Can't choose map/gamemode

>can't choose map/gamemode
>maps are full of random tunnels and difficult to memorize
>full of noob characters like roadhog, pharah, symmetra
>other shitty characters like edgelord reaper, sadist mei, russian intersex woman
>only 6 players per team
>cannot choose your own personal spray image, only ones that blizzard already approved
>generic graphics
>ultimate abilities that just fill up the screen with all sorts of special effects
>soldier 76 is your boring call of duty character and is one of the best dudes in the game, even has a literal aimbot as part of his arsenal
>ctf is a campfest

why is this so popular?

Other urls found in this thread:

You sound like you have a poor IQ

2/10 you tried

you sound like you don't have a counter-argument

V said this going to be dead after 1 month :/

Why would I have a counter argument when there was no initial argument?

> Difficult to memorize
Stopped reading there. You're just bad at video games

>call of duty

At least the black ops ones are decent. Soldier 76 also objectively takes more skill than most of the characters because he has to aim rather than rely on gimmicks and spam like 99% of the cast. I'd say only McCree takes more skill

Also look up the definition of skill. Just because he seems easy to play to kiddos in qp and gold doesn't mean you are automatically qualified to play at higher levels of play. Soldier v Soldier, while rare in comp, is intense as shit. Reminds me of Soldier v Soldier and Scout v Scout in TF2

widow objectively takes more skill than mcree

>noob character

I have never had trouble memorizing map layouts before.

>quick play only
end your life ; )

best mobility and easiest damage in the game

>can't memorize maps in 30 hours
how unintelligent can one be?

>look at me guys am I hardcore yet

>difficult to memorize

>comp aspies calling me low IQ
>mfw I'm studying biotechnology

and what are you doing?

easiest damage?
ok silver boy

>judging a game by a casualised mode

enjoying the piles of money i make working from home?

Why would someone go to internet just to lie about his sad life? Can you enlighten me?

>>only 6 players per team
I don't even particularly like or dislike the game, but how the fuck is this even remotely an argument against or for the game? That's like shitting on DotA because it's 5v5 or fighters because they're 1v1.

I've heard all about the "tank meta" so I know casual mode is much more fun than le hardcore mode

splash damage that has infinite range is easy yeh

tank meta is dead with being gutted beyond recognition and roadhog hook changes

Pharah is incredibly easy to counter, and her damage is not that easy to land with slow projectiles.
S76 or Reaper have far easier dmg outputs, if we're talking offense.
Bastion and Junkrat have far, far easier times doing damage as well.
If Pharah is wrecking your shit it just means you suck and don't know how to counter properly.
And that is obvious, as you are a qp only scrub, who has negligible game knowledge.

Most shooters allow for more freedom when it comes to player limits. Restricting it to 6v6 and nothing else is a negative.


You don't know shit about anything.
>Outclassed by pretty much any hitscan/semi-hitscan in the game.
Pharah is underpowered as fuck. Only a RL as weapon and hers is the RL with the least utility in the history of arena fps. As good as no splash dmg and absolutely zero pop-up.
The only way to do reliable dmg is direct hits and that's more luck than anything else the further you go.
A dirty ass pig knows more about video-games than you.
Probably consoletard

well it's dead now

overawatch is 18$ on taiwan and works globaly go grab if you dont have it

you're right but you're a cunt

>how the fuck is this even remotely an argument against or for the game?
Because it limits the game to one stale gamemode, that is the same as the ranked mode. So there is no real "fun" mayhem to be had which in history was always what kept people playing. Nothing more fun than 16v16 TF2 server. I like to play comp matches now and then but it shouldn't be the only way to play, especially when the game is a casual balancing mess that no one that knows his shit could take it seriously.

>Pharah is incredibly easy to counter
oh please enlighten. hardmode, no "just be pro sniper and headshot her"

pelt her as 76
deterring her still helps

>random tunnels


s76, hooks, zenyatta with orb, matthew mercer

Why don't you ask if water is wet instead? That would be a less redundant question.

Is there even a single competitive shooter that isn't dead with variable team sizes though? It's not like it's an industry standard or anything. And if you're going to include casual game mode, then you may as well include the OW arcade modes, which do have dynamic team sizes.

oh yeah I already said in OP that 76 is a boring call of duty character, if I wanted cod I'd just play it instead of overwatch

Yeah I'm the cunt not the dumb bastard that said this
>best mobility and easiest damage in the game

Facts don't care about feelings and neither do I.

roadhog is boring AF too with hook combo the only thing he can do

>which do have dynamic team sizes.

Only the 3v3 arena mode. You can't change the team sizes in any other mode.

