Why is it more socially acceptable to get shitfaced drunk every weekend and spend hundreds of dollars on alcohol and clubbing, but it's not socially acceptable to spend weekends at home gaming and spending hundreds of dollars on video games?
Why is it more socially acceptable to get shitfaced drunk every weekend and spend hundreds of dollars on alcohol and...
It is socially acceptable, you fucking retard. You are just trying to "impress" upon the wrong people.
Because (((they))) don't get as much money that way.
OP you have to be 18 years old to post here.
Because one is spending time in company with other people, other one is being alone.
because people are idiots
Why is it more socially acceptable to get shitfaced drunk every weekend and spend hundreds of dollars on alcohol and clubbing than smoking a fucking joint at home
So the wrong people is the overarching population of this earth?
It's not when your family and co-workers see it as a childrens toys in 2017.
outside, with other people.
at home, alone.
why is it more acceptable to go outside and live?
well, grow the fuck up man-child.
>why is it ok to go out and socialize and be a normal person but it's not ok to stay at home and stuff my face with pizza rolls like a fat hermit alone, getting drunk either way
If you were a minority religion, you wouldn't be bothered by Islam or Christianity, would you? You'd just get on with your own shit.
So? They can be as misinformed as they like. Imagine how all the famous actors and writers out there felt when their families likely told them it was a waste to go for those careers and they should "get a real job".
Just enjoy whatever you want. Its your life, you only get one.
You don't go clubbing do you? 1/2 to 3/4 of the people getting shitfaced in the club on the weekends also play video games
>tfw get shitfaced drunk at home and play vidya.
>whenever someone at work asks what I did on the weekend I tell them I went out, but was actually playing old online games and trolling people over the mic while drunk
Because when you go out to get drunk you do it with another people and that includes drunk women. Those nights can easily end with sex. Sloppy, awful sex, but sex neverthrless
Phone games don't count
shit dude
>why is it more socially acceptable to be social than unsocial?
Because social drinking allows you to meet new people, socialize, and probably, eventually, get a girlfriend who you'll marry and perpetuate the species with.
Gaming only makes you a NEET
>socially acceptable
I don't have enough images in my spook folder for this thread.
Just do whatever the fuck you want OP. We don't give a rat's ass on how you spend your weekends. I (and other people for sure) spend mine playing a fuckton if video games, but you din't see us brag about it. There is no right way of spending your time, just enjoy what you like and don't bust our balls.
Make you're own way nigger. Who are you trying to impress? Its up to you.
For myself, my family and my friends, it's more socially acceptable for me to stay at home weekends playing video games.
Though I am a recovering alcoholic so that might have something to do with it.
you can actually do both, not on the same night but still.
Only works if you have friends to go out with in the first place, going clubbing/drinking alone fucking sucks. Good luck starting a conversation or having any form of interaction when everyone is already with a group of friends.
because playing video games alone is not sociable
the answer was in your poorly worded question
Because one of those is social, fuckwit.
I keep trying to quit but I get chest pains and insomnia and it feels like im losing my fucking mind
>imagine friends
>we're worried about user, he's spending a lot of time at home playing the vidja games
>3 hours later they're spewing in a gutter about to be gang-raped
>drunk calls at 3am
Yes, i am the one who people should be concerned about. See you at work in the morning...
Because one is social, the other is the activity of an antisocial loner autist who probably smells and won't shave his neckbeard
why do people go through dozens of failed relationships until they settle down?
why don't they learn?
why do people marry and have four kids only to regret it later?
because we feel time is running out, and in this age instant gratification is what we seek, and in that sense a guy going clubbing isn't different than the neckbeard spending every night playing games.
>want to go "clubbing" to meet a woman
>"friends" are either full time wageslaving and too tired to go, or pussy whipped in marriage and wife doesn't allow them to go
>feel if i go alone i will just look like an old creep
And that's how i spend time at home on the computer .
...Make friends when you're not clubbing,then. Next step : go clubbing with your new friends. It's not that hard if you're not too introvert...
you can start it, but you will never be 'one of them', you will always be 'who dafuc is that guy... why is he alone'. I've tried it, no long feel bad about staying at home when people say "you should go out and meet people!".
