ITT: Games only you liked

ITT: Games only you liked

It was fun, tbqh

Still waiting for that trilogy to be finished.

I spent $60 on this game for a fucking meme, a fucking meme. I played it for 1 hour and stopped because of how god damn bad it is. It still haunts me to this day that I threw away all that money just to laugh about some fucking plane scene

The multiplayer was the shit back then. Loved playing Infected.

The sequel was better.

been playing nonstop i don't know why very comfy

I played it and liked it.

Now I torrented it so I don't know if I'm more or less biased than you, but it wasn't THAT bad. I would have paid 10 bucks for it. The combat itself was decently satisfying.

I really like the mod i made for the MC.

Best game in the series.


THIS. Loved the game way too much for it' own good.

It's a genuinely challenging stealth based survival horror game that will brutally punish you for your mistakes.

Apparently people don't like to be challenged by stealth based survival horror games, they prefer easy as piss walking sims like Amnesia, and so this is unjustly called "one of the worst games ever made" when it's really actually not that bad. It's just not for casual faggots.


i liked it user, even got it on the msoft store before the steam release.

was close to getting the special x1 version 2bh.

also ripip qt

I like it too.

>they prefer easy as piss walking sims like Amnesia
or Dishonored



liked it too

was nice seeing the street names i knew.

We'll never know the conclusion to David's journey to find D. Feels bad.

This game was very popular when it came out, actually. Even got a sequel.

I fucking loved this game and how stupid and weird it was. Am I a pleb?

Pic related.

kids these days will never know xDD

I love it too
