Hi i'm Ana and 3 nerfs later i'm still ruining Overwatch

Hi i'm Ana and 3 nerfs later i'm still ruining Overwatch.

I want to fuck Pharah

Hi I'm Sombra and 2 months after release, I'm still ruining your winrate


>ruining Overwatch
>Roadhog exists

Try again

When will they learn it's the fucking grenade?

Ana is worse. I fucking hate Ana.

When I play, Anna is always on the losing team, including when I play her

Because Ana is not the problem retard

Its just easier to nerf her to shit than address the entire tank selection and how shit other healers are

>Still complaining about roadhog

Holy shit will you silver babies stop.


lol, lucio is like the best support character

I can't hate Ana, she's too fun to play

>Ana is not the problem
Of course she is, she has always been. Fuck off Ana main.

What a fucking disappointment.
They made us wait and drew out her release as long as possible to release the literal worst hero in overwatch.

Thee you later

>giving your team a handicap on purpose

>ruining overwatch
>when overwatch exists

They're actually called silver surfers.

You shut your fuckin mouth. I have a golden weapon for her.

>all that arg shit and hype for months on end
>considered one of the worst characters in the game

except you know the 2 months after she was released and no one fucking played her and said she was shit. and still didn't after 2 pointless buffs just to get people to try her out.

Dumb faggot, Roadhogs "nerf" was actually a buff and all it did was make good roadhogs literal gods.

You now don't throw hooks when you know it won't land because they break. You throw it when you know it will and you kill LITERALLY 80% of the characters. Reaper, someone who used to be able to survive his shit combo, now dies instantly. Ana, someone who used to be able to survive his shit combo, now dies instantly.

They made his counters 100% more susceptible to being hooked and instantly killed. Oh and you know, 6 second fucking cooldown, so please tell me "hurr durr just dodge it". Then there's people who think he just becomes a non-threat after he misses his hook, like not only is the cooldown insane but his gun is still an insta-gib machine.

Blizzard is retarded.

the only issue with hook is it always gives a headshot

if it simply pulled back without focusing you into a headshot it would be fine

90% of the player base are too retarded to aim anyway

the hook is actually shittier now, it breaks even when genji uses dash, or when pharah uses her jetpack boost

it also tends to get stuck when trying to hook someone above you on a platform

ana and reaper can now get insta-killed because before this patch, the hook would pull certain heroes further away from you than with others, it was a bug that was around forever

good roadhogs used to turn the camera 180° after hooking one of those heroes so to hook them in proper range

you are a dumb silver shitter and you need to git gud

>be zarya post patch
>get hooked
>hold spacebar to try to avoid hook
>mfw its a guaranteed 250 damage now

On the bright side, I no longer am instantly gibbed, but it's problematic for the squishies on my team.

Projected barrier needs a reduced cooldown, cause I can't carry any harder than I am already.

>600hp and instakill on 6s cooldown
>extremely fast self-healing
>hook will always be ready again before you can kill him

>Blocks infinite damage except from Roadhog and Zarya, go figure, more tanks
>Basically 2 lives per spawn
>Mobility and bottomless clip
>deadliest ult in the game barring dps heroes, with literally no risk to activate

>Reinhardt and Zarya can shield them while they're being constantly healed.


lol Sup Forums is full of low diamond and platinum shitters.

'le everyone is bad except me xDD'

lmao bronze player detected.


Get out underage

Giving certain characters chances of survival on an ability that stuns and yanks you 50 feet, usually into their entire team, was a fucking bug ? Blizz really IS retarded.

The hook is not worse now you fucking moron. If you're throwing it at people who are going to get away from you somehow, in the one second it takes a hook to windup and come out, you're a shitty roadhog anyway and probably panic when you can't get an easy kill.

You also keep bringing up 'silver' like that means fucking anything. Try Diamond, where the Roadhogs aren't inept morons and can actually aim their scrapgun.

I love it when people defend this trash hero.


what if dva was white?

>except from Roadhog and Zarya
And Mei, and Symmetra, and Winston.


If you aren't top 50 you have literally no idea what you're talking about


yeah I realize that, I just wasn't being thorough

>37% winrate
>By picking this character, your likelihood of winning goes down by 25%

what, it's on topic

Hahaha you're all insane. No hyperbole, no exaggeration, you people genuinely don't know what you want.
Actually scratch that, you guys do know what you want. You want to fucking complain.


is this some kind of hot meme ?

do you need to be grandmaster with 1,000 hours of gameplay to have an opinion of this shit game ?

