. Many families just get one video game player and that's it. Another isn't a consideration. I grew up in one of those families and all of my friends did. These days I can afford to buy anything I want but that's not your standard consumer.

Demand for the games is there. Demand for the hardware isn't. Lack of demand for the hardware has no bearing on the demand for the games.

>... :P
Fuck off back to re:ddit and/or kill yourself.

Well they definitely have to try harder than they did with WIi U.

I remember they had so much trouble advertising the console that they had a contest held to reward fans that could come up with tbe best ad for the Wii U.

Switch seems like such an easy thing to market too, a console that you can take with you on the go.

Glad that NoA is actually going out of their way to get their figurehead to do these interviews with people who non-Nintendo gamers follow instead of general interviews with """journalists""".

Their mobile initiatives are both successful and failures. Super Mario Run had made a respectable revenue of $14Mil, but economists and shareholders wished the pay model had more microtransactions to coax the casual audience out of their shells and earn more money. Looks like Fire Emblem learned the "lesson."

It's better to discuss vidya industry stuff than "what game lets me do x non-vidya related thing!?".

It's more interesting to see one of the big 3 change focus on how they market their console because it could be a game changer on their install base leading to Nintendo jumping back into the fold for the console war of Gen 8.5.

I am really about this comfy vidya economics thread.

It's a brand new market for them and there's a lot to learn still

When I look at most of the games I've enjoyed while owning a 3DS and DS, there are very few that couldn't translate perfectly to mobile. Pretty much any JRPG like Pokemon, SMT, FE, anything with turn-based, menu-based combat is right at home on mobile. You don't need fancy controls. Professor Layton, 999, VLR, Ghost Trick, pretty much any puzzle game would be fine as well.

The Zelda's probably wouldn't work but what did we even get? ST and PH were terrible, OOT3D and MM3D were ports, and I'm not even sure what to call ALBW but I could have done without it. DS didn't even have an original Mario platformer besides NSMB and we've had so much NSMB on other platforms that I could have done without 2 of them. 3DL was basically a cheap watered down tech demo for 3DW. Luigi's Mansion was basically a remaster of the GC game

I think the one game series that 3DS had that wouldn't work on phones is MH because it really demands the controls, and that would just become a console series instead of mobile

>because of the retarded controls
You mean the same standard as everyone else?

Base 2 joycons still have 2 sticks that click, 4 face buttons and 2 shoulder buttons.

Most of the games coming to Switch Year 1 don't even require use of HD rumble or motion controls and are standard console games that were seen on other platforms.

Only 1-2 Switch has really shown huge emphasis on motion controls.

Arms even has an option to play as standard control scheme.

Animal Crossing will work great on phones too

Nindendo has a much lower development cost because all their games are on shit hardware, especially the console ones, and you have to account for that. To go third party would involve tripling the size of their current teams to make what they do look good on the ps4. They could barely handle the transition to 720p on the wii u because everyone there had to spend 2 years catching up on 6 years worth of technological advancement.

It would be interesting to see an internal nintendo team do a third party game, but where they are now has a much wider profit margin and less risk.

Real talk, how is the lack of a D-PAD going to effect third party games? Is an analog stick a replacement for a D-PAD? When I player fighters and platformers I always use the D-PAD, but when I play shooters/3d games I almost never use it, seems to always be set to a menu.

Will joycon controller hold back the Switch? Someone already said devs are not going to assume everyone has a pro controller and I agree, they would be stupid to do so.

If you think face buttons are a replacement for a dpad you have never played video games before.

There is a reason EVERY SINGLE nintendo console has had a dpad.

I'm referring to XYBA, but even then, what other games besides 2D fighters require that much precision of d-pad?

Sure it sucks that they compromised dpad for 2 controller setup but options to exist (most fighting game enthusiasts invest in sticks or fight pads anyways).

>To go third party would involve tripling the size of their current teams to make what they do look good on the ps4.
This would be completely optional. Like BotW, for instance. Could be exactly the same game on Xbone/PS4, just at a higher resolution. Running at a higher resolution doesn't increase development cost. Coding for multiple platforms does to an extent but you're talking about a small amount relative to the development of the actual game assets

Just because Nintendo has more powerful hardware doesn't mean they have to utilize it like modern retarded AAA devs. They don't have to utilize it at all.

This is what MK8 looks like without changing a single asset and only increasing rendering resolution. It looks amazing.

>but where they are now has a much wider profit margin and less risk.
The only risk is being unwilling to take one, which makes this very sad in a way. I think they're seriously just so afraid of change despite the overwhelming evidence that it would be more profitable for them

How come everybody who talks about how some games would be perfect for mobile never take into account how they're sold?


Can't you wait like six months after laucnh before claiming that a console that's currently sold out everywhere and NOT OUT FOR PUBLIC PURCHASE is dead

Switch and Zelda BotW are pretty great. Got to play it for about 25min at PAX South today. Also tried Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and a few others

Maybe we just haven't had the right games on mobile yet?

Maybe we haven't had $40 mobile games because no one has offered a game that's actually worth $40 on the platform

Maybe Nintendo can pioneer that? I admit I'm being way too optimistic with this but,.. without someone trying to change things, things won't change. And I wish things would change. There's no reason good games couldn't be on mobile.

When did I say the switch was dead? I was talking about third party support. Switch will sell on BotW alone. Stop being so defensive, not every piece of criticism is nintendoom posting.

But arguing third party are going to move en mass to switch is retarded.

Some anons were saying it doesn't have a fan inside the tablet
Did you happen to feel the vents if air was coming out or notice any blowing sounds

>currently sold out everywhere and NOT OUT FOR PUBLIC PURCHASE
Something not available for purchase can't be sold out.

Damn nigga you soo mad you can't read.

Somehow he read

"shitting on it's self" with "sitting on the shelf"

Not sure why he is soo angry that he literally cant read.

It's cheap advertisement. It costs them nothing but Reggies wage.

He pays the YouTubers nothing and the hilarious part?

Nintendo steals money off of YouTubers afterwards by placing forced ads on their videos that contain their games. It's perfect. He's "gracing" them with his appearance, but basically their videos paid for his visit in the first place.

It's fucking hilarious when you think about it for a second.

Nintendo has no morals at all. Just a sleazy fucking company run by greedy Japanese midgets stuck still in the 2005 era of hardware.

Until there is a dedicated mobile platform to run them that performs well, has controls outside of touch and psychologically divides the games on it from dollar shovelware, that isn't happening.

how's the rumble?

It's still questionably profitable as then nintendo is just an AA dev in a world where AA dev has been dead for almost 8 years. Their IPs can't save them there.

The money that paid for all that shit came straight from the YouTubers themselves with stolen ad revenue.

Fucking glorious. It's like Nintendo is a socialist leader who spread the wealth of YouTubers among themselves and also they get free advertisement for their shitty system.

They're not just any dev, they have the most recognizable IPs in the business and a track record of making good games

There is uncertainty. But no risk, no reward, and Nintendo has been so complacent in recent years it's no wonder they're spiraling into obscurity

Must suck to reggie, you have to completely back whatever your jap bosses put out and you have basically zero say in anything.