ITT: We sum up Sup Forums in one image

ITT: We sum up Sup Forums in one image

You need to go back.



Neogaf and Reddit only love big black cocks.




only thing sonygaf cares about is if its racist or not.


You need a butt-kicking circlejerk to neutralize those dick-sucking circlejerks.

Its the law of nature.


Then why is BLACKED-posting a thing on this site?

Seems pretty obvious where the autism came from




Fuck that is funny and I'm a Scottish nationalist. A grade trolling right there.

>ridiculously tight denim shorts
My fetish


>surely by the third it was time to get the old fallopian tubes tied


>try for a 5th?




Top fucking bantz.


>scottish nationalists

>that last part
holy shit


It's ironic here. Any porn topic on GAF devolves into people jerking off to BLACKED


it's a doujin with ollie from pop'n music
it should be on sadpanda

Reminder that this "meme" existed on Sup Forums for 2 years and remained fun before Sup Forums stole yet another thing and turned it into shit.



She's not wrong. I would go for the second child instead though because that would be enough autistic children to raise. Dumbass parents.

Anyone have the archive for this? I wanna see all those epin replies.



Time to fess up, Sup Forums.
How many of you guys do this? I know I certainly do. Huge Witcher 3 fan but I can't tell you how many threads for it I've derailed with shitposting. Things you actually like are the easiest to shitpost about.

I don't remember this dialogue, where does it occur?

And this is why Sup Forums is such a shitty board
Thanks fags

Way too pixelated to read. This is why screecaps shpuld be saved as png files.

I don't.


I did when I was 18 but stopped when I hit 20

I've only ever done it for Monster Hunter threads. Monster Hunter threads always start with a shitpost.

Talking to the old guy with the car. He has a perverted crush for the diner chick I think. In context he means she needs a dicking.

how can normies even compete?






pick your poison Forums#List_of_Fuuka_Archivers_by_board


Holy shit my sides


>try for a 5th

12 year old detected.

there is a point where there are so many red flags you just have to assume its intentional

Anything involving E-celeb bullshit should result in a permanent ban. Melee threads and streamer threads are absolute cancer.

that's a big dick

No. Imageboards are the only place I use for discussion and I'd prefer them to be usable.
You "Sup Forums is my toilet, reddit is for real discussion" types have ruined many boards.



>ever treating Sup Forums like it was a place for real discussion
>ever using reddit
>having real discussion anywhere

>Scottish national party

Ever heard of civic nationalism? That's what Scottish nationalism.


Yeah right, when they do it they are serious, when you cucks do it, it's ironic.

Fuck off, go back to Sup Forums and your Sup Forums pride.



I do this with Senran threads if no one else does

>tfw you singlehandedly ruined hammer's reputation in 4U threads
im pretty positive 90% of hammer shitposting was me

>underage faggot who saw 2 pictures of Sup Forums

You are the cancer killing this site.


This is offtopic, but does fireden not save deleted threads and posts anymore? Everytime I click on a deleted thread 4chanX redirects me to fireden and it says that the post doesn't exist


>e-celeb bullshit
>Sup Forums

ok how long am i banned for shitmods?


the post only has two other replies
read them


Quote is by Decartes, tho

a bunch of console faggots


My nigga.

wow so my thread got pruned but no ban. I can live with that

How is this thread videogames

>that entire image

I'd suck her feminine penis desu

I bet its all weak, small and soft

I'd finger her ass at the same time just to make her girlishly wimper

People saying that Sup Forums was ever good are fucking retarded, Sup Forums has been shit since 2007/8.


Reddit has no structure for real discussion, i can't imagine anyone but deluded redditors thinking this statement is true, the most common cause for shitposting is bored people who think this is some kind of amusement park

>Witcherfags literally shit up their own threads and proceed to blame it on soulsfags

im retarded and don't know how to use sadpanda

Mobile shitter detected