It's the same shit. Literally the same shit, no one that has any background in the arena-shooter genre even takes this casualized mess seriously. What you play against in that hilarious ranked mode are nothing but shitters because no one else plays this anymore. I'd rather play a Q3 botmatch than OW.

Pharah outranges 76 by a huge distance, she can just sit outside his damage falloff range, kills him in two to three hits, and can kite around the terrain

She can also get the high ground over him and kill him before he even sees her

76 only beats her in mid range straight up combat like he beats everyone

>getting hooked as pharah
>getting killed by zenyatta as pharah
Unless you're saying discord and focus fire, which is a great counter to anyone

Mccree can kill her in close range but his damage falloff just makes him suffer the same as 76

If you're shooting normally, sure, but flashbang to fan-the-hammer is one of the easiest, most braindead insta-kill moves in the game. Anyone with 200 health gets rekt instantly, which is pretty retarded since he's not supposed to be great up close.

>difficult to memorize
Git Gud
>russian intersex woman
Have you played the game yet

>he thinks pharah is a outclasses
wew, you must be absolutely shit at this game. Pharah is one of the more pubstomp-y heroes, next to roadhog and symm.

>>generic graphics
OW looks really nice, though. You can tell a lot of work went into making the designs as appealing as possible (yes, even zarya)

Am I the only one who hates Payload maps? I prefer the other 2 game modes.

Game is balanced around groups of 6 different heroes. Just look at how broken roadhog is in 3s compared to 6s to understand why they keep everything at 6 players.

>Is there even a single competitive shooter that isn't dead with variable team sizes though?
For this argument to even fit you'd have to assume that this is the case because of variable team-sizes not because of the hundreds of other reasons that are also more likely. I.E. the industry itself. I mean TF2 is at the end of it's life imo although it's still played but it had a 10+ year run. Meanwhile I got bored by overwatch after a month. And so have many many others that tried to love the game.
Maybe instead of assuming shit you could take the word of people and maybe rather say it's the games fault.

>Game is balanced

This. Anyone who thinks 76 counters pharah has never played against a good pharah. McCree is much better vs pharah than soldier is. Soldier's damage fall off is way too brutal to handle a good pharah.

She also 2shots the majority of the roster, so there is that too.

Probably. The CP maps are awful. Koth is more map specific, some are good and some bad. Payload and hybrid are both the best modes

>reading comprehension
This is Sup Forums, so I shouldn't be surprised.

>the OW arcade modes
>Uninspired shit they throw in that are the equivalent of Mario Party.

>getting hit by pharah at long distance

Almost any hero can kill another in the same class if caught by surprise or out of position.

Zennyata's balls are as fast as rockets with far higher rate of fire, it isn't that hard.

The mccree range argument again is invalid, pharah is useless at long range is you know she's shooting at you

Pharah is only good at midrange.
I'm a Pharah main, I know her weaknesses in the meta.
Long cooldowns and super easily counterable ult also work against her.

Additionally, Ana fucks Pharah hard in team situations, and Anas are present in every single team now.


Game is more popular than ever, especially after the christmas sales.

And while keeping only a handful of gametypes is boring, it is also a good idea to keep the longevity of the game. FPSs that have 2 or 3 good modes but split them into different matchmaking groups tend to not do that well. 2 of the modes are inevitably abandoned as the game loses players and cannot sustain 3 separate matchmakings.

When it gets to that point the game is pretty much one gamemode. Blizzard's idea with rotating the game modes through a single matchmaking is good for avoiding this issue. So long as most of the population stays in quickplay, the game can lose half of its player base and still manage quick queues, simply because everyone is queueing the same option.

It would be cool if they made the alternative game types available in custom games, though. Like the CTF mode going to custom games when they remove it. Doubt they will, though.

Ana is probably the best single pharah deterrent in the game only because she should be in a position where she won't get surprised by pharah

Zenyatta also has to hit direct hits to damage her, and has movement options, for equivalent players pharah should always win 1v1

>Pharah is only good at midrange.
>I'm a Pharah main, I know her weaknesses in the meta.
topkek. Learn the travel time of your rockets at long range and get better. If you are long ranging the rockets, and aiming for zones instead specifically for heroes, pharah becomes a whole new level of pest.

It takes an entire team to deal with a good pharah.

It doesn't take a whole team, it's just that she doesn't go down easily when you take her on 1v1

Two hitscans are enough to consistently shut her down, they just have to work together, and you don't often see that below diamond

>I have no argument
Her rockets do like 110 damage from in indirect hit. If you are not destroying fools with her, you are garbage.
>Ana is probably the best single pharah deterrent in the game only because she should be in a position where she won't get surprised by pharah
I can agree with this. My go to counter for a good pharah is zen+ana. With discord orb on pharah, ana can 2shot her.

