Name a better beat em up game. I'll wait

Name a better beat em up game. I'll wait.

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How's my hair?

Ninja: Shadow of Darkness


You mean a smack em down?

Why is Mariah in this game?

scott pilgrim

repetitive boring shit even for a beatem up
Any street of rage is better

Bad Dudes

(Level directly after Space Dojo level)

[Billy] Nothin' like walking the streets of Earth!

[Jimmy] Yeah, bro! Terra-FIRMATIVE!

Turtles in time

It was a fun game but come on.

Nothing tops the Capcom Alien vs. Predator.

That background makes me sick



Still haven't seen anything in this thread even close to better than OP's post


Streets 2

dude the sequel sucked. the original was amazing.
the AVP brawler game was pretty damn good too.

>Anything related to Genzo

DD crew

Because this place is filled with reddit faggots with no taste.

Don't know who Genzo is, but I had a pretty good time with Neon.

That's because you're intentionally being a contrarian.

Double Dragon II

mein negger

Came here to post this, my co-op game of choice

You might want to get that checked out.

Die Hard Arcade

So I played a game alot like this or golden axe in china. it was asian characters might have been fedual japan shit or something but damn it was fun. wish i remembered what its called

Battle Circuit

Warriors of Fate?


Does this count?

holy shit yes this game was life for me for a few months

Final Fight and God Hand are the best. Honestly though I'd rather play pretty much any Capcom beat em up over Simpsons

Simpsons is low tier beat em up, check out Capcom's stuff

>fist fighting a xenomorph
fucking dumb and gay

That's an action RPG, not a beat em up

This is the GOAT. Sequel when??

This shit was cash

thank you for this im downloadin as we speak playing this shit all night

>dat soundtrack

I like beat'em ups but this one's the one i'm in love with.

are you picking up what i'm putting down?

I have to agree with ProJared that the Dungeons & Dragons games are exceptional for the genre.

Cadillacs and dinosaurs is pretty dope.

Um, is that really a PS4 game?

What's wrong with you people?

Also good

>beat em up
The correct term is "belt scroller"
That soundtrack indeed.

This game had fatalities the guy that fought barefisted made random mooks fuxking explode, good times except for the fact that you couldnt do it to female enemies.

Come on Capcom, it's 1992!

This one was a blast. The controls felt far better than other games and the variety of attacks was amazing.

>sengoku trilogy
>cadillac and dinosaurs
>golden axe
>street of rage
>king of dragons
>knights of the round table
>pirates of dark waters
>[spoilerhokuto no ken musou[/spoiler]

4 str 4 stm leather belt?

>Has all of the elements of a beat em up
>Some how not a beat em up because you can level up and change gear


Never got why this game has such a big following since RPG elements aside it's a very standard NES beat em up not exactly on par with the Capcom classics

originally a PS3 game.

rip scott pilgrim taken off psn and xbox market place.


It was a PS3 game first though. Graphics aren't really a requirement when it comes to punching dudes in the face either.

>Has all of the elements of a beat em up
>grinding, +15 hour long, exploration, narrative
not a beat em up, fuck off

>elf's eyes.gif

>+15 hour long

Seems a bit long. Like, way long.

faggot sees a game on didyouknowgaming
>better shitpost about it on v

I bet some of you don't even play games

Non-linear 'open world' and the RPG elements definitely makes it pretty unique.

>Golden Axe isn't a beat em up
>The King of Dragons isn't a beat em up
>D&D isn't a beat em up

So, how exactly do grinding take away any of those beat em up elements?

That just sounds like a modern addition to an already good side scrolling beat em up.

Now if you said is an action rpg I'd be much more inclined to agree.

And does rpg elements suddenly also make river city ransom not a beat em up also?

>So, how exactly do grinding take away any of those beat em up elements?
By making it less about skill and more about numbers which is the exact opposite of what beat em ups or any arcade game genre stood for. I wish you fags would stop bringing that shit into genres where it's clearly not needed just because you do not enjoy the core gameplay and need some skinner box RPG shit to keep you interested REEE

Did she just suplex a xenomorph in mid air? Must be Doomguy's daughter.

I fucking want it back, I have 200 hours on it and was tempt to get Knives

Any Konami beatemup is massively overrated.
Along with Scott Pilgrim (the actual Kunio-Kun/RCR sequels are better), the Final Fight trilogy, and any Double Dragon past the arcade.

>Dungeons and Dragons duo
>Battle Circuit
>Armored Warriors
>Urban Reign
>Yakuza 2, 4, and 0
>Sengoku 3
>Dragon's Crown
>Power Rangers (SNES)
>Sonic Blast Man 2
>Viewtiful Joe 1 (2 is a bit flimsy)

none of those have these , only Mystara has some RPG elements but still an arcade beat 'em up in its heart

>So, how exactly do grinding take away any of those beat em up elements?
The whole point of a beat 'em up (or any arcade game really) is improve your skills with what you have available, not grinding for hours so you can beat the game even if you play like shit.

RCR is a beat 'em up, but the heavy RPG elements indeed make it a mediocre beat 'em up.

I just watched it too OP!

Can't you just redownload it?

The original Final Fight is fucking amazing user, fuck you. The sequels are kinda mediocre though yeah

Pretty sure this is it.

yes but it was my bros account and he forgot the password and the ps3 it's downloaded on is broken.

now if the games released on pc we could at least pirate it if it got taken of stores.

Reset the password, log in to their site, deactivate the broken one, sign in a working PS3 and redownload it.

I thought they were called rough-em-ups

how the fuck do you chain the charge attack into a combo

None of that makes it not a beat em up though.

It may not be the exact traditional description of one, but it still is a beat em up.

Also, you aren't beating dragons crown by playing like shit and that games rpg elements only made me play the game longer.

Yeah, the game is really over-the-top.
>cyborg not-Ibuki
>cyborg Dutch from the first Predator, with a big gun arm
>Street Fighter-esque moves
>lots of combos
It's a blast.

>Not Final Fuck


This counts

>Also, you aren't beating dragons crown by playing like shit
Yes you can.

>and that games rpg elements only made me play the game longer.
Except 1cc'ing an arcade beat 'em up probably takes more time (depending on the game), thanks for proving you are a shit player.

>By making it less about skill and more about numbers
funnily enough konami pulled a lot of bullshit to make their beat em ups punish skill
>mr burns is invincible for the first 20 seconds of the fight
>staying alive for too long in turtles in time will get you killed automatically
>bosses in multiple games suddenly getting immunity to stunlock


>thinking Konami is a good example of arcade beat 'em ups
ayy lmao. Anyway shit games like Simpsons and Turtles in Time are still 1cceable if you are skilled enough

i know better but most dont which is the problem

>those intro sound effects in the background while you're in the movie theater with your friends

Still the best.

It's like you people don't even hate yourselves.

If we're including 3D beat-em-ups, you might as well include DMC3, DMC4, and Bayonneta 1+2.


God Hand's way closer to 2D beat em ups in spirit though

Platinumfags just arrived to shitpost.
Thread is over, guys.

The thread was over one post in.

God Hand is not Platinum.