
Fuck off Eva

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Why does he keep posting videos here?

his game looks so terrible
it's going to be f2p, right?

It's really sad that someone this self-absorbed ever got a soapbox

>that voice


Wait, Yanderedev was Evaxephon?


Because he' s a pedo Sup Forums fag.

Do you have any brain cells?

Nah, his last video was right, Twitch staff are just plain retarded and inconsistent, he's a pussy for backpedaling, I imagine someone at Twitch Staff told him to do it to "put him in a better position" despite knowing they never intend to unban it.

Good morning, sunshine.

Stop living under a rock

Pick a side bitch. You know it looks bad when you try to put the burner to Twitch's ass, then when it doesn't work out how you wanted it to you come back and say sorry? Stick with what you believe. It's not like YandereSim is coming out until 2020. You have a long time to fight.


>message never arrived
>they don't wish to censor the game
>they don't know how to respond
All of these seem very unlikely. It's more likely that they simply don't give a shit about this guy.

Sum it up, I'm not giving him money

Why can't he and his sycophants just fuck off.

That's awfully optimistic of you, my friend. I can assure you 100% guaranteed Evaxephon will never ever finish this game, he's too much of an autist that keeps adding bullshit to the game to a point that he's probably just gonna leave the game ''unfinished''. He listens to his audience way too much, he's trying to please millions, which is absolutely impossible.

The stupid mother fucker is never going to release the game. Stop talking about him.

Because you and his lackeys keep bumping his threads.

I think he's afraid of negative criticism. He won't give himself creative freedom, seemingly because he wants his game to be absolutely perfect. If he DOES finish it and it gets shat on by the community, he may actually end his life.

I don't really keep up with this autism. I knew him from his really early threads where he was posting chainsaw hands and shit and some of his Twitter.

But I recall EvaXephon being a namefag long before those threads.

>he doesn't know about sage

>he wants his game to be absolutely perfect
I'm a little curious about how much vidya development skill any given person could learn by the time he reaches that point. I'm going to assume a lot considering he's been progressing at a snail's pace for the last few years.


About roughly 75% of current Sup Forums doesn't, hence the rise in garbage threads like these.
I miss moot

You've seen that code?

moot was the one who removed visible sage.

why does he sound like a pedophile


wait, sage still works? I remember a point in time where it was disabled.

It was never disabled. Stupid people just kept on insisting that it was when they made it so that sage was no longer visible.

man shit, I haven't used it at all since that change. would've been useful but I just stopped responding to bitch ass threads all together. thanks for he tip.

looks like it goes into the options bar now

Yeah, I had that reaction as well. I was blown away that the faggot was actually doing something.

List of things Evaxephon won't do for YanSim being unbanned from Twitch :

Yeah, so people would stop using it as a downvote.

Fuck off

Stop shilling this turbo weeb kike's garbage


>a literal mobile game is doing better than the actual game

How can he even compete?

Still this mad about his shitty game being banned on twitch

Jesus christ you faggot, just get over it and move on with suicide already


>game stays banned from Twitch
>Eva officially stops development on the game because this one little hiccup is ruining his vision
>some guy picks up the pieces where he left off
>recodes it from the ground up and totally unfucks the game
>gives it a better name than "X Sim"
>uses assets that aren't stolen from the Unity Store
>releases it for free
>Eva can't do shit about it because he didn't release the game and get the official rights to the brand
Best ending desu

>eva drops the development
>nobody bother to pick up his shit
>forgotten somewhere on the internet
>nobody ever speaks of this cancer project and dev ever again

Reminder to play it at 1.25 speed to make him sound normal.


>launches kickstarter
>it succeeds allowing him to continue making his spaghetti
>a year goes by, no significant progress
>another year goes by and still nothing
>more years go by until he eventually receives enough donations and handouts to live comfortably
>ceases development and runs to his hugbox.
True ending

It's like you're assuming he even aims to complete it in the first place.
All the money lies in keeping perpetually unfinished, while forever making steady "progress".
Update forever. Complete never.

The moment the game was to actually be completed. The revenue stream of asking money to complete it dries up.

Why does he care whether that game will be on twitch or not?
Why was this video even made? What was the point of it? It just baffles me why he released it. It's just his rambling.

I don't want to give him views, what did he say in his video?

gib moni

>I'm sorry for throwing my personal army of stupid, edgy children at you

People were giving him shit, so of course he gotta cover his ass

>literally fucked off from Sup Forums to surround himself by a hugbox of little kids
He's barely improved

reads all thread

YandereDev should claim that he's female. Then they'll give hi--err her, special privileges.

