It's an eric tries to be funny episode

>it's an eric tries to be funny episode

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funnier than you. eric's alright.

They are really grasping for any relevancy these days. They even started meme posting on Facebook as they try to have one of there videos go viral. They have been going for over a decade and still only have 300k subs. It's pretty sad.

they haven't put out a good video in a while... they haven't done anything big with their patreon money (funny factory bombed)

yeah they're gonna be making some difficult decisions soon.

Eric is a salesman.
Everytime they get off topic he pulls them back to whatever blu ray or shirt they are selling.

The NES video was neat

>13 years of work only got them 400k youtube subs when every random youtuber gets over 1M subs these days

At least they have dedicated fanboys that buy overpriced shit on their store

I feel like going on the Fine Bros was also an attempt at staying relevant. I'm kind of indifferent to it but it still reeks of desperation to me.

Seems like they're just doing what they want.It's not so serious. Kind of weird that you want someone to fail in, what seems to be, such a bad way.Not healthy if you ask me.

still making money.
their job involves goofing around and shooting videos.
i only wish i had 400k subscribers.

I really don't want them to fail. I just find it sad how they still aren't popular and the rest of Youtube has passed them by when they one of the first video creators on the site.

Other people's success isn't their loss or failure.

>modern mega64

it is on youtube where everyone is competing for the same prize

ok that made me laugh

Nope. They don't seem to be hurt by maintaining themselves so I don't get where you're coming from, desu.

i didn't get the joke with these hololens videos...

it's a Gamedays inside joke

this made me laugh too

Can't believe they broke the streak

>it's an "user still watches these 30+ year old reddit-pandering faggots and didn't get over their content in early high school" episode

they're all shit and they keep making them because people reacted badly to the first one

Wow, I really can't believe they only have 400k subs.

but i like redlettermedia

It really isn't surprising when you know how Youtube works. If you want to succeed on the platform you need to make videos at a regular pace, and accrue lots of watch time. Mega64 releases only a handful of videos every year, and they are all very short at that. It's a perfect combo for a stagnant channel.

They really have no excuse whatsoever for their content output, far smaller operations working part time churn out far more stuff than they do.

>no excuse
the excuse is that they just didn't put out more videos. why do you think they need to offer you an excuse?

I'm saying they've got a rather large group and have had a studio setup for years. They have the capacity to make much more contend than they do, but they act as if they put in a great deal of time and effort to produce what little they do.

>it's a derrick tries to be funny episode

Do you know that they don't put in what is a great deal of time and effort to them? You're just being an asshole.

If a few 3-4 minute sketches every year requires a great deal of time and effort from a group of like 6 people who can mostly work on it full time, then they are a bunch of incompetent hacks.

what a yah booiyin?

Yeah, you're just an asshole. You have no sense of perspective, no idea of context. You don't know these people and their lives, or what they chose to do or would rather do.

>someone says something but ironically
it's my favorite joke, it never gets old

I hate it when they talk about videogames, honestly their opinions are so bland and just not interesting. Derrick was talking about battlefront like 2 months ago for fucks sake.
Podcast is live on twitch right now.

>bad opinion
>you know what i mean?