Why do people even enjoy going to parties and clubbing? I guess I just don't get it because I'm a weird fuck who prefers to stay home on his days off, but I can't imagine ever having fun with shitty music blaring into my ear drums while everyone gets drunk and screams.
>i care about the opinions of normies and faggots
You don't belong here. Fucking leave and don't come back.
People are dumb
different personality types and overall brain chemistry. while social situations might drain your energy, they energizes extroverted people and make them feel good.
>get shitfaced to avoid having to actually have anything worthwhile to say or have to listen to anything worthwhile
>get shitfaced to lower inhibitions and try to get with slags for meaningless sex that doesn't lead to a committed stable relationship with actual value to both participants
>get shitfaced to avoid having to face the reality of horribly fucked eceonomies etc in the west
hmmm.. i dunno.. it kinda sounds like alcohol isn't that great a substitute for meaningful dialogue
>stay at home and play games across the internet with people from all walks of life and all different countries who aren't shitfaced and have to play cooperatively to succeed at team based goals whilst socialising
Go to activities of 28 year old people, make friends then go clubbing. You feel like an old creep when you're 28? How will you feel if you stay in that situation at 40?...It's not too late to end the cycle.
>getting shitfaced
that word doesn't mean what you think it means
>Implying getting shitfaced is the only thing you can do when going out clubbing and is the only alternative to being a NEET
Sup Forumsirgins
Because weed makes you boring, lazy, and stupid.
because video games are lower culture than alcohol or electronic dance music
Are you fucking kidding me?
People go clubbing to get shitfaced in the first place so they can brag about how shitfaced and puked everywhwere to their friends the next week they go out with their friends.
That's just how it is. Why whine about the "logic" of it? Just accept it for what it is and that you are seen as a loser. A lot of other people here accepted it.
When you're having fun all alone behind your screen, don't you want to share these fun moments? Also, having a party with friends with the same tastes as you won't make your ears drum...
except that is literally ALL anyone even does at a club anymore. it's socially unacceptable to go out in public to a venue that serves alcohol and NOT get totally wasted.
trying to go out to a pub for a nice meal and conversation gets you wierd looks. unless you're going somehwere to
you may as well be a leper for the social pariah status you get.
it's pervaded all levels of society so hard that you can't even ask someone out for a cup of coffee anymore because it's become an innuendo for something completely different
lol where the fuck is it socially unacceptable to play videogames? You're using hyperbole like a feminist.
>have to play cooperatively to succeed at team based goals whilst socialising
So something that doesn't happen unless you're already playing with friends in the first place
that's still not 'socialising'
goonish chimping out does not a 'social' occasion make
Oooh yes it does.
>Playing online with friends
user, that is very much socializing even if you don't think it is. You sound like a teenager that's never been out to a club or bar.
"just accept it"
Nice submissive mentality you got there friend
way to go full retard. Lrn2ReadingComprehension.
>play with people all over the world from all different walks of life and different countries
your definitiion of 'friend' is stupidly loose and wrong.
>socialising with strangers whilst sober and performing group tasks to succeed at grou goals
somehow unnacceptable vs.
>going out with the same 3-5 people to different venues to get totally wasted. again. just like every other weekend ever.
once again. you fuckers don't even know wtf SOCIALISING even is ffs
Are you completly insane? Or just that fucking underaged?
>I'm 18 and my peers are all retarded, the post
It gets better
You're the real cuck though. You're the real submissive. Instead of going out and being popular you're too much of a faggot to stop sitting at home wasting your nights on video games. If you don't want to be seen as a loser, don't act like one, whining won't change shit.
no. it really really doesn't. no matter how hard you want to justify your past or current retarded behaviour it still boils down to being that guy going 'i was only pretending to be retarded'.
>why is spending time with people considered more social than not spending time with people
You're to much of a loser to those things irl you sit at home and pretend your being social lol
>Just enjoy whatever you want. Its your life, you only get one.