>yan DIARY
Fuck off holy shit how can someone develop a game but be unable to pronoun it correct.


Why does he talk like a sex offender? I feel like my thighs are getting kissed involuntarily.

weebs have extremely low standards and expectations otherwise they wouldn't be weebs

>there are people who dont know about sageing
Thank you moot for showing us another way to our new users

>Eva talks about this like his start of darkness, where his quest to create the greatest videogame began after he was unfairly bullied by his idol
>it's actually just Mike Z giving him some extremely reasonable criticism and him reacting like "W-Why are you so mean to me, give me mindless praise pls ;_;" like a little bitch

Some people dig their own graves.

5 years later, he still can't comprehend the very basics of criticism as a concept and thinks that anything negative said about his games is an insult

This game is reaching Overgrowth levels of development hell and needing to meet some vision that no one but the developer understands.

Seriously the premise of the game is based of a joke and the guy is still putting serious development time into features literally no one has asked for

I fucking love Eva, he's 100% lolcow material. I get strong Chris-chan vibes from him, the autism is just off the charts. I just can't stop laughing at his shit and thank god he's very active I'm in for several more years of entertainment.

You're a stronger man than I am. I can't bear this sort of entertainment, the second-hand cringe makes me dig my nails into my throat. Got too much empathy.

Why haven't we got a proper demo?
Give us three targets, implement the current methods of abuse and murder and elimination in to test it out, see how it works with an open world.
Not hard.
How will this fucking mesh? Instead he just adds memes and animu crap unreleated.

You know how it works out? Poorly or else everyone would be talking about the world's best open world Hitman game, Lucius 2.

>tries to force twitch into unbanning his game
>makes okay points
>decides to go full pusspuss

What a pathetic cuck.

>Nov 20 04:47:00 How is it not impressive that I single-handedly created a fighting game? I made a game with intros, idles, walks, runs, jumps, dashes, airdashes, specials, health meters, super meters, throws, airthrows, and I hand-animated every animation myself. Isn't that impressive? Isn't that respect-worthy/
>Nov 20 04:47:09 So there's an organization problem. Can't I hear a single encouraging word? :/
>Nov 20 04:55:02 A big part of the motivation was that I wanted to make a cool game that might impress the prestigious Mike Z and my buddies Skullgirls chat, and look what happened. :/
>Nov 20 04:55:12 Now nobody here will ever know me as anything other than "That guy who sucks at code"
>Nov 20 05:00:02 Why would I ever bother pursuing a dream ever again, when this is the outcome?

Can someone please kill this man before he kills himself out of embarrassment 10 years later reading his own posts? I feel nothing but pity for the people who have to work with such a sperg.

I don't know man, I just can't stop laughing. The way he get's mad at e-mails, the way he reacts to criticizm, the way he defends himself, the way he speaks, the way he focuses on stupid shit. It's like Chris 2.0.

To give him credit though his little game is pretty impressive for what is essentially a 1 man product.

>1 man product
>has countless volunteers and stolen/bought assets.
I dunno about that one friendo

They only provide him assets really. He is too autistic to let anyone touch the Unity project. He's hurting the game by trying to control everything and implement everything by himself.

I wouldn't really give him any credit.
He's programmed the whole thing so poorly that giant chunks have to be rewritten if he wants to have a actual stable build. Every time he adds something his previous code will fuck something up. He talked about how he would fix the poor fps by adjusting his spaghetti code. He made slight adjustments but the problem still remains. I honestly believe he is too stubborn to fix his shitty code.

I find it insane that he just steals assets without notifying the creator or even giving credit and justifies it. Regardless of it being a prototype it's so fucking scummy when you're releasing the game out to the public and getting paid for every video you publish on your game with stolen assets.

I know about the poor coding skills and all that but you gotta admit his "game" is somehow functional and packed with with shit to do in. It's only the more impressive that the whole thing isn't falling appart while you try to play it.

Public doesn't really care too.
I mean most of his autistic behaviour in past would be passed off because "it's old" or "it doesn't affect game", while the obvious problems such as his work ethic or his programming skills.
That would be entertaining if people got disillusioned with a proper demo. Won't happen anytime soon but whatever.

What's the usual fps count in his game?

It's shit, it runs like shit. Better lock it at 30.

>the guy is still putting serious development time into features literally no one has asked for
This. Did the game really need a hidden Jojo reference mode? A fucking Undertale sans fight mode?

Every time evaxephon runs into some new flavour of the month meme he spends hours programming it into the game as a hidden feature. It's no wonder the actual game will never get finished.