I find trying to solo her as Ana is really hard if the Pharah is paying any attention, however. Landing three shots is a lot harder when she is paying attention.

But you have 30 hours on only quick play so we honestly don't care about your autistic opinion. Fucking dumbass.

Aye, zen is mainly good for shutting down ults or discording, but can make your life hard at some ranges.

I was talking about long range 1v1s, of course she's great at poking teams from far away, that's what I do most of the time.

>anime girl picture
>calling others autistic

every time

shit anime too

True. Guess I should have just said that it takes proper teamwork to deal with her. Still, if the pharah is long range bombarding it gets really tricky to handle.
Ah, gotcha. I just find it absolutely tilting when one team refuses to stop the tunnel focus to handle the pharah. A pharah left to do as she pleases can carry a game so hard, it is mad.

>30 hours on quick play
>makes a thread

Match-making is the bane of video-games.

>Blizzard's idea with rotating the game modes through a single matchmaking is good for avoiding this issue.
They are mario-party mini games no one likes but casuals. You could leave them out completely and nothing of value was lost.
And all that doesn't change the fact that there is only this one single stale system they build the game on. This pseudo comp small team vs small team system.
A server browser and just 1 more fully fleshed out gametype would've gone a long way. Hell the server browser alone would've. I wanted to try the new maps so I jumped back in the game and after 10 fucking matches I still haven't seen one of them.
That's horrid game design, that's the kind of brainless game design that I just know too well from Blizzard and they simply don't like money anymore. Whoever calls the shots at neo-Blizzard needs to get skinned alive.

>The only way to do reliable dmg is direct hits

except, you know, if you hit next to the enemy that's 80 damage

You could literally say the exact same thing about CS casual and TF2 16v16. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you should be calling it names.

Yeah, I find that especially on KotH maps people tend to leave me alone when I'm flying around and wiping their healers. Its not as prominent in plat, but people still give flankers too little attention.

So do I, which isn't helped by the fact that I understand I'm supposed to be the one dealing with her

As soon as I let pharah know that I can hit her she seems to then focus on me first every single engagement, I have to keep moving around the map in an attempt to keep ahead of that bitch, and it only becomes safe to scope in once she's dead

What are those other games? FF XIII? If you think the like 12 maps of OW, which are small as fuck, are hard to remember, there's something severely wrong with your brain.
Also considering you literalky only have to memorize ways and health packs. In real games you have to memorize placements from shit like weapons/ammo, health packs, armor, teleporters, various boosts (quad damage/invisible) along with their respawn time.

Because it's a noob game. Noob games sell like butter.

>Her rockets do like 110 damage from in indirect hit.
Loudmouthed casual is also a liar. Who would've guessed.
Btw I didn't need to look it up to know that that's wrong, this is just for you fuckboi.

>I have no argument
I substantiated my argument in the earlier post, all you did so far was "nuh uh" and straight up lies.
You don't have an argument little nigger and everyone can see it.

>real games
for serious, enlightened gamers like you i presume


I dislike koth because of the multiple rounds before the winner is chosen

Wrong screenshot.

>A server browser
That is never coming back, I'm afraid. It is just not compatible with the "click and play" type matchmaking that is popular right now. The quick play matchmaking type keeps the casuals interested, which keeps the money flowing.
>1 more fleshed out gametype
They don't do it by "gametypes" though, they do it by maps. Each map is designed for the gametype it has on it. They make the fun gametypes and remodel the maps sometimes, but those are not meant to be balanced, just meant to be entertaining and "wacky". Again, this is there to retain the casual playerbase. If you retain the casuals, the game's life last longer.

As for learning the maps, they are really quite simple and straightforward compared to other FPS maps. It is practically always a direct patch, with multiple flanks leading from and to the same direct patch. The maps are very simple, it shouldn't be an issue trying to learn them. If you really want to learn them, though, play Sombra. She will be able to travel the best without getting attention from the enemy, so you can explore more.

>bad game design
It is actually good game design if you think about it, but it sounds like you just want a return to the FPS of old. That doesn't seem like a possibility, user.

Blizzard designed Overwatch to be casual friendly but competitive. All of your complaints seem to be due to the design choices Blizzard made to retain their casual playerbase. Unfortunately, casual players are more important.

>thinking OW is anywhere on par with unreal tournament or quake
OW is literally for dumb children, that's why every map is basic as fuck and it all revolves around single choke points.

And yet it's too complex for you.

Yep. People do not look up very often, which is annoying because Pharah is the one that abuses that the most. Symmetra can also abuse it with good turret placement, though.
No one person is suppose to deal with a pharah. It takes a concentrated effort to handle her, and often times you don't even want to hunt and kill her, simply scare her away so you can make it through a choke she is holding.