Holy shit this. Fuck what anyone else thinks. As long as you're not hurting people or their property do literally anything you want to do.
because it isn't spending time with people
the quality of interaction makes your
>whooo party i'm so drunk i threw up 10 times last week!
bullshit not even qualify as socialisation
It's okay, my school shooter friend. Just post this in /r9k/ like the loser you are and fuck off.
keep telling yourself that fedoracore retard.
whilst you're out making an ass of yourself blasted out of your mind and not actually socialising with people i'll be quietly spending time with other not-drunken-retards playing a game together
Nice projection faggot, what are you going to tell me next: that i'm morbidly obese, live in my mom's basement and still a virgin at 30?
Also you seem to mistake me for the OP
That's a weak as fuck argument. Have you never been out with your friends? You still have a good time
alcohol is a social drug while gaming is more of a solo drug
most people just chill out by themselves when playing vidya
I didn't say any of that, seems like you've got some insecurities there, in place of an argument
That wasn't the ppint but even then the shit faced person makes 5 new friends a night and gets laid which is more productive then you'll be in 5 years of your life.
except the majority of people aren't ''out with their friends''
Becouse gaming doesent get you laid.
Its not what they do on tv.
Games are for kids. You like things kids do? you must be a pedo.
I do agree with your last point. Having a coffee or watching a movie has become synonymous with two bottles of vodka and an unplanned night out to some of my friends.
alcohol is a substitution for socialisation drug
>...Make friends when you're not clubbing,then. Next step : go clubbing with your new friends
Good luck with that if you suffer from Schizoid Personality Disorder, which is essentially being perma-socially retarded and incapable of emotional connections (which are KEY to any relationship). It's like a more extreme version of introvert.
Because coffee is boring, people don't work 50 hours a week to come home and drink coffee and talk about basic shit. I guess none of you retards have jobs
>not drinking beer and playing smash/mario kart with friends every saturday
It's the best of both worlds.
So you don't know what the fuck you're on about then? You can still talk in a nightclub, but you're often out most of the night and you'll have plenty of time to talk after. It's much more social than sitting alone, you sound like you're in denial
if you people cannot 'hang out' with your 'friends' without drugs , legal or otherwise, stupid loud music / dancing and are incapable of having meaningful discussions then you don't HAVE friends. you have drunk buddies, or dance partners etc.
get shitfaced at home while playing vidya faggot
Examples please.
People that already are Stupid and lazy without drugs don´t count.
Self-diagnosed, amirite?
Madden and Candy Crush don´t count.
Unironically, kill yourselves.
This. I enjoy doing this far more than actually going out.
Seriously, you sound like I talked when I was 16
I still dislike clubbing and rarely do it, but come the fuck on
the point being that 'would you like to grab a cup of coffee' used to be synonymous with
> ''shall we go someplace fairly quiet in public together to talk and get to know one another better so we can figure out if we even like each other''
whereas now its become
>LETS FUCK bitch.
it used to be a genderless social invitation for platonic reasons you could do with anyone now it has become a sex thing only
It's common sense if you've ever smones weed. Mundane things become more interesting and you're content with doing nothing. Explains why you think there's nothing wrong with wasting your life in front of a computer screen
I worked at a club for 5 years.
People look at their fucking phones on the dancefloor, people get drunk so hard they don´t give a shit about anything around them anymore, guys only going in there to start a fight and girls shouting for security for anyone trying to talk to them that isn´t chad.
Its Antisocial as fuck you degenerate.
ps4 and retro shit mostly, though i don't believe they actually play the latter besides OoT
Becauae getting drunk is funner and makes it easier to connect with people. I'll take it you've ever actually went out for coffe with anyone besides your mom
You are litteraly doing the samething right now you mongrel.
Getting shitfaced and clubbing isn't really socially acceptable once you're 25 or older
Not really I don't 5 hours every evening playing video games and try telling people I'm socialising. Getting drunk is the best way to meet people and make connections that can help with just about anything in life. The people you play games with online won't do anything for you in life