There are people who think Joel wasn't in the right

>there are people who think Joel wasn't in the right

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Recorder

he wasnt though, he just wanted to take his daughterfu into the backwoods of dumbfuck nowhere so that they could screw around in a cabin all day. Ellie could have saved humanity

They didn't give Ellie a choice. They just knocked her out and decided to end her life. That, and there were no guarantees they'd be able to extract something for a vaccine.

He made the right decision.

He wasnt. Thanks to him we now get a shitty sequel to am already shit game.

>he didn't play the awesome multiplayer
Opinion discarded.

>everybody is too autistic to appreciate nuance

Really sad they are going to "fukkat bootyhole" with a sequel.

The fireflies were completely incompetent though, they consistently acted retarded throughout the entire game.

He was right, but I might have gone a little overboard roasting the surgeons and all the nurses with a flamethrower

is the multiplayer still working/have a community? I ask since I just bought and played the game for the first time for ps4 and would like to try the multiplayer.

Haven't played since release. Why is it that society got so screwed again? Fireflies should really not be as awful as they are.

I thought he beat them to death with his fists and then repeatedly crouched over one for some odd reason?

>there are people on this board who think this game had good writing

Mushroom zombies

I'm asking more why it's so devastating to humanity. Airborne infections aren't really new.

Fascists governments

People infected with Chicken pox doesn't run around brutally killing multiple people

It doesn't?


>there are try hard imbeciles that think a plot needs a super original in order to be good

Fuck off with your simple minded way of thinking. Its all about execution. Try being less of a cynical cunt.

Should've done more good in this case. Fireflies a shit.
This always makes me a bit upset. I think there would have to be some very special circumstances for society to topple like it did.

Can you get her and get out without killing anyone unscripted?

It's just following your average zombie movie way of doing things.

>mysterious infection shows up
>one day people just go batshit insane, cities burn
>military tries to keep shit in check, but are incompitent because of course
>years later
>post-apocalypse outside of a few safe zones

It's not really realistic, but I don't think it's trying to be anything more than another take on those old tropes.

No she couldnt. The fireflies had no idea what the fuck they were doing. They would have killed the only immune human and wasted it

>Multiplayer where you can pay real money for new weapons and perks inaccessible to people who don't pay real money for them


There's only one scripted death in that part

>It's not really realistic

Says who?

The fact that there's zombies at all. I dunno user.

I have a PhD in zombology & can tell you that events in TLoU don't follow any of the peer reviewed theories following outbreak.

He's implying that modern militaries wouldn't get fucked over by an epidemic that spreads like wildfire and constantly creates new enemy combatants. It would be an absolute miracle if they weren't overrun in that situation.

>just wanted to take his daughterfu into the backwoods of dumbfuck nowhere so that they could screw around in a cabin all day

Sounds like a good life to me.

>solid gameplay
>alright story
>good atmosphere
>spooky baddies
>absolutely HATED by a majority of Sup Forums


He didn't say balanced you dumb shit.
It's plain and simple fun.

wasnt joel's village a marshal law military shithole

Walking slowly while characters spout exposition isn't good execution.

not on pc.

It was popular, hyped, and scored highly with basically everyone.

The combo of
>Playstation exclusive
>Long cutscenes
>Loved by everyone else
Is a perfect recipe for Sup Forums hating a game

Do girls normally kiss each other, Sup Forums

yeah, actually

t. guy with 3 sisters

>there are people that thought the last of us was a good game

> Le Sup Forums is contrarian hipster meme

Because its Sony exclusive.

I don't much like the game either but it honestly has some of the best character-focused writing in the history of video games.

He said awesome.

If your definition of awesome allows for P2W then you should just fucking kill yourself right now.

find me 2 examples in which your passive aggressive statement is untrue

I think if it brings up the whole "what if the fireflies aren't competent enough to kill Ellie for a reason" it should be a bit more realistic. Joel goes around blasting the crap out of some hordes by himself, I don't see a gun-cultured nation not putting up a lot of resistance.

All the time actually. Straight girls can't stop kissing each other, many times to rile up boys.

But Joel was on the left here

I don't think Joel was really in the right, but dear lord were the Fireflies stupid in the end.

They should either have killed Joel and been done with it, or talked to them both after they woke up and guilt tripped Ellie into it, because she most likely would agreed to do it without a fight if she knew what was at stake.

Sup Forums loves playstation though


Deus Ex
Not even him

touche fag

It's almost like it's true and that's why people say it so often.

>shoot doctor in the leg
>he dies
Game is shit anyway

Sup Forums IS a contrarian, cynical bitter shithole.

Just look at Witcher 3
It does so many things exactly like last of us
>focus on story instead of gameplay
>large number of cutscenes
>gameplay itself is mediocre as fuck
And on top of that it has
>bland as fuck open world
>ubisoft-tier filler
And yet Sup Forums loves it for some reason, probably due to it having good graphics and it being on PC.

I think TLOU is a mediocre game too but being contrarian for the sake of it and pretending that it didn't do some things really well - like the story and characters, something it does even better than W3 - is just stupid.

the developers tried so hard to make it look like a hard decision

fireflies are shit

>it's alright, Ellie's kids will be immune and their kids and so on
>turns out Ellie is a lesbian


What do?

if the age is off the clock she's ready for the cock

Does she consent?