This I still have zero reason to play dps who take over an hour to kill someone when he exists and will never be nerfed ever

>le fatass disgusting gamur grill xD

Kill yourself.

>people still think that ana is the cause of triple tank and not Roadhog being the best DPS (with tank properties) in the game

Try hooking when they don't use there movement abilities you fucking shitter.
"Git gud kid lol"
Sounds like you're the one that needs to get good

Not him but going by your posts there's no way you're diamond lmao

Holy shit this
>roadhog pre nerf
>omg literally a wasted character Hahaha holy shit blizzard just get rid of him he's so useless hahah

>roadhog post nerf
>hahaha holy shit blizzard you guys can't balance for shit wooow DOOD Hahaha. I'm so smug.


>hook genji
>uses dash
>hook breaks

dumb silver shitter, if you don't know what you're talking about shut the fuck up

Yeah fuck off with your retarded nigger meme.

>strafing around infront of a healing roadhog
>turns around to make his head harder to hit
>still DINK DINK DINK DINK DINK him in the head a billion times
>survives with 20 hp, does a 180, point blank hook into 250+ damage meleeshoot combo
>teabags your corpse

Can someone explain what the problem is with ana?

I have like 15 hours in overwatch as I got it at xmas and only booted it up 2 week ago. Granted I only play ctf and use pharah so I'm not in with the 'meta'.

Also pharah seems like support to me, if I attack with the rest of my team we can wipe out fast but she moves too slow to go ham with.

>when the tanks do just as much dmg as the DPS

Epic game blizzard.

As a player in high rank speaking ana can still be nerfed a little bit more, maybe change her x% for a set amount of time to like a barrier you need to break until you can heal (300hp of -100% healing) at 100% again. (which I would like as an ana main myself)

Road still needs to be nerfed, problem is that his kit is just shit so a) longer hook cd and not being able to 1shot a 250hp character or b) a total rework of his kit

For the rest maybe some buffs to reaper and sombra and this game should be at his peak again. No idea if this will be good for low rankings but who cares about them.

Yes user unless you're a twitch ''pro streamer'' who spends 24 hours everyday to get to some pointless rating to play only 6 characters every game your opinion is invalid

What the actual fuck are you talking about? No one called Roadhog a waste pre-nerf, everyone was saying he was broken because his hook could reach around corners and had a retarded hotbox. Post "nerf" the complaint is Blizzard actually buffed it, because now Roadhog players get an insta-gib on every hook, whereas before some characters were small enough to survive the first shot.

>As a player in high rank
kill yourself

>As a player in high rank

t. Diamond player

This post, all the classes are pointless because all the stats are all over the place.

Why anyone takes this game serious is beyond me.

Please explain to me how being a dps can realistically be relevant compared to a tank that can instantly kill his targets and survive anything they send back.

Literally nothing is wrong with Ana. This is what people mean when they say Sup Forums is shit at video games. It's like they play these weird scenarios in their head where Ana and Roadhog are these unkillable gods of fucking war.

I'm so sorry.

>Not hitting

What are you gay?

If that really happened, then top fucking kek.

>Not being high test

>I can only talk in memes

Seek help.

>buy overwatch
>play first game
>pick bastion
>win easily
>continue to do so for hours
this is a game for babbies

GM so close enough I guess

Prove it.

This user gets it. Pic related is the only thicc that's acceptable.

Her burst healing is so insane that it gave us the tank meta. Basically, she can heal away damage faster than it can come in. Coupled with Roadhog's insta-gib, there is absolutely no reason to play a squisher character outside of Soldier for the range damage against shields. They "nerfed" Ana's grenade healing boost to fix this, but her entire kit is still stupidly powerful that she's a must-pick on almost every match.

who is this female

>What the actual fuck are you talking about? No one called Roadhog a waste pre-nerf

Don't you fucking DARE try to revision this you goddamn fork-tongued snake in the grass. You people said OVER and fucking OVER that he is a wasted character that is easy to punish. From now on I'm screencapping EVERY hypocritical narrative Sup Forums tries to push about this game to prove you retards wrong once and for fucking all.