>It's no wonder the actual game will never get finished.
That's the point though. See .

He even added flavour of the month shit (AoT, OPM soon after airing of anime)
People ate it up. Guy should've stuck to his edgy scythe shit.

There are 2 reasons for it though

1. It keeps the game relevant to youtuber trash that can shit videos for their 12 years old audience who then go around spamming "notice me senpai xD"

2. He is too autistic and can't help but focus on stupid irrelevant secondary shit

I legitimately believe that he cares about the game and wants it to be a legit game that people will enjoy unironically but he can't help himself.

stop posting this fucking loser here
sage goes in all fields

It'd have to eventually come out to be f2p user.

Can't I do both?

>Everyone please go after Twitch
>Sorry that's wrong, I didn't mean that at all, so Twitch can't blame me for this :^)

Fuck off you negative attention whore

It really is kind of funny. That sure was a true personal army call to arms video. Haven't seen one of those in many, many years.
And now he is trying to act innocent.

It really fucking annoys me how he's still using the one fucking good image that came from his project as his profile pic.

Like he has an entire army of 11-17 year old kids that praise him for this shitty Unity game and I haven't seen a single new image used since he ran away from Sup Forums.

>saying "How is it not impressive" in regards to your own work.

What the fuck?

You're right in that the "game" is still functional and has some stuff to do in it. The game doesn't completely break when you play which I would give him credit for if he were a 1 man team that received no help. He doesn't deserve any praise due to the sheer amount of fucking money and help he's getting. He's getting so much free handouts yet it's still a massive mess. These are problems are issues that could've been fixed so early and easily but because he was too stubborn and lazy he let the tumour grow in size until it was no longer treatable.

Time will tell with this project. Once he starts to actually push out larger more important updates that's when the fun will start. When this shit comes so will the bugs and problems his smaller updates brought but these will be much worse. I'm excited to see just how low this game can get.

He probably does care a lot about the game and doesn't want it to be classified as a meme game. But I'm pretty sure he knows that his game will never be taken seriously, it's far too late.

>Makes a 20 minute long video about telling people to stop sending him emails
>Gets his underaged fans to send twitch emails until his shitty game gets accepted
>reddit starts to complain about him sending out his army
>Whoooops, sorry guys that last video came off too negative. I didn't mean to instigate all this drama. :P
>Please don't hate me guys, where else will I run to now.
>Here's why twitch may have not responded to me and banned my game.
>Please twitch im begging you, accept my game. I need more money.

>I-I'm not a good enough programmer, you need to gib me step by step tutorials!

FFFFUCK this guy.

>has his whole game criticized since he just uses a giant Update block in his code
>STILL does it in Yandere

Is this guy incapable of learning?

He can keep the image. What is unfogivable is that he took Sup Forums's ideas, ran away with them and put together a normie meme game so now 12 years old are running around shouting "notice me senpai XD" pretending to be ironic weebs.

There's nothing that grinds my gears more than bastardization of a niche culture, and while you can argue about whenever the Sup Forums anime culture is or isn't terrible it doesn't deserve that.

stop posting this shitty game here

>muh sekrit boys club

Grow up. We don't live in the 2000s anymore. What we call the niche culture already spilled into the mainstream.

A part of me is being a devil's advocate and saying, if evaxephon won't save his project, other people will. A project is never the success of one person, but a team. Maybe evaxephon will fuck up unimaginably, as we all expect.

But a aprt of me is holding out for the possibility that, maybe he'll mature, and make something of the game. If Katawa Shoujo could be a finished product that ahs generals to this day on /vg/, who knows what could become of Yandere Sim if he took the effort.

Yeah, its wishful thinking. But why not?

Fuck fags like this seriously. They act like they love moe anime shit but the only shit they seem to be interested in are the sakura games, neptunia, and neko para. Basically entry level moe fags, the fucking worst. They probably don't even like doujin games, anime, or manga beyond jojo and anime adaptations of the entry level games they like. They just jumped on it because it became popular and started out telling themselves they were doing it "ironically" like the losers they are.

IIRC he gives examples in the previous video that make point 3 not true at all.

For 1 and 2 they're really far stretches but I guess they're possible. Most likely Twitch just didn't want it and so they banned it. As someone who never has and never will play YS, I really don't have a problem with it being on Twitch. There's worse shit on there for sure.

>What we call the niche culture already spilled into the mainstream.
No, the mainstream tries to copy niche culture without understanding any of it. It's how a meme degenerates into the picture itself being "the joke" without any context.

Because I've been through the desert on a horse with no name

La, la, la la la la, la la la, la la