Replayability aside, what is the ideal amount of playtime to finish a game? I am talking about one playthrough

Replayability aside, what is the ideal amount of playtime to finish a game? I am talking about one playthrough.

stupid question

It obviously depends on the game but I usually expect a minimum of 4 hours.


~12 hours

~30-40 hours

>cuhrayzee/third action whatever
~8-12 hours

~20 hours

A game's price should be proportioned to its expected playtime.

no no no no

then developers would intentionally add filler in their game to justify charging 100 shekels


Short games like DOOM, Revengeance, Ground Zeroes or Portal are worth much more than for example Pillars of Eternity, Skyrim, The Witcher 3, Borderlands 2 etc.


8 hours is a short game
20 hours is a solid length game
50+ hours is a no life game

Depending on the game it could differ but I generally prefer the 20 hr mark.

I love games that I can sink 50+ hours into

unfortunately most games of that length are that long because they add banal side quests into them.


No to every single one.

You should really try one of those games that have fun gameplay.
I heard there is a thing called enjoying the game for the gameplay, which is a radical notion that an activity can be fun in and of itself without the added promise of some kind of progression.

Tell me what is your ideal playtime user, saying only "NO" is dumb.

less than eight hours.

I'm thinking about my top five games of all time and all of them can be done in under 5 easy, 4 in 2-3 easily even.

80+ hours are the best but I get that people prefer shorter games

12h for main story

how about 60h in dork souls just to get to anor londo

Falling for the it "gets better" meme and not killing myelf 15 years ago. Fuck you, stupid "friend".

Outside of rpgs I think 12 hours is just right.

30-40 min

Two, if the game offers New Game +