Why havent you hacked your 3ds yet? ALL firmware is hackable for FREE. This time you literally have no excuses.
Why havent you hacked your 3ds yet? ALL firmware is hackable for FREE. This time you literally have no excuses
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I dont want to stop making this thread
If you brick your 3ds while hacking you, you may have an extra chromosome
I'm rich
literally none of the advantages interests me
Can I play pirated DS games on a hacked 3ds?
Every day until you hack it.
Yes, with low compatibility.
Might as well just get a R4 for 10~$
>no interest in free games or overclocked cpu
Ok then.
I'm so excited to hack my 3DS so I can look at a blue screen with white text on it.
you can load DS games off your sd card but its still new and shitty. lots of games dont work and the ones that do still run into slow loading and other bullshit. also you cannot save at all.
short answer just get an ds flashcart and be happy
stuff run just fines and I'm the kind to be fine with running stuff at 15 fps on low as long as it fucking runs
and I enjoy buying my games
I did but now I've got to get a bigger SD card.
I have never seen a nintendrone bait THIS hard.
I don't know it's just like when you could save up enough to buy something as a kid
I can't be excited about a game I just got like that for free
64GB will do.
I use a 64GB Sandisk and I still have about 15GB left.
I haven't finished a single game since I modded my 3DS.
but the 15fps part?
>I haven't finished a single game since I modded my 3DS.
This is why i refuse. When I hacked my DS I stopped playing the thing entirely because I had so much to play.
Does anyone know where I can get the E.X. troopers rom?
That problem is entirely on your side
Are you some kind of masochist? Why would you willfully limit your handheld?
games run fine for most, and while I agree that it's shit it personally doesn't affect me
I've played games from 2002 under 20 fps between 2012 and late 2016 on a shit toaster laptop and I had tons of fun
I'm a lazy useless piece of shit and I don't care
what's everyone's favorite site for 3DS games that doesn't spam you with ads/malware?
>3ds hacked
no games to play because I bought them all beforehand
>vita hacked
no games
>wii u hacked
no games
What DS flashcarts do you guys recommend, just the R4?
The 3rd party sites they get sold off of seem to be kinda shady. Has anyone had any issues buying or getting these flashcarts from these sites?
OK so I have homebrew installed, how to I get emulators on there and how do I get 3DS games on it?
did you finish the entire guide or just up until the homebrew part and just stopped?
>for FREE
>need a gorillion gb sd card
>need an sd card reader
nice meme
Im buying a SD card since I only have the shitty 2GB one that came with it. Do I need to buy one with a particular speed or something? Also what size should I go for? From what I have seen all the games are under 2GB and I dont plan to have more than 1 or 2 at once on the card but I assume I will have to carry some other shit on it for the apps.
I would like to know as well.
just to the homebrew
i take it im gonna have to finish the guild completely then
Where are the yes games?
i have a job
It's just bizarre though. Within a couple hours, for free, you could be done the whole process. Worse case scenario, you don't notice a difference in performance (which is pretty unlikely) and you carry on exactly as before. Why not just give it a try?
>Why not just give it a try?
Well now there's a risk of getting it bricked.
finish the whole thing and then you're home free
Why is there so much fucking shit?
All I want to to do is play pirated 3ds games and GBA games on my 3ds but there is literally two dozen options and I don't know what to pick.
is there a tg16 emulator for o3ds? i could inject but it takes longer than just dropping some roms on a sd card
Go for 64GB that should be good enough for everything you want. You should also know that you may experience slowdown with 128GB cards and above, and everything above 32GB must be formatted to FAT32.
Apparently it's possible to share themes through QR codes
>guy uses magic to put a whole theme into a qr code to share
>of all the girls it's of my waifu
I thought 3DS only supported up to 32GB cards. Was that changed or does the custom firmware somehow remove that limit or something?
New 3DS supports up to 128gbs
I'm using an old XL though.
Any 3ds can have any sized SD card as long as it is formatted to FAT32, no CFW required.
I use an R4iGold.
at this point, literally any DS flashcart will do
I use the DSTWO myself, but it uses more battery because lol onboard CPU. On the plus side, Nintendo hasn't been able to block it, so it works even on an unhacked 3DS.
Anyone remember which flashcard supports booting in DSi mode? Might be useful for the tiny handful of games that bothered using the extra CPU speed.
you follow the one guide (at 3ds.guide)
it's not a hard process (it just takes like all evening)
You need to format your card as FAT32 for it to work.
Windows will format cards larger than 32GB as exFAT, so you'll need to download a disk formatting program.
Where did you purchase it from?
Works on a 3ds xl?
Has science gone too far?
I just did. Took fucking forever. Freeshop is cool thatsabout it tho
Literally anywhere, just format it to FAT32 and you are set
Themes can be kinda cool.
thats my worst nightmare. Gonna have to download only one at a time until i beat it.
