Risk Of Rain

Who's the best character and why?

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The answer is CHEF.

The host. May the lord bless him and keep him.

That's a weird way to spell han D
I don't plan on quitting this game anytime soon but god damnit I'd appretiate it if someone else hosted from time to time


I tried and found out that I couldn't.

And that's after I made fun of people for not being able to.

Mercenary because MUH DPS

hahaha, fag


Stop using command.

Open when?

>tfw no colossus gf



>Variable objServer.damage(100009, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Script_proc_client


Game 2


bump for friends


I only picked it up again recently after like 2 years
Fuck I'm still so god damn BAD at it

I can't figure out how to get the rest of the roster, of which I have maybe, half missing?
What even are the conditions for character unlocks.

These threads have been such a constant around here, I'm sure someone can give me the most useful wisdom to approach this game with that I wouldn't be able to come to until another 100 hours into the game, maybe.

I usually enjoy playing at the poison alien feg

Mercenary with stacked crit items and cooldown reductions. Fly away little mercenary

>how do I unlock stuff?

read the wiki

Open again

Going out for a smoke, room open though

Good answer

>be merc


I can't beat vanilla in monsoon. I can't god dammit.

>dying as merc

Wanna know how I know you have less than 300 hours?

>He doesn't like infusion


I want you to go away

address it to bane?


Miner, because he can run away from all his problems.

>mfw I'm a hopeless casual
>mfw no face

I wish I could do that too.


well this is new

>© Copyright Hopoo Games, LLC 2013 - 2016
confirmed hes ded

>ez matchmaking implemented
>exclusive to vita

>install special delivery mod
>mfw all the awful death lines they added in

the new character seems okayish though

I removed them from the text document, they were all unamusing.

i warned you about chargefields bro, i told you dawg

I just wanted the game to end already so I could stop making everyone suffer

You could've just gone to final you know. But thanks anyway.

open when


Open now. Internet went down for abit.

fug I missed it, post when open again please.


The law is the best character





I'm going to sleep, thanks for hosting today Kap.

my mouse is not moving

pls no



Welp, I tried


I quit this game

Can we get another lobby open, I'm always slow as fuck to inputting them since I haven't entered 2 monitor masterrace

>disconnected again
What's happening

>another disconnect

>I'm always slow as fuck to inputting them since I haven't entered 2 monitor masterrace
neither have I, just git gud user

Huh I thought it was just me

new host when?


you will never guess

A-are we getting another host?

I would host but my shitty internet might not hold up

What I'm desperate for in another update is integration into steamworks and the creation of a server browser.

Is it even planned?

hopoo stopped working on this game

i'll try and host

ill wait kap

Wont work



doesn't work


He hasn't worked on it for a while, AFAIK he hired someone to bug fix but he hasn't touched it himself. He's busy making the sequel.

>he hired someone to bugfix

He might make RoR 2. But yes, abandon all hope.

Game 2?

get in you nerds

Stuck on connecting, did you niggers start already


and 3/4's of us died already :^)

yeah, but we are about to wipe due to fun bombs being 5x their size

Bandit, because nothing personal



So like, how the fuck are you supposed to kill the overloading worms as ANY melee class?

Did you get in?

getting stuck on connecting, same as

Thqwib, Shield Gen.
Abuse i-frames.

Use the conduits as Loader.
Use the slime trail thingy as Acrid.
Make liberal use of the drones as Han-D
Cry as Miner.

im gonna re-open the lobby after this game

add me on steam in the meantime