Yeah, and then you hit the area where people know how to deal with a bastion and you'll get raped.

It feels like every time I have an Ana on my team they don't accomplish jackshit, I'm always outhealing and outliving them as Mercy and Lucio.

Her kit is retardedly overloaded. She's the best single target healer by miles, she's pretty good at group healing, she can cancel most ults by pressing shift, biotic grenade just ends team fights unless the enemy team have their own ana, she can do surprising amounts of damage, and her own ult makes or breaks most games.

I'm telling you to actually surprise people with your hook. Yeah that shit happens but if it's happening to you consistently you are seriously just shit at hooks.

That's what you get for making me actually move my wrist from left to right.

>wasting your Comp points on a weapon for chu's personal whore

I'm sorry user.

Only help I need is summa dat booty know what I'm saying haha.

sure thing

you realize this roadhog "nerf" dropped mid-season and I've been playing off and on

Come back to the game only to realize that he's actually just better now, and that his hook "breaking" or "not getting you around corners" doesn't really matter anymore. He's going to kill you if you're not a tank, or someone on your team doesn't instantly drop what they're shooting at and save you.

Triple tank meta is alive and well, with a Road hiding amidst a Dva barrier and Zarya bubbles or a Rein sheild, and Ana stuffing darts up their asses constantly.

Do you guys ever wonder why Sup Forums is at its worst in Overwatch threads? It's actually kind of amazing how delusional everyone on this website is.

>this much autism

>play ana in napal
>do really good, but it could have gone far smoother if the hog would have switched to rein
>he deicded to go full retarded and mock me about it
>whatever i don't care about your autism
>group wanted to stay as team
>sure why not.jpg
>he decided to make a scene because i'm here
>he and his friend decided to leave and the group is gone
>another comp match
>against the autistic hog and his friend
>we are on attack
>our dps fucking suck. it's gone so bad that our rein decided to go Pharah and just murder shit
>we manage to at least capture the first point in paiload
>well we going to lose and the entire team is throwing
>he autistic hog being all smug "take rein xD"
>fine whatever
>switch from Ana because decided there is no point anyway, going to throw the match as hanzo for not wasting any time
>we actually won because honestly the sym
>mfw i did gold damage and gold elimination
>mfw the hog got so assblasted he blamed me on cheating because he kept getting headshotted
>mfw i don't even play hanzo and literally shoot at choke point

Fucking Platinum i swear to god.

like that will ever happen

>it used to be Mcree was so overpowered that tanks had no shot at surviving his FTH
>Mcree is now close to worthless because his revolver was replaced with a peashooter.

>basically 2 lives per spawn
Maybe if your team is too retarded to kill her after killing the meka.

>deadliest ult in the game
If you're actually dying to it then you're either badly positioned or have the reaction times of a fucking slug.
>with literally no risk to activate
>losing 450HP, your matrix AND your jets
>no risk


Shooting from hip only causes damage
Shooting while scoped only heals

If you wanted Ana to be a rapid fire close range healer you should have given her a bloody healing shotgun.
This change makes her the healing sniper that she is designed to be

Pretty much this. Want offense? the tanks have it. Want defense? what's best than some of the shit tanks have for it. All they need is to make a new tank that heals so we don't need to choose any other type of character ever again.

Do you even play the game?
Oh wait, you just admitted you rarely do.

>people actually play ranked in Overwatch

>calls someone autistic
>posts a filthy frank gif

Why is Mercy considered bad? I'm a shitter but I feel like her healing, especially on defense, far outdoes what any other healer can do, and more reliably too

The fuck are you on, McCree still deletes 200-250 HP heroes in close range.

Nothing changed about Mcree. Literally nothing. Again, Sup Forums is talking out of its ass.

>You people said OVER and fucking OVER that he is a wasted character that is easy to punish.
We fucking did not. We said that he has legitimate counters that prevents you from getting your shit pushed in by him like all the golds were complaining about. What we WANTED was for Blizzard to fix his atrocious hook that curved around corners and went through walls to hook enemies. Instead, they fucking buffed him so now he one-shots any hero with less than 300 health ~90% of the time.

>enable fps display
>enable ping display
>no numbers anywhere on screen showing ping or fps
>press ptt key
>no icon appears showing that the mic is active
possibly the worst UI design ever