>We want the 'Five Nights at Freddy's' audience
We want the 'Five Nights at Freddy's' audience
The first Resident Evil, you know the one that is 21 years old, was going to be an FPS just like this. Shinji felt the hardware couldn't do it justice so they reverted to pre-rendered backgrounds.
Basic story differences aside, this was the original vision for Resident Evil. It makes me laugh when people call it a rip off of PT or any other shit.
But he's so cuddly and Marguerite is so grody.
I dont care what they want
This game is amazing
>ripoff of PT
It isn't a complete rip-off, but if you don't see the GLARING similarities then you're deluded.
t. shill
Other than it being first person and it being in a house, what does it have in common with PT? I'm not being shitty, I'm genuinely curious.
Tight fov, photorealistic house interiors.
I wanna take you for a ride.
All FPS horror games are going to look the same.
The first half has a lot in common with Outlast, then second half feels like first person shoot em up, and the final is Call of duty qte's with the final stage, lying down fire gun into bosses face.
>RE7 has realistic graphics so it's like P.T
Call the cops!
>Tight fov
On consoles only, PC FOV goes all the way to 90.
>photorealistic house interiors.
Wow, it's almost like graphics shouldn't improve. Any house in a game made with photogrammetry will resemble P.T. or RE7.
>Tight FoV
I thought RE7 used like a fish-eye sort of lense over the camera.
>first person
>other than those two things which were present in a 15 minute demo
Color balance, lighting, enemy encounters, sound design, cryptic puzzles.
The only new thing RE7 brought to that
atmosphere was shooting and characters.
And I'm not being shitty either, I absolutely love RE7.
First it was outlast, now it's FNAF?
Make up your mind shitposters
I doubt it.
Apocalypse Now: The Game is shaping up to be an innovative FPS survival horror/rpg.
We might just get some much needed freshness in the genre.
t. cuk
>Sup Forums actually praises Call Of Outlast Of Us: 5 PT Nights At Freddies
Why do you care? It'll be another spoopy game that Youtube Let's Players will milk until the next flavor of the month comes out and they flock to that for views.
>On consoles only, PC FOV goes all the way to 90.
Firstly: 90 isn't a great fov, and secondly: console versions reflect the original intent of the creator.
It was good. Don't really give a shit what anybody else says and will likely not comment about the game again. Looking forward to Not a Hero.
The first 40 minutes were genuinely good and created a spoopy atmosphere. But it all went down hill from there and before you new it. you were running around corners to take shots at poop monsters.
You know almost all console FPS have an FoV of 60, right? RE7 is not out of the norm.
nice try
>we want the edgy tween shitposter audience
>first person
>in a house
That's all you need in the shitposters' eyes.
>enemy encounters
>sound design
>cryptic puzzles
But that is RE's bread and butter, what the fuck are you going on about.
that's some zesty shitposting right there user
This is gonna be my first resident evil game
>In a house
So PT is a ripoff of Resident Evil 1 then?
>Firstly: 90 isn't a great fov,
Somehow I dont think a horror game would greatly benefit from 120
>irstly: 90 isn't a great fov,
So you like to play games in eye fish mode?
>enemy encounters
Nope, encounters were much more obvious and direct in all games, let alone 4-6, where they were basically TPS segments.
The subtlety is key here
>sound design
RE wishes it had as good of sound design as PT. Again RE7 comes very close with this
>cryptic puzzles
I didn't mean cryptic as in "decipher this poem and find these items and put them in their respective places" cryptic, but shit like look at the light for 5 seconds and then quick turn while you hold the X R1 and Left analog buttons, like PT did with the options menu and the phone ringing.
Ofcourse it is. Every survival horror since RE is. It wouldn't be the franchise that it is today if it wasn't.
Even Silent Hill creators outright said they were very inspired by it and obviously so.
>like PT did with the options menu and the phone ringing
What fucking puzzles like that does RE7 have beyond the doll hand, which wasn't even close to that?
>wasn't even close
it is literally just that
Except it's not, it's a typical RE puzzle compared to PT's "Wait X amount of time before walking X steps and looking for this specific number before listening to the radio Y times and then the door opens"
>has to look at a specific point on the screen
>has to hack at a painting
>has to point a dummy hand to a fallen bookcase, meanwhile the whole house is in ruins so chances of finding the right bookcase without a guide are slim
>typical RE puzzle
What RE's have you been playing?
Apocalypse Now isn't going to get funded.
Yes it will. Maybe not full goal, but enough for it to get made.
inExile/Obsidian devs, Ultima producer, Copolla approved.
They just need to hype it up some more, people aren't even aware that this is happening.
Source: my ass
I'm afraid I might get too spooked guys. I just started and I walked into a pitch black house and I know the jump scares are about to start.
I'm also pretty high which probably doesn't help.
Should I just play with the lights on so I can enjoy this?
I actually envy you, I'd love to play this game fresh again and super-sensitive to it to boot.
This, it's to bad I playing the demo, I already knew what was going to happen with the film crew. Plus the Happy Birthday tape with SAW like trap created by lucas
I assumed it was intentional as an homage to the cancelled SH game.
It was in development before PT.
Apparently the developers of RE7 shit themselves when PT was revealed to be Silent Hill because it was basically what they were already working on.
You realise the FOV is supposed to be tight, right?
It's also why there are heavy layers of post processing and chromatic aberration to give it the old "found footage" feel.
Normally I welcome FOV sliders in FPS games, especially on console but in this case it's supposed to be tight for the claustrophobic "can't see shit" horror feel.