Does anyone, really?

If you played the game you would find a file that stated they found other like Ellie
And the fireflies killed them all.
Nice shitposting nigger.

Sup Forums is filled with PCucks and Nintenyearolds. They are upset that Sony consoles actually get worthwhile exclusives, and they are stuck playing cheap ports and literal shit.

Cordyacep spores exit in real life. They dont infect humans just bugs. This is a what if they did scenario.

>solid gameplay
It's dull, frustrating at times. I like Uncharted but this was a step down in every way really.

>alright story
It was pretty whatever with a lot of forced drama segments that brought it down a lot. I love how downplayed Tess' death though, quick and to the point.

>good atmosphere
At times, it kinda just felt generic for the most part

>spooky baddies
More like shit game design

>absolutely HATED by a majority of Sup Forums
Eh, that's what it seems like. Overall I think most people are pretty diverse with their opinions though. I personally hated the entire experience but I've seen a lot of people (shitposters aside) love, like, or feel indifferent about the game.

You're forgetting the underrated gem that is the multiplayer aka Factions

>level 970
>have at least 10 alt accounts
>some are secret cause people know me
>each around level 20

The online is so much fun

>Sup Forums is a contrarian cynical bitter shithole for liking a critically acclaimed game with a ton of popularity
It is, but your example is bad.

Backlash is a thing that happens much more intensely here than anywhere else.

Didnt play the game the post
Fine a file that says fire flys found others like her and cant get the vaccine and shit so they die on the table
Joel prevents that
Fuck you nigger

>letting your daughter's brains get scooped out by a fgt who has no idea what he'es doing, beyond the fact he's killing someone specially immune

Fireflies were a mistake, just like anyone who bought into their meme ideology and structure

On it boss ;)

Fucking nigger right here.

calm down lad it's just a joke

A few failed cases doesn't mean there's zero chance of creating a vaccine.

Gotta do what you gotta do.



Depends on how fast they realize whats happening. If they were able to organize and get enough troops in gasmasks then it really doesn't matter how many fucking zombies there are, they're going to get mowed down eventually.

>heavily scripted
>forced combat/stealth sequences that require you to fuck up eventually
>cliche as hell story
>plot holes fucking everywhere
>shit puzzles
>gameplay is pretty bland save for a few encounters
>terrible AI
>game received outrageously unearned praise surrounded by more perfect 10's than Donald Trump at the playboy mansion

Gee user I wonder

Military bureaucracy getting its shit together is part of the miracle.

Do they kiss you too?

My wife Chino is so cute.

no way fag

It's more like a what if they did and also sprouted up all over the entire country at the same time scenario. There's a reason the game time skips straight from Sara's death to 20 years later, there's no realistic way to portray a zombie outbreak actually overrunning anything.

A shame.

>there are people who think that part 2 is going to be good

I just got tired that it was a constant switch between bandits and zombies. The game and surprises became predictable and by the end I felt like I had boned humanity by how many bandits I killed.

because it was directed by a SJW
Somehow he didn't fuck it up though because he was a father and writing about a father

now he's going to be writing about a lesbian

He wasn't.
That's the point. Joel wasn't being nobel or righteous at all when he stopped the surgery. He was proving to the player that he was just human and made a selfish decision. At that moment, he didnt give a shit about humanity and was willing to screw over mankind's only hope of salvation just to keep Ellie alive.

>Playing TLoU on survivor
>mfw hotel basement level

There's a journal that claims the fireflies have found others like Ellie, all have died during the process with no progress made towards a vaccine.
Naughty Dog didn't leave any subtlety or grey, they don't like players thinking. They spelt it out for all the retards.

That some made up shit by reddit

There is no such file

That means he didn't even lie to Ellie

He didn't need to kill the doctors.

People keep saying this but I haven't seen any proof yet. I just think its fans trying to justify Joel's actions when they just can't accept he pretty much doomed all of mankind.

>super generic gameplay
cover based stealth/ combat
platforming clearly outlined by random fucking caution tape because you are too stupid to know which ledge you can climb on

>meh story
so after the terrorist get the cure, who is going to accept it from them?

>rabies zombies with armor

Humanity wasn't worth saving by that point.

The pic clearly shows he was in the left.'s_Recorder

There have been others, all of which have died under surgery.
But the head surgeon claims Ellie is nothing like those others.
Depends on how much you trust the head surgeon's word, I guess.

Even if they found a cure, they'd need distribution and they'd also need to work with the Military as well as deal with the massive amount of attention from bandits and cannibals. The act of distributing the cure alone, is useless because most survivor communities already know how to deal with the infected. The main threat to concentrated survivor communities and even the Military is other human beans. The fungus had already done 95% of the damage it could have done outside of an extinction event. Now the main issue is resources and how far people are willing to go to provide for themselves.

yes, the game clearly showed us that the town they decided to stay in with its electricity, gates, horses, fresh water supply, crops, and community of able-bodied people was such a dump compared to

>city under martial law and citizens starving in line for barely any rations
>empty city full of booby traps and one gay man
>city full of homicidal nutcases with military gear
>suburbs full of the same assholes from the last city
>empty college campus
>town full of cannibals
>HQ of the guys that wanted to kill BOTH Joel and Ellie

>Thanks to him we now get a shitty sequel to am already shit game.

I want this meme to end.