How do I upgrade to a bigger SD Card? Already got cfw on a 8gb one, but I got a micro 64gb card that I want to use.
you on a9lh? format the new 64gig card to fat32 and then copy paste stuff from your 8gig onto the new one.
different process if you are on emunand which i dont know how to do
i keep getting a black & red screen when using the soundhax, how do i fix that?
nah I'm good user thx
still not totally sure how to do themes.
Keep trying my good man or check your files
an ornery black gentleman threw mine out an airplane window after calling it a 'children's toy'
How to make themes or install them?
>Hack 3DS
>Download a bunch of games to fill my 32gb card
>Install cute loli butt for theme
>Spend a few days learning how to make better themes for nicer lolibutt and lolibutt music
>Everything is set up finally
>All the games are arranged nicely the way I want them to appear
>None of them load
>Suddenly 3DS turns off and, when loaded, nothing is shown
>No icons at all
>SD card was corrupted within 5 days of getting it
>Remember I had a back-up of the file on my 4gb card
>Reset everything taking another day
>Buy a new 32gb card and get refunded on the old one
>Apply lolibutt
>Download games
>Play Stella Glow
>Find it incredibly boring holy fuck
>Not sure what to do now
All this work and I don't know what I want to play. What are some good games to get?
Preferably uncensored or with uncensored patches.
>mfw just ordered a 64gb micro sd to replace my full 32gb micro sd and then ill wipe the 32gb micro sd to replace my DS acekards 8gb micro sd
let me guess. you put the whole starter folder on your sd card instead of the contents inside it?
I think I'm using emunand, im not sure
What does it mean by root?
the default directory user basically Drive name/HERE IS ROOT
The first page of the SD card.
i.e Not in any folders.
Oh, that's what it was! i'm such a dummy
check your system settings. what does it say your firmware is. is there a sys infront of the number or does it say emu?
if you dont know this its best to just give up before you mess up steps
Are there any patches that bring the deleted or censored stuff from the Fire Emblem games back? Like I'm really not OK with how they completely removed some dialogues in the game (aka the infamous ninja "..." thing, etc.)
I think there is a gay/swimsuit patch for fates.
sys. I got the sd on fat 32 copy all, nothing chose up
Did you beat him?
There's a bunch at the GBAtemp forums
The theme installer should be at the homebrew starter pack and you can use usagi to create a custom theme
there are custom cia files yes
>messing up on the literal first step
freeshop and the titlekeys updater
But I've already hacked my 3DS, Wii U, Wii, and PSP.
My PS3 is too new to hack and there's no point for me to hack my vita without PSN spoofing.
Have they bothered stealthing FreeShop yet or does it still dance up and down in front of anyone at Nintendo that feels like filtering the friends list screaming "Here I am! Ban me, ban me!"
I got retroarch on my 3DS and I don't like the default icons, can they be replaced with something like, say, from Nintendo Badge Arcade?
user you are already not competent enough to hack your 3ds
Has anyone even been banned for using freeshop yet?
add a hacked 360 to your collection too. It's very much worth it
What are you talking about? Freeshop is indistinguishable from normal e-shop to Nintendo.
No there isn't. Follow the written guide, don't watch a video guide. You'll be 100% fine unless you can't read simple instructions properly
Nobody has ever been banned for using freeshop
Filing this thread in a report to Nintendo.
Snitches get stitches! You will be backtraced by the hacker known as Sup Forums. How else do you think we found people abusing dogs?
Not that I've ever heard of, but sitting around thinking they'll never ever take action when it's already easy to identify anyone using it while they've got it running is a fool's game. I'm seriously surprised the dev hasn't done this already, just offer several versions built to identify as various shovelware games for people to choose from. Basic security. Ideally Luma should add a feature to block flist or similar phoning, or maybe an exclusion list that makes it look like you're playing one of your installed games when any ticked apps of your choice are launched.
>pirate game
>lose interest in it after a few hours
>emulate a game
>lose interest in it after a few hours
>buy the same game and play it on the actual platform it was released on
>have a great amount of fun and barely put away the controller until I am done with the game
I don't know, man.
I just can't into this kind of stuff.
True. Making it look like a shovelware game is probably effortless too. But it's better if it's integrated at a cfw level since there's lots of different homebrew apps that would need to start hiding themselves.
bought a 3ds last week. hacked it immediatly. best purchase I did in a long time.
Yes, it's an affliction many people have. It's called being a good goy.
when you tried using the 32 card does your 3ds even turn on?
I hate to ask this but, can someone link me to the latest FE Fates translation/censorship restoration patch?
It seems there are a few different ones, many of which are old and unfinished and each have different problems.
I just care about restoring the original dialogue and petting minigame within Fates. Is there a complete, 100% patch that restores these things?
speak for yourself
I play and try to beat most games I pirate/emulate
I do have unlimited NEET free time though