Beating her typically comes down to coordination, which is really fucking frustrating when you are soloqueueing.

>Blizzard designed Overwatch to be casual friendly but competitive.

It lacks way too much depth to be competetive.

The only reason its an esport is because theres money in it, 2-3 years when bliz doesnt do that anymore it'll fall off the face of the earth.

>I have never had trouble memorizing map layouts before.

You mean before you sold your brain to medical science to pay for your crippling jizz addiction?

>I have an argument, though!
Maybe you should fucking state it instead of trying to be a badass over the internet, eh? The only thing your post really show is that you are underaged b8, m8. Go take a debate class or something.

>inability to choose game mode a legit concern
>spergs out on everything else

Also why did you expect CTF to be anything else but a campfest?

That's the closest maximum splash, that is so rare that it could as well not even exist.
I played arena-FPS all my fucking life and I know a shitty skill-gap compression up the ass Rocket-Launcher when I play it.
I mop the floor with casuals in this game but anyone that has half decent aim can ding you out of the sky easily and you got nothing to work against that.
In games with actual balance a rocket-launcher has pop-up which is part of the balancing because you can throw the hitscan guy off his aim with it on top of juggling your opponent to a predictable flight arc which you can work with if you are good enough. It works it's utility and you need it especially when you only got this one weapon with one fire-mode.
It's not rocket-science if you excuse the pun.

Your mom is a stinking whore.

There's so much legitimately wrong with the game and you somehow missed all of it.

So I have to repeat myself over and over because you fuckup are too stupid to follow a thread?
Just follow the post chain up and you'll find it. also this

A simpler game is not less of a game than a more complex one. Don't get your panties in a twist, neckbeard-sama.

>It lacks way too much depth to be competetive.
Nah. The designers did a good job at making a rock/paper/scissors type deal with the countering. The roster is small enough that a small buff to one hero, thus increasing the hero's playrate, will buff the counter to the hero. The heroes also have a lot of nuances that you pick up on as you play more, so there is an actual growth in effectiveness as you play, and is noticeable. Blizzard did a LOT of little, minor things that contributed to the popularity of Overwatch. The casual players are drawn by the lore and characters. The competitive players stick because of the competitive thrill. It is an interesting balance, though a delicate one.

Though I will say that recent changes are really fucking with this knife-edge balance they had. Roadhog is a monster right now, for instance. His best "counter" is abusing his hitbox to charge a soldier ult, which isn't really a counter because it charges his/his healer's ults as well.

That is what happens when you balance on a knife's edge, though. Even the smallest change will throw the balance for a loop.

Yeah, fuckers not killing symmetra's turrets when they have 1 FUCKING HP is my biggest pet peeve.

You keep repeating the a falsity, user. You think pharah is weak? You are wrong, it is that simple. It seems you don't have the theory crafting abilities to recognize as much. Tell me, what do you think of Roadhog?

>anyone that has half decent aim can ding you out of the sky
You are too close, then. Fly higher and aim better and you will be unstoppable. The only people that should be killing a pharah at that height is a widowmaker or an ana.

Soldier literally can't hit her at that height with his spread and damage fall off. McCree can, though it takes 5 hits with his gun. Not that bad if you can aim right.

>students thinking they're smart because of what they're studying

TF2 and CoD are the FPS I played most in the past, the maps there are simpler and better

Fuck it here's your (you)

>can't choose map/gamemode
Fair enough, legit complaint.
>maps are full of random tunnels and difficult to memorize
The maps are practically straight lines the fuck are you talking about?
>full of noob characters like roadhog, pharah, symmetra
pharah is a noob character if you're shooting braindead retards. Symmetra can get anally annihilated if she doesn't have awarness of whats going on (which judging from what I've seen is a surprisingly rare skill). Roadhog is definitely a noob character but can get shut down easily.
>other shitty characters like edgelord reaper, sadist mei, russian intersex woman
There's literally no argument here
>only 6 players per team
The entire game is balanced for 6v6. Besides 3v3 has been out for ages user.
>generic graphics
No agument.
>ultimate abilities that just fill up the screen with all sorts of special effects
"Why do the dangerous abilities have effects that tell me they're dangerous?"
>soldier 76 is your boring call of duty character and is one of the best dudes in the game, even has a literal aimbot as part of his arsenal
Actually true
>ctf is a campfest
It is in every game.

Am I the only one that likes it when games don't allow you to choose map or game mode? I swear when it's a choice it's the same fucking map over and over and people only play one mode.

Obviously when you're going to force a mode you need to make sure they're all enjoyable but it can be done well.